The Return of the Sheikh


“Did you find your meal satisfactory, Your Wickedness?”

Zain looked up from his barren plate to see Maysa Barad—Doctor Maysa Barad—standing in the doorway wearing a bright purple caftan, her dark hair pulled back into a braid. He returned her smile, though that was the last thing he cared to do. But she was his friend, and she had opened her home to him as a temporary sanctuary. “It was very good. My compliments to your chef. He has a masterful hand.”

“She is a master,” Maysa said as she pulled back the adjacent chair and sat. “I made your dinner after I gave my chef the night off. However, since I still have household staff on the premises, we should continue to speak English to ensure our new king has his privacy.”

At the moment he preferred not to be reminded of his duty. “My position will not be official until the coronation.”

“You were king the moment your father passed. My sympathies to you, though I know the two of you did not always see eye to eye.”

That was an understatement. “Thank you for that, and for allowing me to arrive virtually unannounced.”

“You are always welcome here, Zain.” She rested her elbow on the table and supported her cheek with her palm, sending the heavy bangles at her wrists down her arm. “And you have always been the official king of mischief.”

“And you are still as pretty as you were the last time I saw you.”

Her smile expanded. “But are you still the little devil who attempted to frighten me with toads?”

She had been the sister he’d never had. “You were never really frightened, were you?”

“No. I was simply playing along until Rafiq came along to rescue me.”

Zain had always suspected that to be the case. Maysa had been in love with his brother for as long as he could recall. He wondered if she still was. “Speaking of Rafiq, will you be attending the wedding?”

She straightened in the chair, her frame as rigid as the carved wooden table. “I received an invitation, but do not wish to witness that charade.”

Yes, she was still in love with Rafiq. “I agree it might not be the best match.”

“A match made in misery. Rafiq will never be happy with a woman whose heart belongs to another man.”

“What man?”

Zain saw a flash of regret pass over her expression. “I would rather not say. In fact, I have already said too much.”

“Can you tell me if Rima has returned this man’s affections?”

“Yes, she has.”

He tried to contain his shock. “Does Rafiq know?”

She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “If he does, he has chosen to ignore it. Regardless, it is not my place to tell him, and I would hope you keep it to yourself, as well.”

He did not like the thought of concealing the truth from his brother, yet he doubted Rafiq would believe him. “It would not matter, Maysa. Rafiq is all about duty, regardless of the circumstance. He has every intention of honoring the marriage contract.”

She flipped her hand in dismissal. “Enough talk about your brother and his bride. Tell me about California. I did not have the opportunity to visit there when I was in medical school in the States.”

Los Angeles had only been his home base and little more. “I traveled a good deal of the time.”

“Then tell me about that. I am sure you met many interesting people and saw many interesting sights.”

He had seen devastation, drought, famine and disease. Sights he never cared to see again, especially in his own country. “I’m certain my experiences do not compare to yours as a physician.”

She shook her head. “My experiences have been challenging since my return to Bajul. I am the only female doctor and the only one who will treat those who can pay very little, if at all. The others cater to the wealthier population.”

That came as no surprise to Zain. “Your commitment is admirable, Maysa. Once I am fully in charge, I will make certain the hospital undergoes renovations and medical offices are added. Perhaps then you can receive pay for your services.”

“I do not need the money as much as the people need my help,” she said. “Fortunately, my father has allowed me to live in his palatial second home regardless that I have failed him as a daughter. He is also kind enough to provide the funds to keep the household going, though I despise taking even one riyal from him.”

Zain could not imagine a father considering his daughter a failure after she had established a successful medical career. But then Maysa’s father had always been an ass. “Does the sultan come to visit often?”

She released a bitter laugh. “Oh, no. He is either in Saudi or Yemen with my poor mother, building his fortune so that he may provide for his many mistresses.”

Maysa had the same issues with her father as Zain had always had with his. “I believe I recall you were bound to a betrothal at one time. I take it that did not come to fruition.”

“Actually, it did. Two weeks after the wedding, I realized that contrary to our culture, a woman does not need a man to survive. It took some effort to obtain a divorce, but I managed it. And Father has not forgiven me for it.”

