How to Make a Wedding: Twelve Love Stories

Thanks to Denise Hunter and Colleen Coble for recommending me for this project. I’m grateful for your belief in me. Thanks Joel Kneedler and John Perrodin at Alive Communications for contracts and career guidance. Thanks Rachel Hauck, Denise Hunter, and Deb Raney for answering my gazillion novella-related questions.

Thanks Sally Shupe and Casey Herringshaw for beta reading this book. Thanks Preslaysa for the novella article. Thanks to my Facebook community for all the fun ideas and excitement over every story. You are awesome! I am blessed by your presence on my author page. Those who haven’t visited, we’d love to have you:

Thanks to my family for being so supportive of my deadlines and for loving frozen pizza.

Lastly, thank you, Jesus, for the gift, the grace, and the gumption to write. May every word honor you, make you smile, and make you more famous to those who don’t know.

for All Dressed Up in Love

This fun novella wouldn’t exist without the grace of the Hall family, owners of a renowned independent bridal store in Rochester, New York. “Bridal Hall” was a long-standing and wonderful part of the Western New York bridal industry for decades. As employers, they were marvelous, kind, and caring. As friends, they’re more so! They offered jobs to two of my children in “Tuxedo Hall” as Beth and Luke worked their way through college, and on slow winter nights Ed Hall would say, “Bring your books and study if it’s quiet. Make good use of your time!” Also, big thanks to Matt and Zach Blodgett, my two boys who attended the University of Pennsylvania. Their years in Philly gave me a chance to know and love the city, from the streets of Old City to the hills of Valley Forge, a wonderful place to visit and live! And a huge shout-out to the missions and soup kitchens reaching out to the needy in our communities. Bless you for your living example of Christ’s words among us!

for In Tune with Love

Thank you to my publisher—Harper Collins/Zondervan—for inviting me into your group. As an indie author who often finds herself flailing alone, it’s nice to have found a place to belong. I appreciate your entire team of sweet, encouraging people.

I would like to thank my readers for coming back again. It’s always a humbling and thrilling experience when someone buys my books, especially when you take the time to give a nice review or sweet face-to-face comment. I appreciate every single one of you, and I’m forever grateful.

A huge thank you to my fantastic agent, Jessica Kirkland. Without your guidance I would still be staring at a screen, wondering what the heck to do with all the finished manuscripts stored inside my computer. Thankfully you always know what comes next. You’re savvy when I am clueless, sharp when I am dull, excited when I am lifeless, a marketing genius when I am not (which is always since I hate marketing). I’m eternally blessed by you.

Thank you to my awesome editor—Jamie Chavez—for your willingness to read this book and for taking my very rough manuscript and turning it into something (hopefully) worth publishing. I learned so much about writing from you, and I appreciate your wisdom.

To Nicole Deese—my “writer wife”—for every encouraging word you’ve ever spoken. If words came to life and I tried to stack them in a room, all your kind ones wouldn’t fit inside. You cheer me up when I’m down and eagerly volunteer to slap me when I’m filled with self-doubt. Only a real friend would do something so sweet. God made a great person when He made you, and I am privileged to know you.

To Alec Stockton, for sharing my love of creating things from nothing but imagination and a computer. It’s nice to know someone who identifies with my weirdness. Or coolness, as I prefer to call it.

To my sisters, Tracy and Emily, for being my best friends and for not giving up on me when I’m under a deadline or going through last-minute freak outs. I love you both. Thank you for loving me.

To my parents—Hal and Jan Millsap—for raising three pretty awesome girls. At least I think we’re awesome. Other people might think differently, but whatever.

To my extended family—both the Millsap side and the Matayo side. I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to belong to.

To my kids—Jackson, Lilly, Landon, and Rowan—for being the loves of my life. You four sacrifice more than anyone so that I can achieve my dreams, and I’m grateful for each one of you. I’ll love you always.

To my husband, Doug, for loving me, sticking with me, and encouraging me through the craziness.

And to Jesus Christ, for saving my life. I’m messy and ridiculous and constantly screwing up, but your grace makes all the difference.

for Never a Bridesmaid

A huge “Thank you” to my editors, Becky Monds and Karli Jackson. I’m grateful you gals took a chance on me. Working for HarperCollins has been pure delight!

To my copy editor, Jean Bloom: You put a lovely Texas spit-shine on this story and I’m tickled to have your input. Mari’s tale is in much finer shape, thanks to you.

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