The Last Colony

“I’m lobbying senators today,” Szilard said. “The U.S. moratorium on CDF recruiting is a problem. The U.S. always accounted for the bulk of our recruits. This was why it was never a problem when other countries forbade their citizens from signing up; their contributions were trivial. But without the U.S. we’re not meeting recruitment goals, especially now that so many other countries also have recruiting moratoriums.”



“I know about the moratorium,” I said. “I’m asking why you.”


“I seem to be good at speaking the politicians’ language,” Szilard said. “Apparently there’s an advantage around here to being mildly socially retarded, and that’s the Special Forces for sure.”


“Do you think you’ll get the moratorium lifted?” I asked.


Szilard shrugged. “It’s complicated,” he said. “Everything’s complicated because at the end of the day the Colonial Union has kept Earth in the dark for so long. You came along and told everyone here how much they’ve been missing out on. They’re angry. The question is whether they’re ultimately angry enough to side with the Conclave instead of other humans.”


“When’s the vote?” I said.


“Three weeks,” Szilard said.


“Should be interesting,” I said.


“I understand there’s a curse about living in interesting times,” Szilard said.


We walked silently for a few minutes.


“What I’m saying to you now comes from me alone,” Szilard said. “So we’re clear on that.”


“All right,” I said.


“First, I want to thank you,” he said. “I never thought I’d ever get to visit Earth. If you hadn’t completely fucked up the Colonial Union’s way of doing things, I never would have. So thanks for that.”


I found it very difficult to hide my amusement. “You’re welcome,” I said.


“Second, I need to apologize to you.”


“You need to apologize to Jane, General,” I said. “She’s the one you altered.”


“I altered her, but I used you both,” Szilard said.


“You said you did it to keep humanity alive,” I said. “I’m not thrilled about being used by you or anyone else, but at least I have more sympathy for your goal.”


“I wasn’t entirely honest with you,” Szilard said. “Yes, I worried about the Colonial Union causing the eradication of the human race. Trying to stop that was my primary goal. But I had another goal as well. A selfish goal.”


“What is it?” I said.


“Special Forces are second-class citizens in the Colonial Union,” Szilard said. “We always have been. We’re needed but not trusted. We do the difficult work of keeping the Colonial Union alive—it was we who destroyed the Conclave fleet, but our reward is only more work, more responsibility. I wanted a way to make the Colonial Union recognize my people, and how important we are to the Union. And the answer was you.”


“Me,” I said. “You said that we were chosen because of Jane and Zo?, not me.”


“I lied,” Szilard said. “You all had your part to play. Jane and Zo?’s were the most critical to keeping humanity alive, yes. But your part was critical to my goal.”


“I don’t see how,” I said.


“Because you’re the one who would get indignant at being used,” Szilard said. “Lieutenant Sagan no doubt got angry at how she and Roanoke were manipulated for the Colonial Union’s ends. But her solution is to deal directly with the immediate problem. That’s how she was trained. Direct-line thinking. Your wife is many things, Perry, but subtle is not one of them. You, on the other hand. You would stew. You would look for a long-term solution, to punish those who used you, and to make sure that humanity wouldn’t face the same threat twice.”


“Bringing the Conclave here to Earth,” I said. “Cutting off the Colonial Union’s supply of soldiers.”


“We saw it as a possibility,” Szilard said. “A small one. But a real one. And as a consequence the Colonial Union would need to fall back on its ready source of military power. Us.”


“There are always the colonists,” I said.


“The colonists haven’t fought their own wars for nearly two centuries,” Szilard said. “It would be a disaster. Sooner or later it comes down to the Special Forces.”


“But you’re here lobbying to end the recruiting moratorium,” I said.


“The last time we had a conversation I told you the reason I let my Special Forces soldiers be used to destroy the Conclave fleet,” Szilard said.


“So you could stay in control of the situation,” I said.


Szilard spread his hands as if to say, And so.


“I’m having a hard time believing you planned for this,” I said.


“I planned none of it,” Szilard said. “I left open the possibility it might occur, and was ready to act on it if it did. I certainly didn’t expect you to do what you ended up doing. Trade ships. That’s weird thinking. I would have expected another armada.”


“I’m happy to surprise you,” I said.


“I’m sure you are,” Szilard said. “And now let me return the favor to you. I know Lieutenant Sagan has yet to forgive me for altering her.”


John Scalzi's books