“I’m certain it hasn’t been easy on you.”

She shrugged. “I realized there would be those who would shun me because of my decision, yet I refused to let that deter me. No man will ever dictate my future.”

Zain couldn’t help but smile when he thought about Madison. She and Maysa were very much alike. Yet he felt more than brotherly fondness for Madison.

“Do you find me amusing, Your Highness?” Maysa asked.

“No. You reminded me of someone else I know.”

“Someone special?”

Perhaps too special for his own good. “Actually, she is a political consultant Rafiq hired to save me from myself.”

“She has a huge task ahead of her then.”

“Believe me, she is up to the task. She is also very headstrong, and extremely intelligent. Fortunately, she has a sense of humor, as well. Sometimes I find her frustrating, other times extremely intriguing.”

“Is she attractive?”

“Yes, but her attractiveness goes well beyond her physical appearance. She is one of the most fascinating women I have ever encountered.”

She inclined her head and studied him. “You have feelings for her.”

Maysa’s comment took him aback. “She is an employee.”

“An employee who has hypnotized you, Zain. Perhaps the sheikh has met his match in more ways than one.”

“That is absurd,” he said without much conviction. “I have only known her a few days.”

“Yet it is those immediate connections that at times make a lasting impact on our lives.”

From the wistfulness in Maysa’s tone, Zain recognized she spoke from experience. “Even if I did develop these feelings you speak of, we both know a permanent relationship with an outsider could never happen.”

She drummed her fingertips on the tabletop. “Ah, yes. We are back to the antiquated tradition of marrying our own kind. You have the power to change that.”

“I have other changes to make that are more important. Changes that will affect the future of this country.”

“And you are not concerned about your own future?” she asked. “Would you give up a chance at finding love for a tradition that should have died long ago?”

He was too tired to defend his decisions, which led to his next request. “Would you have an available room where I could stay the night?”

“I have twelve bedrooms at your disposal,” she said. “But will you not be missed?”

He would, but he did not care. “Deeb knows where I am.”

“Zain, although it is truly not any of my concern, you cannot hide away when times become difficult.”

He tossed his napkin aside. “Then you’ve heard about the latest accusations.”

“I was there when you spoke this morning. You had everyone in the palm of your hand until that himar intruded.”

Zain had considered calling him something much worse than a donkey. “For your information, I am not hiding. I am only taking a brief sabbatical to gather my thoughts.”

She frowned. “Forgive me for pointing this out, but you have always been one to withdraw from the world when you lose control. The role you will soon assume requires continuity. Are you certain you are willing to bear that burden?”

Though he did not appreciate her commentary, he reluctantly admitted she was partially right. “I have prepared for this opportunity for many years. Once I am established, I will commit fully to my duties.”

She smiled and patted his hand. “I know you will. Now if you will follow me, I will show you to your quarters for the evening, where you can rest and fantasize about that special consultant who has obviously earned a little piece of the king’s heart.”

Maysa knew him all too well, yet she was wrong about his feelings for Madison. She did not—nor would she ever—have any claim on his heart.


After Zain’s twenty-four-hour absence, Madison finally located him on the palace’s rooftop. He sat on the cement ground with his back against the wall, hands laced together on his belly, one long leg stretched out before him, the other bent at the knee. He seemed so lost in his thoughts, she questioned whether she should give him more alone time. Regrettably, time was a luxury they didn’t have. Not when she required answers to burning questions in order to circumvent the gossip. Provided it was gossip.

Before moving forward, she paused a few moments to ponder his atypical clothing. The standard white tailored shirt, Italian loafers and dark slacks had been replaced by a fitted black tee, khaki cargo pants and heavy brown boots. He reminded her of an adventurous explorer ready for travel—and in some ways dressed to kill. His rugged appearance was unquestionably murdering her composure.

Madison shored up her courage, walked right up to him and hovered above him. “I see the sheikh has finally returned.”

He glanced up at her, his expression somber. “How did you know where to find me?”

“Elena mentioned you might be here. She said you and your brothers used to hide from her up here when it was time for your lessons.”

