The Return of the Sheikh


Had it not been for the deluge, Zain would have made love to her again. And again.

Instead, he had carried Madison and set her in the cab. He re-dressed in soaked clothing and gathered hers, only to return to find her wrapped in the dry blanket. Not long after they’d left the lake, she’d settled against his side, her head tipped against his shoulder, and fallen fast asleep. Even when he navigated the rugged terrain, she hadn’t woken. But during that time, and since, he had been very aware that she was still naked beneath the blanket. Whenever she stirred, his body did the same. Tonight’s brief interlude had not been enough. If he had his way, they would enjoy more of the same, and often, in the upcoming days.

When Madison shifted slightly, Zain glanced at her to see she was still sleeping, looking beautiful and somewhat innocent. She brought out his protective side, though she did not need his protection. She was fiercely independent, fiery and intractable, everything he admired in a woman. Tonight she had proven she possessed an untapped passion that he needed to explore further. She also made him want to right his transgressions and prove to her he owned a measure of honor. He wanted to toss away convention and be with her after the coronation. And that was impossible. Eventually he would be required to marry, and he would not relegate Madison to mistress status. She deserved much better, and so would his future wife. So had his own mother.

That did not preclude him from being with her until the day she left.

When he hit a bump in the road, Madison raised her head and gave him a sleepy smile. “How much longer until we’re at the palace?”

“Approximately ten minutes.”

She straightened and sent him a panicked look. “You should have woken me earlier,” she said as she sorted through the clothes at her side.

“Dressing is not necessary.” He preferred she remained naked, as he planned to take her to his bed as soon as they arrived.

“I’m not walking into the royal abode wearing only a blanket.” A blanket she tossed aside without regard to her nudity or his discomfort.

He became mesmerized when she lifted her hips and slid her panties into place, followed by her jeans. She picked up her shirt, shook it out, allowing him an extended look at her breasts, the pale pink nipples…

The sound of grating beneath the tires forced his gaze to the road that he’d inadvertently left during his visual exploration. He jerked the truck back onto pavement immediately before he ended up in some unsuspecting citizen’s front yard.

“Are you trying to kill us, Zain?”

“I was avoiding a goat.”

Madison laughed softly. “An imaginary goat.”

He frowned. “It is your fault for distracting me.”

“It’s your fault for not keeping your eyes on the road.”

“I am a man, Madison. You cannot expect me to ignore your state of undress. You should know that after what we shared tonight.”

“You’re right, and I’m sorry.”

He sent another fast glance in her direction to find her completely clothed and smiling. “Are you more comfortable now?”

“I’m very wet.”

That prompted a very vivid fantasy, and a return of his erection. “If you will remove your pants again and come over here, I will remedy that.”

She shot him a sour look. “You are such a bad boy. No wonder all those women fell all over themselves to be with you.”

“Two women.”

“Excuse me?”

He finally recognized that she could trust him freely only if he freely gave her accurate information. “I was involved with two women during my time away.”

Her blue eyes widened. “You’re saying that out of all those highly publicized photos of you escorting various starlets and such, you were only involved with two?”

The disbelief in her voice and expression drove him to disclose the details. “The first woman was older,” he continued. “I met Elizabeth through business contacts about a year after I arrived in L.A. My father released only limited funds to me and she assisted with my investments. I owe the majority of my second fortune to her.”

“How long were you together?”

Too long for his comfort. “Almost three years.”

“What about the second woman?”

This explanation would prove to be more difficult, and much more revealing. Yet for some reason, he wanted Madison to know the facts. Facts few people knew. “Her name was Genevieve. I met her in a café in Paris. I was there for business, she was on sabbatical.”

“Then it was only a brief fling?”

“No. I joined her in Africa.”

“Africa?” Madison sounded stunned by the revelation. “How long were you there? Why were you there?”

“Eighteen months in Ethiopia and, after a three-month break, fifteen months in Nigeria. Genevieve is a humanitarian aid worker. I assisted her with the relief effort by delivering supplies and building temporary shelter.”

“Did anyone know your true identity?”

“Only Genevieve.” He smiled with remembrance. “She introduced me as Joe Smith.”

