Blue Roses

A slow, cocky smile spread across his face. “Ohhh, so now I get it. You’re afraid you won’t be able to control yourself.” He stood facing her and folded his arms across his wide chest. Dallas waved him off. “Oh, whatever. Don’t go getting a big head, ‘cause you ain’t all that.” She lied.

“All right, ready to go?” The nurse interrupted and rolled the wheelchair into the room. “Since your husband signed your release papers and the doctor already talked to you about your follow-up visits, you’re free to leave.”

Dallas looked up at Tyler. Overwhelmed feelings of gratitude welled up in her chest. What would she have done without him this past week? Maybe she’d stay with him for a few days until she could make other arrangements. They were adults. Surely she could live under the same roof with him.

“Thanks for taking care of everything,” she said.

He bent and rested his hands on the bed on each side of her, bringing them face to face. The smile in his eyes contained a sumptuous flame. “My pleasure.”

Ugh, you’re not helping here, she cringed. I can’t go backwards. We can’t go back. “I’m going to get the truck. I’ll meet you out front.”

“Oh, before I forget,” the nurse said and held out an envelope to Dallas. “A guy dropped this off for you. I told him he could come in and see you, but he said he didn’t want to disturb you.”

Dallas opened the envelope and pulled out a beautiful card with blue roses gracing the front. Sorry to hear you’ve been in the hospital. Get well soon.

She frowned. “It’s not signed.”

“Let me see it,” Tyler said, and Dallas handed him the card. “Did this person ask for Dallas, or just give you the card?”

Dallas eyed him suspiciously, noting the concerned look on his face. Ever since the visit from the cop, he’d been glued to her. “It’s just a card, Tyler. I doubt if there’s anything behind it.” The nurse shrugged. “He asked me if I was going in to see Dallas Marcel. I said, yes. And then he said, ‘Can you give this to her?’”

“It’s probably someone from the Boys and Girls Club. Some of the other volunteers have sent cards and well wishes.” Dallas said. A wave of nausea caused her to slump against the pillows. Though the doctors had cut back on her medication, the pills still wreaked havoc on her system. “What’s wrong?” Tyler stooped in front her. Brushing hair away from her face, he let the back of his hand graze her cheek. Dallas wanted to lean into his caressing touch, but she stopped herself. No matter how sweet he was, they were no longer a couple. She needed to remember that.

“My stomach’s a little queasy.”

“Do you feel like you have to throw up?” The nurse inquired.

Dallas closed her eyes, only to reopen them again to see Tyler’s brows knitted together with worry.

“I’m okay. Give me a minute.” “I don’t know. Maybe we should have them check you out one last time before we leave.”

“I’m fine. Besides, it’s time for me to get out of here.” She lifted herself up, but didn’t feel a whole lot better.

“Well, if you’re sure you’re okay.” He studied her a minute longer. Then he did something that caught her totally off guard. With the lightest touch, he lifted her chin and his soft lips covered hers. At first the kiss was sweet and gentle but soon there was a possessive hunger behind it that sent shock waves surging through her body. When his tongue found hers and they tangled to a familiar beat, she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss with uncontrolled abandon. She groaned and didn’t care who heard her. She hadn’t been kissed this thoroughly since the last time he kissed her, months ago. But seconds later, Tyler pulled back leaving her panting and her lips longing for more.

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