He smiled but it faded fast. “I should have known she would give my secrets away.”

Madison wondered what other secrets he might be keeping. “Mind if I join you?”

He gestured toward the space beside him. “It’s less than comfortable, but be my guest.”

She carefully lowered herself to the ground and hugged her knees to her chest, taking care to make sure the hem of her dress was properly in place. “The next time you decide to do a disappearing act, do you mind letting me in on it?”

“I assure you, it will not happen again.”

“I hope I can trust you on that. You wouldn’t believe how frantic everyone was until Mr. Deeb told us you were safe.”

“I was never in danger,” he said as he continued to stare straight ahead. “I stayed with a friend at a house in the foothills.”

She could only imagine what that might have entailed if that friend happened to be female. “How did you get there? And how did you manage to evade your bodyguards? Rafiq is still furious over that.”

“I took one of the all-terrain vehicles, and Deeb was aware of my departure. Guards are not necessary when I take care to disguise myself.”

She noticed a camouflage baseball cap resting at his side. “So that’s the reason for the casual clothes?”

“They serve me well in hiding my identity.”

They served him well in highlighting his finer points, and that sent her straight into a fishing expedition. “And this friend had no qualms about concealing the future king?”

“Maysa understands my need for privacy. She made certain I was not disturbed.”

As she’d gathered—a woman friend. “Does this friendship come with or without benefits?” She hated that she sounded like some jealous lover.

“Without benefits,” he said before adding, “although I do not expect you to believe me.”

He sounded more frustrated than angry. “I never said I didn’t believe you.”

He sent her a sideways glance. “Then you are in the minority. Most people choose to believe the worst of me.”

She lowered her legs and shifted slightly to face him. “Since it seems you don’t have an official press secretary, I spent the day sending out releases stating you vehemently deny fathering Keeley Winterlind’s child. The question is, did I lie?”


She released the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “Not even a remote possibility?”


She truly wanted to believe him, but… “I do remember seeing photos of the two of you a couple years ago.”

“That means nothing.” Now he sounded angry.

“It means there’s proof you had a connection with her.”

“A platonic connection,” he said. “I came upon her ex-lover threatening her at a social gathering and I intervened. We remained in contact because she needed someone to set her on the right path. However, she was young and impressionable and immature. The last I heard, she had reunited with the boyfriend because I could not convince her that the controlling bastard wasn’t good for her.”

If what he’d said was true, then in essence he was a champion of women. “Do you think she’s the one claiming you’re her baby’s father?”

“No. She contacted me this afternoon and assured me she had nothing to do with the speculation, and I trust her. She also confirmed the ex is the father.”

“I’m relieved I told the truth when I denied the speculation.”

“As if that will do any good.”

He seemed so sullen, Madison felt the need to lift his spirits. “Have you seen the news footage of your speech?”

“No, and I refuse to watch it.”

No surprise there. “Well, you looked incredibly debonair and poised.” And absolutely gorgeous. “I’m sure you’ll start receiving requests for invitations from a slew of queen candidates.”

“I highly doubt they would be interested in light of the recent attacks on my character.”

Her efforts to cheer him up were on the verge of becoming an epic failure. “Hey, if they could see you in your adventurer’s gear, they wouldn’t care about your character.”

She’d finally coaxed a smile from him. A tiny smile, but at least it was something. “I fail to understand how I could charm a woman with clothing not fit for a king.”

“Then maybe you don’t know women as well as you think you do. Of course, it doesn’t hurt you’re the ruler of a country, and your house isn’t too shabby, either.”

For the first time since her arrival, he gave her his full attention and a fully formed smile. “You are looking quite beautiful tonight.”

She couldn’t immediately recall the last time any man had called her beautiful. Her shapeless aqua sundress certainly wouldn’t qualify. “Thank you, but this outfit is designed solely for comfort, not beauty.”

“I was not referencing your clothing.” He lightly touched her cheek. “You are beautiful.”

