The Deal

I can’t argue with that.

From the corner of my eye, I see my father lurking near the bus, but I don’t make eye contact with him. In fact, I notice that nobody is looking at him. Not me, not Hannah, not any of my teammates. A few months ago, I told the guys the truth about my dad, because the conversation I had with Hannah about life not being fair and my father still being revered had stuck with me. So after the New Year, when one of our sophomore D-men asked me if I could get him a Phil Graham autograph, I could no longer hold it in. I sat the boys down—even Coach was there—and told them everything.

Needless to say, it was damn uncomfortable and pretty fucking intense, but when all was said and done, my teammates proved to me that I’m not just their captain, but their brother. And now, as we all head for the bus, not a single pair of eyes travels in my superstar father’s direction.

“I’ll see you back at campus?” I say to Hannah.

She nods. “Yep. Uncle Mark is driving me back now, so I should be there around the same time you guys get in.”

“Call me when you’re home. Love you, babe.”

“Love you, too.”

I plant one last kiss on her lips, then climb onto the bus and settle in my usual seat next to Logan. As the door shuts and the driver pulls away, I don’t glance out the window to look at the tall, surly man who’s still standing in the parking lot.

I don’t look back these days.

I only look forward.

Other Titles by Elle Kennedy

If you enjoyed The Deal, then get ready for The Mistake! Book #2 in the Off-Campus series will release in spring 2015, so make sure to sign up for my newsletter to receive news and excerpts about this release.


If you’re interested in my erotic romance and/or romantic suspense titles, check out these bestselling series: Out of Uniform

Killer Instincts

After Hours

DreamMakers (with Vivian Arend)

More titles also available on my website.

Author’s Note

I loved every second of writing this book, but just like with every project I undertake, I couldn’t have done it without the help of some pretty amazing people: Jane Litte, for beta reading this secret, just-for-fun project, convincing me to share it with other readers, and then holding my hand during my very first self-publishing endeavor.

Vivian Arend, for stepping out of her comfort zone and reading a New Adult book! And for just being plain awesome.

Kristen Callihan, for her invaluable advice and endless cheerleading for this project.

Gwen Hayes, the sweetest, smartest and funniest editor I’ve ever worked with.

Sharon Muha, for her eagle eyes (and for not complaining every time I send her a gazillion page manuscript and ask for a proofreading rush job).

Sarah Hansen (Okay Creations) for the beautiful cover!

Nina Bocci, my publicist AKA lifesaver, for loving this book as much as I do and making sure everybody heard about it!

And to everyone who read/loved/reviewed/talked about the book—you guys rock. You rock hard.

About the Author

A USA Today bestselling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a BA in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!

Elle loves to hear from her readers. Visit her website or sign up for her newsletter to receive updates about upcoming books and exclusive excerpts. You can also find her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter (@ElleKennedy).

Elle Kennedy's books