Diana Adores the Puzzled Duke

“Adam, we have discussed this. You are still a student and when you graduate you will be entering your father’s publishing house and you need to establish yourself. And you will be making only a modest salary, to begin with. I thought we had agreed to wait until you were a full editor .”

“Yes, I know.” He looked up at her. “But I am so passionate about you. You know how I feel and it seems like there is an ever-receding horizon when it comes to us being together .”

“Don’t make me be cross with you, Adam. You well know our mutual decisions .”

“Yes, Diana,” he said in a resigned but equally complaining voice .

Diana reached out to him. “Come, be a poppet and take me to tea at Carson and Bindell’s . You know how I love their scones .”

Adam pouted. “But I already brought you the lovely custard tarts .”

“Yes. And that was very sweet of you, but we’ll save those for tonight’s sweet for the whole family .”

“You are a terrible tyrant,” he said, as he stood and took her hand .


D iana carried two of Adam’s custard tarts wrapped in a towel to her neighbors two doors down—the spinster sisters, Abigale and Kitty Goodwin .

Kitty opened the door. “Oh, Abigale, look who’s here—it’s the adorable Miss Diana .”

Abigale called from inside the house, “I will put the kettle on .”

“Not necessary,” Diana said. “I can only stop a moment. I wanted to bring you these delicious looking tarts from Delaware’s Bakery .”

“Oh, my…” Kitty said, lifting the edge of the towel to examine the treat. “Come in for just a minute, though .”

Diana followed Kitty to their kitchen where she put the tarts onto a plate that Kitty offered .

Abigale came over and, after taking a quick peek at the tarts, put her hand on Diana’s arm and said, “Have you heard about Mabel Stephenson ?”

“I don’t believe so,” Diana replied .

Abigale leaned in and whispered. “She has a growth .”


“Indeed, and the doctors are not sure what to think about it,” she added, nodding with a “you know” look .

Kitty added, “And she sat at this very table and swore it was nothing to be worried about, but how does one ever know such a thing? I ask you .”

Diana adored the two sisters but was less enchanted with their occasional gossip. She usually tried to divert the conversation when such matters came up .

“I noticed you have been working in your garden. Isn’t it a bit early to be planting annuals?” Diana asked .

“Oh, we always plant by the end of March. The house shades from the north wind and the boxwood hedge helps protect from the traffic on the street.” Kitty said, then leaned in and whispered, “Now don’t tell a soul, but after dark, we pop out into the road and sweep up the horse droppings. Just marvelous for the garden beds you know .”

Abigale came over and offered solicitously, “We were so sorry to hear about your dear father’s misfortune .”

This took Diana aback. “I am not sure to what you are referring .”

“Oh dear, Betsy Johnson said her husband at the bank told her that your father applied for a loan and it was denied.” Abigale patted Diana’s arm out of sympathy .

“Thank you for your concern, but that is not something I wish to discuss outside of the family .”

The sisters nodded. “We completely understand,” Kitty said .

“I best run along now. I am preparing dinner this evening, and I don’t want to keep the family waiting,” Diana said as she edged her way out the cottage door .

“Bye, dear, and thank you for the lovely tarts,” Abigale said waving good-bye .


D iana linked her arm with her father’s as they strolled up Northampton Street toward St. John ’s College where he was soon to have a tutorial. A chill breeze was at their back and she lifted up his coat collar around his neck .

“Thank you, dear. I sometimes do not know what I would do without you .”

“Well, you don’t have to Father .”

“I certainly will one day soon. I have seen how your young man looks at you. He has marriage on his mind. I can see that even with these poor old eyes of mine. It will not be long until he will be whisking you away to London and a totally new life .”

“But not quite yet, Father .”

They walked on in silence for a time until they came near the college entrance .

Diana squeezed her father’s arm and asked, “Father, what are you going to do since the bank denied you the loan? That was some time ago and you have not said .”

Father looked at his daughter. “Ah, my dear, that is naught to trouble your head with .”

“But maybe there would be something I could do to help,” she offered. “I have my royalties from the books. I, of course, contribute to the household expenses, but I pay no rent and I have some savings. I would be happy to help if I could .”

Father seemed to consider her offer. “That’s very kind of you, my dear, but I am afraid my needs far exceed even what you could possibly offer .”

“Then tell me, what is it you need, and why ?”

“Not now, my pet. This is no time for that discussion. Suffice it to say that it is a serious matter and if you really want to know then I shall discuss it with you later .”

“Can you at least suggest what it is about?” she asked .

“I have not wanted to trouble you with all of this, as I believe you shall soon marry and my troubles will not touch your life any longer .”

“But your troubles shall always touch my life, for they are your troubles, and you are my dear father, whether I am close by or not .”

Father removed his arm. “It is time for my tutorial. If it really interests you then let’s discuss the matter in my study after supper. You mother will have her fire and her knitting to occupy her then .”

“Very well.” Diana watched her stooped father head off across the quadrangle toward his rooms and her heart swelled with sympathy for her dear parent .

Chapter 3

A melia Donnelly, Robert’s elder sister, tilted her head in front of the standing mirror in her bedroom. She had been going through her hats and discarding what she no longer cared for. The hat she was currently modeling was a maybe . One moment she liked it, and the next she detested it. She finally threw it on her bed—the maybe pile. But she noticed her rejection pile was much larger than her acceptance pile .

“Next,” she shouted out to her personal maid .

The poor girl brought out the last hat which Amelia immediately snatched from the girl’s hand and carefully placed atop her head. She studied it and sighed. Reject . She tossed it aside. And her only consolation was that she would now need to go hat shopping, which meant a trip to the London house, which she always enjoyed—especially when it involved spending Robert’s money .

She turned to her maid. “Get rid of all of those—but not to any of the servants. I do not want to see any of them parading around as though they were some sort of a duchess. Understand ?”

“Yes, your ladyship .”

She pointed. “And those I am keeping. Put them away .”

Hanna Hamilton's books