When Madison contacted those dark, mysterious eyes, that spark of awareness threatened to become a flame. With little effort, it could blaze out of control. Yet she recognized Zain was only attempting to divert attention from the seriousness of the situation, and possibly cover his internal turmoil. She truly wanted to provide him with a diversion, but the last thing Zain needed was a potential scandal involving his political consultant. The last thing she needed was to venture into personal involvement with him. She’d already started down that slippery slope.

She shored up her wavering willpower. “Now that we have engaged in sufficient mutual admiration, we should probably go inside and discuss how we’re going to handle any other problems that might arise. I’d also be happy to listen to what you have planned for the council meeting tomorrow.”

“I prefer to stay here with you.”

And she wanted to stay with him, honestly she did, but to what end? “If we stay much longer, we could make another mistake.”

He searched her face and paused at her mouth before returning to her eyes. “I have made many mistakes in my lifetime, but spending time with you will not ever be a mistake.”

Her foolish heart executed a little flip-flop in her chest. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”


One more sexy word out of his incredible mouth and she’d be too far gone to stop any madness that might occur. “The only place we should be going is into your office, and repairing your reputation is the only thing we should consider.”

He studied the stars and sighed. A rough, sensuous and slightly irritated sigh. “You are right. Business should always come before pleasure, no matter how revolting that business might be.”

Madison was admittedly somewhat disappointed that he conceded so quickly. “You will get through this, Zain. It’s only a matter of time before you earn your country’s trust. You are destined to be a great leader.”

“I sincerely appreciate your faith in my abilities.”

He both looked and sounded sincere, causing her spirits to rise. “Now let’s get some work done before dawn.”

When Zain came to his feet and held out his hand to help her up, Madison wasn’t quite prepared for the sharp sting of awareness as they stood. She wasn’t exactly surprised when he framed her face in his palm. But the sudden impact of his mouth covering hers nearly buckled her knees. The kiss was powerful, almost desperate, yet she didn’t have the will to stop him. Every argument she’d made against this very thing went the way of the warm breeze surrounding them.

She somehow wound up backed against the wall with Zain flush against her. Even when he left her mouth to trail kisses down her neck, lowered one strap and slid the tip of his tongue slightly beneath the scoop neck of her dress, she disregarded the warning bells sounding in her head. Even when he worked her hem up to her waist, slipped his hands down the back of her panties and clasped her bottom, she couldn’t manage one protest. And as he kissed her again, pressed as close to her as he possibly could and simulated the act she’d been determined to avoid with both his body and tongue, stop became go and thinking became an impossible effort.

Separated only by silk and cotton, Madison felt the beginnings of a climax, prompting an odd sound bubbling up from her throat. She was vaguely aware of the rasp of a zipper, very aware the no-return point had arrived and extremely aware when Zain abruptly let her go.

She closed her eyes and waited until her respiration had almost returned to normal before she risked a glance to see him facing the wall, both hands raised above his head as if in surrender. “It appears we’re suffering from restraint issues.”

He straightened and redid his fly. “Suffering is an apt description.”

She pushed the strap back into place while struggling for something more to say. “Out of curiosity, why did you stop?”

He leaned back against the stone and stared straight ahead. “You deserve better than frantic sex against a wall.”

“Honestly, it was the hottest few moments of my life and frankly out of character for me.”

“Leave, Madison.”

The command caught her off guard. “We still have to go over—”

“We’ll meet in the morning.”

“But you need—”

“I need you to go before I am tempted to carry you to my bed and complete your climax before giving you another while I am inside you.”

Madison understood that, loud and clear. She couldn’t remember ever having such a heated physical reaction to a man’s words. Then again, no man had ever said anything remotely close to that to her. “I’m not leaving until I make myself clear. Whatever this thing is between us, it’s going to take a lot of strength to ignore it. I’m not sure that’s going to happen, so we have two options. One, we accept we’re consenting adults and just do it and get it out of our system. Or I bow out gracefully before I cause you more problems.”

He finally looked at her. “The second option is out. The first will not be possible until I am assured you can give me what I need.”

Surely he wasn’t suggesting… “Are you questioning my lovemaking abilities?”

“No. I need to know I have your respect and above all, your trust.”

With that, Zain turned and disappeared through the opening leading to the stairway.

