The Roommate 'dis'Agreement

Readers… I don’t have anything else to say but THANK YOU! To all the old and new, and those in between, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me a chance or sticking by me. Whether you loved or hated this book, or just liked it somewhat, you’ll never know how grateful I am that you at least gave it shot.

Bloggers… You do this because you love it. For the love of the book, the love of the journey, the love of the author, or just plain old love of the escape a book can bring. There is not enough words to thank you for the time you give us, no matter how you feel about our particular book. Thank you isn’t enough, so I’m gonna say this (read it in slow motion) thank you. (You totally read that with a deep voice and pictured a man running in slow-mo with his mouth wide open, didn’t you?!)

Leddy Harper's books