Blue Roses

Dallas closed her laptop and threw her pen across the room, watching it ricochet off the far wall. How many more hoops am I going to have to jump through? She’d been killing herself to prove her worthiness and David was still holding out in giving her the partnership. And he had the nerve to add ten additional clients to her already full load.

She’d just met with the partners virtually via video, hoping that they’d say something about the pending partnership. William had been hinting around about it for weeks, but Dallas had a feeling David was the hold up. In the past three days she’d gone back to working long hours, be it remotely, she was still at the top of her game. But, was it worth it? She released a long sigh and laid her head against the back of the chair. A glance around the intimate sitting area, attached to her bedroom, brought a slight smile to her face. It was perfectly decorated in blues and browns, with formal curtains tied back separating it from the sleeping area. Two high-back upholstered chairs, divided by a small table and lamp faced the fireplace, with a flat screened television hanging above it. She wasn’t much of a TV watcher, but it added to the look and feel of the cozy space.

Dallas closed her eyes to the dull ache in her head as she thought back on when Tyler first purchased the five bedroom five bathroom house. This was the room she’d immediately fell in love with, which was probably the reason he had put her in it, verses one of the bedrooms on the first floor. The thought brought with it guilt that they hadn’t been able to see eye to eye regarding her hectic work schedule. Some days, like today, she felt he might’ve been right. It might’ve been too soon to go back to work.

“It’s nice to see you relaxing,” she heard Tyler say from behind her.

She opened her eyes and turned to him. “Hey.”

“Hey, yourself.” He strolled into the sitting area and handed her one of two bottled waters he carried. He sat in the other overstuffed chair, separated from her by a round, wood table. “So, how did your meeting go?” He took a swig of his water and placed it on a coaster near the reading lamp.

His deep-timbered voice caressed her like a gentle feather against her skin. Aware of the attraction between them, she willed her mind to focus on anything but him. She was a woman facing the harsh possibility of not making partner this year – or maybe never. She should be concentrating on how to attain her dream, not on the sexy way Tyler’s lip moved or how he ignited sexual feelings she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“It went all right. Not exactly what I expected though,” she said looking down at her hands, folded in her lap. “What did you expect?”

Considering making partner was all she had talked about while they were dating, she knew he didn’t want to hear anything else about it. She chanced a glance at him. “They’ve made some cuts and asked managers to take on more accounts.” Tyler leaned forward. “Dallas, you’re still recovering. What’s wrong with those people? I hope you said no.”

“I’ve decided I’m going to show them I can handle whatever they give me.” “Sweetheart.” His large hands clenched the arms of the chair. “The doctor told you to take it easy. You’re making decisions that are detrimental to your health. These folks apparently don’t care.”

“I know what’s best for me and how much I can handle. I take care of myself just fine. I don’t need you trying to control what I do.” She folded her arms across her stomach, but winced when they made contact with her ribs. Tyler’s angry gaze would’ve caused a weaker woman to wither, but not Dallas. She enjoyed some of their verbal battles. They awarded her the opportunity to see him fired up, his dark, piercing eyes even sexier than usual.

“Look at you. You can’t even go a couple of minutes without pain, yet you’re willing to take on more work. When are you going to stop putting all your energies into your career?” He stood and grabbed his water bottle.

“When I accomplish my number one goal.”

Sharon C. Cooper's books