Blue Roses

A moment passed before Tyler spoke. He still remembered the first time he laid eyes on Dallas. She projected a powerful energy that sucked the breath out of him. She could walk into a room and attract attention from both men and women. The men wanted to take her home and the women hated her at first glance. She oozed poise and self-confidence from every pore of her body. If it were up to him, he would’ve spent every waken hour with her. A frustrated sigh past through his lips before he said, “Tim … I thought I was over her. But I don’t think I am. I won’t put myself through this again. And I can’t believe you’re even asking me to consider it. You, more than anyone, know what I’ve been through with her.”

“I know, I know.” Tim said. “Ty, will you really be able to let her go back to Chicago, by herself? Aren’t you going to worry about her just as much as Simone? Why not just let her stay with you, at least until she can get back on her feet?” “Why don’t I just get her a nurse? I can have someone at her place by the time she’s released from the hospital.”

“And you wouldn’t worry about her?”

He was right. Tyler knew he’d be consumed with thoughts of Dallas, wondering if she was okay, if she was eating, or if she was in any pain. Even though she drove him nuts while they were dating, he missed her like crazy these last six months. But could he live in the same house with her for weeks? “I don’t know, Tim,” he walked back to his desk and reclaimed his seat.

“Just think about it,” his brother said. “All right.” Tyler disconnected, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, enjoying the stillness in the room. He had once dreamed of the day when he and Dallas could live under the same roof. This wasn’t how he envisioned it. He thought they’d be married and maybe have a child by now. If only she wasn’t so stubborn and obsessed with making partner, they’d be together.

Chapter Three

“Tyler, I don’t care what you say. I’m not going home with you!” Dallas spat. “I think you’re taking this pretend husband thing a little too far.”

Dressed and ready to leave the hospital, she had every intention of going back to Chicago. But between Simone’s call, telling her that going home alone wasn’t a good idea, and Tyler’s insistence for her to stay with him, she wasn’t sure what to do. Her head pounded and she still felt weak, but no way was she going home with him.

“I’m not letting you go back to Chicago in this condition.”

She glared at him. “What do you mean you’re not letting me? I’m a grown ass woman, capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need you or Simone telling me what I can or cannot do.”

“Dallas, you can hardly walk and you wince every time you move. How are you going to take care of yourself?”

She hated when he got like this. Thinking he knew what was best for her. It didn’t help that he was standing across the room looking confident and gorgeous in that tailored dark brown suit. And he probably intentionally wore her favorite paisley tie today. She rolled her eyes at him and leaned back against the pillow. Getting around would be hard, but not impossible. She had to get back to work. Besides, moving in with him would be too much of a distraction.

“I’m going to make some other arrangements,” she said. “I’ll call Harmony to see if I can stay with her for a little while.” “Simone said that your sister can barely take care of herself. Besides, don’t you think it would be a little cramped in her studio apartment?”

Dallas didn’t respond. What was she thinking? Staying with Harmony wasn’t an option. Her self-absorbed sister was probably shacked up with some loser anyway. There had to be some other place she could go or something else she could do. Working and attending meetings weren’t going to be a problem; thanks to technology. Walking around on a busted up leg, was another story. She gingerly moved her legs over the edge of the bed. The smallest movement seemed to take all the energy she had.

“Dallas.” Tyler sat on the bed next to her and took her hand. “I don’t want to argue with you, and I’m not trying to cause you any more stress. Like you, I want you back on your feet and well. That’s all.”

She studied him, surprised by his kindness through this whole ordeal, considering they hadn’t parted on the best of terms. Thankfully he didn’t realize how irresistible he was. How would she be able to focus on getting better and getting her work done with him around?

“Tyler, I appreciate the offer, it’s just…” “It’s just what?”

“I … I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she said, her words barely audible.

Sharon C. Cooper's books