“That name definitely encourages anonymity,” she said. “And to think that all this time, people believed you were holed up with some supermodel, while you were less than a thousand miles away from Bajul being a really stellar guy. Unbelievable.”

“Genevieve convinced me I needed to learn the reality of the situation in order to be a better leader.” And he had not been prepared for that reality. “I have never seen such desolation. Violence brought about by unrest and ignorance. Famine, starvation and disease brought about by drought and insufficient food and water distribution.”

“And that’s when you decided to develop your water conservation plans.”

He started up the road leading to the castle, relieved that the conversation would soon have to come to an end. “I vowed when my opportunity to rule arrived, I would do everything in my power to prevent the possibility of that devastation in my country. I had not expected the opportunity to arrive so quickly. My plans were to return to Bajul to present my proposals when I received word of my father’s death.”

“So he never knew about your ideas.”

“No.” Even if he had, his inflexible father would have rejected them because he had the power to do so. “Regardless, I will never be able to repay Genevieve for forcing me to open my eyes to the possibilities. The experience changed me. She changed me.”

“She sounds like a very special woman.”

“She was caring and committed and possessed all the attributes I had never acquired.” And she’d been much too good for a man whose character had been questionable up to that point in time.

Madison laid a hand on his arm. “But as you’ve said, you’ve changed for the better. Not many men in your position would have personally taken on those challenges, and dangerous ones at that. Most would have written a check and returned home.”

He appreciated her praise. He greatly appreciated her willingness to listen without judgment. “At times I wish I could have accomplished more, especially when it came to the children.”

She sighed. “I know. I remember traveling with my parents to some of the worst poverty-stricken places in the world. The children always suffer the most, even in America.”

The memories came back to Zain with the clarity of cut glass. Memories he had never shared with one soul since his return. “I met a special child there. She was around four years of age and an orphan. The workers took charge of her care until a relative could be located. For some reason, she attached herself to me. We spoke different languages, yet we found ways to communicate. Perhaps she appreciated the treats I gave her.”

“Or maybe she recognized someone she could trust.”

The sincerity in Madison’s tone temporarily lifted his spirits. “Her name was Ajo. It means joyful, and that suited her. Yet I saw no joy in her when they took her away.” He would never forget the way she held out her arms to him, or her tears. The images still haunted him, and at times he felt he had abandoned her.

“Do you know what happened to her?” Madison asked.

He arrived at the gate and raised his hand at the confused guards who, after a slight hesitation, allowed him entry. “Genevieve has been kind enough to keep me apprised of her situation and to deliver the funds I send monthly for Ajo’s care. Fortunately, her aunt and uncle see to it she is safe and secure.”

“That’s wonderful, Zain. But what about your relationship with Genevieve?”

A complex relationship that was never meant to be. “I returned to L.A. when she was reassigned. I had my responsibilities, and she had hers.”

“Were you in love with her?”

He was surprised by the query, and uncertain how to answer. He’d cared a great deal for Genevieve, but love had not entered into it. “We both understood from the beginning that our relationship could only be temporary. We agreed to enjoy each other’s company while the opportunity existed.”

Madison shifted back to his side and rested her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry I misjudged you. I bought into the whole ‘superficial, arrogant, rich playboy’ assumption, just like everyone else did. It’s nice to know that couldn’t be further from the truth. Despite your issues with your father, it’s clear he raised you to be an honorable man.”

Anger broke through his remorse. Anger aimed at his patriarch, not at Madison. “My father knew nothing of honor, and he did little to raise me. You may thank Elena for that. I would never take a mistress and force my wife to have a child she did not want. As far as I am concerned, he was responsible for her death due to his careless disregard.”

“What happened to her, Zain?”

The strong urge to halt the conversation overcame him. He had already said too much. But Madison’s expectant look proved too much, as well. “She was found below the mountain, not far from the lake. Some believe she slipped and fell. Many believe she took her own life due to my father’s infidelity. I suppose we will never know the truth.”

“I’m so sorry, Zain.”

So was he. Sorry that he had almost ruined the evening with regrets. That ended now.

He tipped her face up and kissed her. “We will return to the veranda the same way we left, only we will stay in my room tonight.”