Madison sank back onto the ground and pinched the bridge of her nose from the onset of a tremendous headache. She did respect Zain and his ideals. Did she trust him? At the moment, she wasn’t sure.


“My apologies for disturbing you, Emir.”

Zain tossed his notes onto the side table to acknowledge Deeb, who had somehow entered his suite without his notice. But then he’d been distracted since he’d left Madison on the rooftop an hour ago. “What is it, Deeb?”

“I wanted to know if you required anything before I leave for home.”

He needed the woman in the bedroom next door, but he could not have her. Not yet. “You are dismissed.”

Deeb nodded and said, “Have a restful evening, Your Highness.”

That was not a likely prospect. When Deeb retreated toward the door, Zain reconsidered and called him back. “I have a few questions for you.” Questions he had intentionally failed to ask for fear of the answers.

Deeb pushed the glasses up on his nose. “Yes?”

Zain shifted in the less-than-comfortable chair. “How long have you been employed by the royal family?”

“Fifteen years last December.”

His thoughts drifted off topic momentarily. “And you never thought to marry during that time?”

“I am married. I have been for fifteen years.”

He was surprised Deeb had not mentioned that before, but then he had never inquired about his private life. “Children?”

A look of pride passed over the man’s expression. “I have six children, four boys and two girls. The oldest is nine, the youngest three months.”

As far as Zain was concerned, that was quite a feat for several reasons. “You were with me in the States for seven years, so I find that rather remarkable.”

“If you recall, you allowed me to return to Bajul during your travels.”

Clearly the man impregnated his bride every time he’d been home. “And your wife did not take exception to your absences?”

Deeb hinted at a smile. “If that were true, we would not have six children.”

Zain could not argue that. “Are you still happily wed?”

“Yes, Emir.”

Zain tented his fingers beneath his chin. “To what do you attribute that happiness?”

“Patience and tolerance. Most important, sustained passion. When you choose your mate, it is best to always remember this.”

He could not agree more, especially when it came to the passion. “I appreciate the advice.”

“You are welcome, Your Highness. Now if that is all—”

“It is not.” He had to pose one more question. An extremely difficult question. “Do you know if the rumors of my father’s infidelity are true?”

Deeb tugged at his collar as if he had a noose around his neck. “I feel compelled not to betray the king’s confidence.”

As suspected, he did have information. “You need not conceal my father’s secrets any longer, Deeb. You answer to me now.” He despised sounding so harsh, but he was that desperate for confirmation.

“I know of only one woman,” he said after a brief hesitation.

“Who is this woman?”

“I will only say that she is above reproach. She was only doing the king’s bidding.”

Zain sensed that Deeb was protecting more than the king’s secrets. He could very well have a connection with the mistress, which led him to believe she could have been a former staff member. At the moment, he was too exhausted to press his assistant for more details. “That will be all, Deeb.”

“As you wish.” Deeb turned to leave before facing Zain again. “If I may speak candidly, I would like to add that some things are not as they seem.”

He’d said that to Madison on more than one occasion. “Perhaps, yet you cannot deny that my father dishonored my mother?”

“Again, every situation is unique and at times not for us to judge.”

Zain could not help but judge his father. The man had caused him to doubt himself on many levels, the least of which had to do with personal relationships. “Thank you for your candor. You may go now.”

“Before I take my leave,” he said, “may I speak freely?”

“You may.” For now.

“If it is any solace, I firmly believe you are nothing like the king.”

With that, Deeb left the room, leaving Zain in a state of disbelief. He learned tonight how little he knew about his assistant, yet the man seemed to know much about him.

Feeling restless, Zain paced the room for a few moments, growing angrier by the minute as he thought back to Deeb’s confirmation of his father’s infidelity. He strode to the shelf housing several books, picked up the photo of the king posing with a U.S. president and hurled it against the far wall. The glass shattered and rained down in shards to the carpeted floor.

Despite Deeb’s insistence there were extenuating circumstances, Zain could never forgive his father. Not when his ruthless behavior had dealt his mother the worst fate. Death.

Kristi Gold's books