Hidden in Smoke (Phoenix Rising #2)

Hidden in Smoke (Phoenix Rising #2)

Harper Wylde & Quinn Arthurs



The flames were scalding me, licking along my body as I burned. I felt my muscles tensing, body convulsing as heat consumed me . A screech shattered the roaring in my ears, filling the dark night with the anguished sound, and I knew that my Phoenix was with me. This rebirth was unlike any other, and I couldn’t gather my thoughts enough to figure out what was wrong. I could scarcely think, let alone try to organize my thoughts into any semblance of order. All I could focus on was the all-consuming fire. Hiro. Damien. Ryder. Theo. Killian. Rini. Their faces flashed through my mind as I tried to push past the pain. I had to get back into my body so I could help. I'd be damned if I was going to let anything happen to them. I couldn’t lose them. I wouldn't. Not for anything, and certainly not because of my bastard of a father.

Family. I was finally becoming part of a family, one I had chosen instead of the one I’d been born into. I latched onto images of them. Letting out a cry that was part agony and part frustration, I willed my spirit self—or whatever the hell I was in between rebirths—to fuse back with my body. Pushing with everything I had, I felt the flames burn brighter, hotter. I had never tried to force a rebirth before, and the strain wore me down instantly as black dots swam through my limited vision, which started flickering in and out of focus. Changing tactics, I worked to center my attention through the burning and bring my vision back, even as darkness crept along the edges. I tried to see through the haze, desperate for any information I could gather as to what was happening around me.

I caught a glimpse of my jacket-clad body lying on the ground below, and I used the information to anchor myself. Through blurry vision, I caught sight of a large winged creature in the distance as a roar speared through the air, rippling through me. Damien. I saw a blue glow surrounding my still form below before my vision flickered again. Ryder. The whisper of sweet words swirled through the air toward me, and my head ached as I struggled to ride out the misery and keep myself focused on the scene below. Hiro. A golden shape hovering over me, growing larger by the second.

An anxious, demanding voice cut through the delirium I was drowning in. “God, Nix, love. What the hell did he give her?” Theo. Emerald green tendrils of magic crept along the clearing, reaching out to me and I tried, desperately, to push my magic back toward Killian.

Heat radiated through my body, and I was sure that someone on the mortal plane would be able to see or feel the blaze that devoured me. Lost to the searing heat, I wasn’t sure how much time had passed as I fought to keep myself from burning into nothing and disappearing into the darkness. Worry and fear clogged my mind as the thought that I may not regenerate settled heavy in my heart. I couldn’t die without knowing they were all safe. I wouldn’t die until Michael was no longer a threat.

A sorrowful, anger-fueled cry that I was sure wasn’t mine rang through the clearing, giving voice to everything I was feeling. Rini.

I felt myself singeing away as my Phoenix rose. Terrified, I pushed back against her while she pushed me to let her take over. Regeneration had never been like this before, and while I had technically only regenerated once with my Phoenix, she hadn’t surged forward, wanting to shift like she was now. I was terrified of what would happen if I let go and let her take over. Without waiting any longer, she pushed forward and wrapped her wings around me as my vision faded and I lost myself to the void.

And then all there was, was darkness.



The ground shook as Damien rushed at the bastard who hurt Nix. An inhuman roar pierced the air as his ears elongated and his fangs burst forth, giving way to his alternate form. Large leathery wings exploded behind him as he went flying, grabbing the part-blood off of Nix and sailing through the air a few hundred feet before driving the man into the ground-hard. The vibrations from the impact ran up my legs as I chased after them, knowing the rest of my brothers were taking care of Nix.

Hiro’s cry of outrage rustled the leaves on the trees and caused every blade of grass to stand at attention while the man who hurt our girl growled and fought back against Damien’s grip on his throat as they grappled. If I weren’t so enraged it would be laughable, no one could beat Damien’s alter. The rage pouring through our mental connection was thick and consuming, but none of us tried to reign back our emotions. I felt Ryder’s steely determination to save Nix, the brewing storm of Hiro’s wrath, and Theo’s seething anger and worried panic as he worked out what the asshole had done to our Nix.

Nix’s cry of agony split the air, and all our creatures surged forward; ready to protect; ready to defend, ready to fucking end the piece of shit that dare lay a hand on her.

She’s gone. Ryder’s words and desperation entered my mind. I couldn’t fucking save her. I healed everything I could.

My Puca snarled in my head, ready to be unleashed. I had never felt him so angry before, and while I may be a fucking rabbit in my alternate form, I had no doubts that he would tear shit up if I let him loose. The thought was tempting—the need to destroy aching bone deep.

I could feel Damien slipping, losing control. I knew the Gargoyle was, first and foremost, a protector, even if he wanted nothing more than to end the villain in his hands. I knew he might resent himself later if he took things too far and actually killed the guy. I couldn’t say I would feel the least bit sorrowful if he did. My Puca and I had no such qualms. We protected what was ours, and we had already claimed Nix as our own, no matter whether that meant as friends or more. The years of torture and pain he put Nix through… no, I couldn’t say I would be sorry in the fucking least.

Damien. Let me. I pushed that thought as hard as I could through the fog of anger clouding his mind. I might not be able to mind read the way Damien could, but he was projecting loudly, all his attention focused on the fight and not on his mental barriers. Close to losing his control, Damien roared in the part-blood’s face before easing off of him, letting me take his place.

Faster than either of us imagined, the bastard took advantage of our distraction as we switched places and used the opportunity to scramble to his feet, throwing himself at me in a series of punches and kicks. He landed a few hits to my jaw as I took him down, but I couldn’t even feel the hits through my outrage. He deserved to be on the ground. Fuck, he deserved to be six fucking feet under. Straddling Michael’s abdomen, I punched him as he bucked, trying to unseat me and free himself. He was stronger than I would have imagined for a part-blood and I filed that information away for later. Now was not the time to allow my thoughts stray. I let my anger fuel my hits, and my knuckles peeled open as I pounded my fists into the asshole’s body. It felt so good to make the ugly bastard bleed. He hurt my Nix. He would never get to touch her again.

Damien stood sentry over where I dolled out my punishment, returning the favor and making sure I didn’t take things too far, as well as providing me with backup should I need it. I knew he wanted this bastard to suffer as much as I did. We all felt the same way. The abuse that Nix had suffered at his hand, not only tonight but her entire life… I couldn’t even think about it without my vision going red around the edges.

Harper Wylde & Quinn Arthurs's books