Diana Adores the Puzzled Duke

“be done?” they both said .

Diana was almost too tired to resist, but she disengaged from their grasp and flung her arms out in a circle to clear her space from their intrusion. She stood .

“I am fine. Just fine. Well… not exactly fine , but I do not need fussing over .”

The twins leaned back away from her .

“But my dear …”

“it must be something,” the two said—one completing the other’s sentence .

Diana sat back down and sighed. She leaned her head against Geoffrey’s shoulder. “If I tell you, you must promise and swear that you will never, never, never tell another living soul .”

“Oh, my …”

“serious business,” the twins said .

“It is. Promise me,” Diana insisted .

They crossed their hearts simultaneously .

Diana then told the tale of her dilemma .

When she was finished the two sat mulling over what they’d just heard .


“and warm muffins .”

They both shot up and went to the kitchen and soon returned carrying a tray with glasses of milk and a basket of muffins .

“How can …”

“we help?” they asked, determined to help Diana find a solution .

“I do not see how you can .”

“I know. Perhaps we could find a rainbow …”

“with a pot of gold at the end .”

Diana collapsed against the back of the sofa. “Realistically, it seems my only choice is to marry Adam. I know he would help out when the situation is explained to him—but only as my fiancé or husband .”

“But you like him, right?” Miriam asked .

“I do. But marriage? I am not ready for that. I have my writing. My parents still need me. I can’t just walk away from all of my responsibilities .”

“How could you …”

“sell more books?” they asked .

“I do not know,” Diana answered .

“What if you toured …

“and gave readings in London …”

“and around Britain ?”

“I could speak to my publisher about that, but that would take time and we do not have that much time before we need to renew the leasehold .”

“You could always work the …

“streets in Soho,” the two let out in a scream of laughter .

“And that would earn me even less,” Diana countered with her own laughter .

“What if you explained the situation honestly to Adam in a friendly sort of way?” Geoffrey offered .

“And maybe he would help if you asked him?” Miriam concluded .

“That might be worth a try,” Diana said. “But then I—well, the whole family, actually—would feel obligated to him .”

“My dear, life is just filled …”

“with complications and compromises .”


A bigale had terrible arthritis in her hands and Kitty needed to walk with a cane because of her hip. They had no family, except for a nephew, Brandon Matthews, whom the sisters idolized. He was the manager of a prestigious bank in Bristol. He never visited, but occasionally sent a letter, and when he did, it was always a major event in their household. A daguerreotype of Brandon stood in a prominent place on the sitting-room mantel .

“We had a letter from Brandon,” Abigale greeted Diana and her mother even before they were inside the house. They had arrived bearing books from their home library, as George had thousands of books and the sisters had few. It was one form of entertainment both sisters enjoyed and Diana and Ann had promised to switch books with them every few weeks .

“I hope you have not read any of these titles,” Ann said, handing the books to Abigale .

She scanned the books. “Oh, no. These are all new to us .”


“We had a letter from Brandon.” Abigale enthused again, sitting the books on the kitchen table. “He’s just returned from traveling abroad. Would you like me to read the letter to you?” she asked then called out, “Kitty, will you bring Brandon’s letter? Diana and Ann have come to bring us fresh books .”

Neither Diana nor Ann wished to be subjected to a letter from Brandon—they were usually long and tedious and unrelated to anything they knew about .

“Thank you, but I must get back to my painting,” Ann said, laying her hand on Abigale’s arm, “and I cannot leave my gallery unattended for too long,” she added, backing toward the front door .

Diana had no such urgent excuse, so she was welcomed for tea and a lengthy and thorough reading of the letter at the kitchen table with added side comments along the way .

“You know Brandon received the MVO, did he not?” Abigale turned to Kitty for confirmation .

“No dear it was the OM .”

“Oh, was that it? Never mind. But it was some high order or other .”

“And his church made him a deacon, I believe, as well .”

“He is such a fine example of public service. We are so proud .”

“Yes, and let us continue with the letter, shall we dear?” Kitty insisted .

The sisters were surprised when there was a knocking at their front door .

“Better to see who that is,” Kitty insisted, not as easily able to get out of her chair as Abigale was .

“Look who is here,” Abigale said as she returned with Adam .

“Oh, Adam, hello,” a surprised Diana said

“Your mother said you were over here and might need a rescue,” he said, not thinking what he was saying .

“Well hardly a rescue,” Diana said, trying to cover for his thoughtless remark. “She must have said I need to recuse myself and get back to my writing .”

“Yes, exactly—recuse was the word,” Adam said, blushing slightly .

Diana stood. “I am so sorry, but I will need to hear the rest of the letter another time. It is true I must get back to my work and I must also have a word or two with Adam. I do hope you will enjoy the books we found for you .”

The sisters’ faces registered a brief disappointment at her parting, but smiled and thanked her for the books .


“O h my, what an ass I can be sometimes,” Adam said as they left the sisters’ house and he took Diana’s arm, tripping on a stepping stone as they headed toward the street .

Diana giggled, “Yes, but you were totally accurate. I desperately did need rescuing .”

“Yes, it’s been a few days and I wanted to stop by and see how you were .”

Diana was not sure how to proceed, or if she should even bring up the topic, but she decided she must, as the family was in such a desperate bind .

She looked up at him and said, “Might we take a short walk in the meadow? I have something I very much need to discuss with you. Do you have the time ?”

“I do,” he said squeezing her arm .

They headed down the side street past the Sinclair’s house and over the stile that lead to a meadow bordered by a wood where they frequently walked together. It was a partly cloudy morning and a little chilly. Adam put his arm around Diana’s shoulders and pulled her tightly against him to offer her some of his warmth .

“My dear Adam, I need to tell you about a situation my family is in .”

“Nothing serious, I trust,” he asked with some concern .

“Yes, I am afraid it is .”

Hanna Hamilton's books