She pulled back and slid across the seat away from him. “We’re going to walk in the front door, otherwise we’ll look guilty. And we’re going to stay in separate beds, tonight and every night until I leave.”

That would not suffice. “I would prefer you sleep in my bed the majority of the night after we make love. As long as we’ve parted by morning, no one will be the wiser.”

She folded the jacket’s hem back and forth. “We can’t take the risk that someone will find out. I had a wonderful time tonight, but we can’t be together in that way again.”

How many times in his youth had he said something of a similar nature to a woman? “That is unacceptable. How to you expect me to pretend I do not want you when I do?” More than she knew. More than he realized until he faced the prospect of not having her.

“We’re going to limit our alone time together.”

“You’ve said that before.”

“This time I mean it, Zain. I am not going to be responsible for a scandal that could ruin all the work we’re doing to restore your image.”

Zain gripped the wheel and stared straight ahead. “Then you lied when you said you trust me.”

“I do trust you, and so should your people. I admire and respect you even more now. But when I said I didn’t trust myself, I wasn’t talking about sex. I’ve already blurred the personal and professional lines and I can’t afford to become more emotionally involved with you than I already am. Now we need to go inside before they come looking for us.”

Before Zain could respond, she was out the door and walking toward the path leading to the front entrance. He left the truck and caught up with her in the courtyard flanking the front steps. After clasping her arm, he turned her to face him. “I will honor your wishes. I will allow you your blessed distance, but not before I give you this.”

He crushed her against him and kissed her with all the desperation he experienced at the moment. He expected her to fight him, and when instead she responded, he realized she wanted him as much as he wanted her. As much as he needed her for reasons that defied logic. He agreed with her on one point—this was not only about sex.

Then she wrested from his grasp, looking as if he’d struck her. “Don’t make this more complicated than it already is, Zain.”

Madison hurried around the corner and by the time he reached the stone steps, she had already disappeared through the doors.

Once inside, he was met by a security contingent and Deeb. “You are all dismissed,” he said in Arabic. “No harm has come to me to warrant this attention.” Not the kind of harm they would assume.

He ascended the stairs only to have Deeb stop him on the second-floor landing. “Your brother asked me to summon you to his study upon your return.”

Confronting Rafiq was the last thing he needed. “I have no desire to speak to him.”

“What shall I tell him, Emir?”

Tell him to go to hell. “I will see him in the morning.”

Zain arrived at the corridor leading to his quarters in time to see the door to Madison’s room close, shutting him out.

Perhaps she could easily dismiss him and what they had shared tonight, but he would wager she would suffer for the decision to avoid him. So would he.

But he would do as he had promised and hoped she decided they should take advantage of what little time together they had left. In the meantime, he would prepare to spend the first of several long, sleepless nights.


Ten days had passed since Madison had enjoyed a decent night’s sleep, and she had Zain to thank for that. Not only had he upheld his promise to give her space, he’d downright ignored her. He’d avoided all eye contact when they’d been together, and he’d only spoken to her when she had spoken first. The two times they’d briefly found themselves alone following one of his myriad meetings, not once had he mentioned their night together, nor had he delivered even the slightest innuendo. He hadn’t joined her and Rafiq for dinner, but at least she’d had a chance to get to know the older brother, who was highly intelligent and not quite as serious as she’d once assumed.

She truly didn’t know if Zain was simply pouting, or proving a point. Either way, she admittedly missed their intimate conversations. Missed kissing him, as well. She definitely missed her former common sense, which had apparently followed the rain out of town.

Zain had been right to remain in strictly business mode, and business was exactly what she needed to focus on today, and each day until the coronation.

Madison sought out Elena and found her in the kitchen, where the wonderful scents permeating the area caused her stomach to rumble even though she’d had enough breakfast to kill an elephant. Evidently she’d been making up for the lack of sex by eating her way through the kingdom.

“That smells marvelous,” she said as she approached the metal prep table holding a platter full of puffed pastries.

Elena smiled and gestured toward the fare. “Please try one. The chef prepared the samples for Prince Zain’s approval, but he refused. He said he did not care if they served water and wheat at the wedding reception.”

Clearly His Royal Pain in the Arse had forgotten they’d added guests to the list, who could be beneficial to his reign. But hey, if he didn’t want to try the goodies, she certainly would. “Thanks, I believe I will take a bite or two.” Or three, she decided when the flaky crust and creamy filling practically melted in her mouth.

