How to Make a Wedding: Twelve Love Stories

Immense thanks go to . . .

My village, without whom I’d not be able to write an ever-loving word. My husband, for everything he does so I can pursue this dream. My children, for letting mommy escape to the office in relative (it’s all relative, isn’t it?) quiet. And my family, who are always willing to take said children so mommy can escape to the office in actual quiet.

Becky Philpott, Karli Jackson, Elizabeth Hudson, and all the other people at HarperCollins who’ve had their hands in this particular story. You’re wonderful to work with! Same goes with my fabulous agent, Rachelle Gardner.

Terri Nelson and Terri Werkhieser, for not only answering my questions about the floral business, but for inviting me inside your adorable shop in Orion so I could gather some first-hand knowledge.

Katie Coleman, for kindly naming Amelia’s business. The Forget-Me-Not Flower Shop fit perfectly. Oh, and all my Facebook fans, for helping me name Nate and Amelia! If you’re reading this and not on my Facebook page you really should join in the fun. People help me name things all the time.

Amy Haddock, for sharing some funny flower-arranging anecdotes, one of which I used in the story.

Jesus. Because, well, you’re everything.

And then, of course! My fabulous readers with an extra-special shout-out to the Ganshert Gang. You take the joy that is writing and increase it exponentially. Thanks for filling this adventure with so much encouragement, support, and love! I hope you enjoy reading my latest every bit as much as I enjoyed writing it.

for Love in the Details

I’m grateful to Becky Philpott, my editor at Zondervan, for inviting me to participate in this wonderful collection of wedding-themed novellas. Thank you, Becky! You’re kind, outgoing, and a pleasure to work with. I truly appreciate the opportunity you extended to me.

Many, many thanks to my agent and Love in the Details’ very first reader, Linda Kruger. Your feedback on this novella was extraordinarily helpful, Linda. Oh, how I value your insight and friendship.

My husband has staunchly believed in my writing since the very first time I ever mentioned to him that I might like to attempt a novel of my own. His hands-on help (making dinners, watching the kids, doing the dishes, and giving me pep talks) made this novella possible. I love you!

And lastly, to my kids, who (almost) never complain about the hours I spend working. I’m so glad that I get to be your mom. Thank you very, very much for supporting my writing.

Rachel Hauck & Robin Lee Hatcher & Katie Ganshert & Becky Wade & Betsy St. Amant & Cindy Kirk & Cheryl Wyatt & Ruth Logan Herne & Amy Matayo & Janice Thompson & Melissa McClone & Kathryn Springer's books