After Madison had consumed five of the canapés, she looked up to meet Elena’s quizzical look. “Tell the chef he’s hit a home run with this.” As if the guy would understand a baseball analogy. “Better still, tell him they’re perfect.”

“I will pass that on,” Elena said. “I will also tell him to prepare double for you.”

Great. She’d demonstrated she had serious etiquette issues. “That’s not necessary. I eat when I’m nervous, and this whole reception has me on edge. I hope we’re doing the right thing by not having a separate gathering prior to the coronation.”

“Have you consulted the new king about forgoing that honor?”

“Actually, it was his idea. He’s not being all that cooperative these days. Maybe he’s a bit anxious about officially becoming His Majesty in less than two weeks.”

“Or perhaps he is being denied something he wants more than the crown.”

Madison faked ignorance. “A new sports car?”

Elena raised a thin brow. “You may fool the rest of the household, cara, but you are not fooling me. I know you and Prince Zain stole away without notifying anyone of your departure, and returned in wet clothing.”

The palace apparently had spies in place and gossip down to a science. “He wanted to show me the lake and we got caught in a storm.” A firestorm. “That’s all there was to it.”

“Are you certain of that?”

She knew better than to try to lie to a wise bird like Elena. She also knew not to reveal too much, even if she thought she could trust her with the truth. “Wise or not, we have developed a friendship. He’s even begun to confide in me about his past and, most important, his goals. That’s been beneficial for me, since I’ve been preparing the speech he’ll deliver next week.” A speech he would probably reject.

She couldn’t miss the concern on Elena’s face. “What has he said about the king and queen?”

“Since he took me into his confidence, I don’t feel I should say more.” She’d already come down with foot-in-mouth disease to go with the voracious appetite.

“Anything you could say to me, cara mia, I have already heard in the many years I’ve been here. The staff talks about things they know nothing about, and most is not true.”

She did have a point. “He mentioned something about the king having mistresses, and that he believes that was directly related to the queen’s death.”

Elena grabbed the platter and took it to the counter next to the massive industrial sink. “Go on,” she said, keeping her back to Madison.

The fact Elena didn’t deny the conjecture was very telling. “He also said that the queen was forced to have a third child against her will.”

Elena spun around, a touch of anger calling out from her amber eyes. “That is not true. The queen would have done anything to have another child. And furthermore, the king was the one who only wanted two children, yet he was so devoted to her, he gave her what she desired. Sadly, Adan did not aid in her happiness.”

“Was she so unhappy that she took her own life?”

“I would not begin to speculate on that, and neither should you.”

Madison held up her hands. “I’m sorry I’ve upset you. I was only repeating what Zain told me.” Darn if she hadn’t done it again—called him by his given name.

Elena sighed. “It is not your fault, cara. And I beg of you to please not repeat what I have said.”

She found it odd that Elena would want to conceal the information from the boys she had practically raised. “Don’t you think the princes have a right to know the truth?”

“Some secrets are best left in the past.” Elena picked up a towel and began to twist it, a sure sign of distress. “Did you require anything else from me? If not, I have some work to attend to.”

Madison knew not to press the matter any further. She needed Elena as an ally, not an enemy. “Actually, I was wondering if you had a final guest list for the reception. I want to go over it with His Highness.” Provided he didn’t toss her out on her posterior, injuring her pride.

“Yes, I do.” Elena walked into the office, emerged a few moments later and handed her two pages full of names. “You’ll see that I have made a separate column for the prospective queen candidates and their fathers. I thought you would find that helpful.”

She found it appalling. “I suppose Prince Zain will appreciate that information. He can come prepared for when they converge upon him.”

Elena surprisingly patted Madison’s cheek. “Do not worry, cara. He will find none of them to his liking as long as you are here.” With that, the woman smiled, returned to the office and closed the door.

Obviously no one could pull the wool over Elena’s eyes, and that could present some complications if Madison didn’t remain strong in Zain’s presence.

Not a problem. The way things were going, she’d be lucky if he ever seriously spoke to her again, let alone touched her.

Kristi Gold's books