Diana Adores the Puzzled Duke

“I have not, but I should like to. Actually, it was Sir Cecil who suggested I contact you .”

“I see. But do you not think it important that your work match mine in some manner? After all, my readers would be wildly suspicious if your writing was too different from mine .”

“I have considered that, and might propose a forward in my book suggesting you had decided to go in a new direction with your writing .”

“Yes, that might work .”

“Then you will agree to the proposal ?”

“Perhaps. I certainly do need the additional income. And you assure me I could continue with my work—but under a different name ?”

“Sir Cecil assures me you can do that and he will make a concerted effort to make it a successful transition .”

“And that being said, may I offer you some tea now? Or would you rather go for a walk? There is a quite lovely meadow nearby .”

“How about a walk and then some tea? I should like to know more about your books .”

“By all means let us walk. I find that writing all day, I need to get out and stretch my legs most afternoons.” They both stood. “Then just let me fetch my shawl and I shall be right with you .”


H aving crossed over the stile into the meadow, Robert turned and offered his hand to Diana who deftly climbed up and then down the steps .

She looked up directly into Robert’s eyes and felt a shiver go down her spine. This man was so dashingly handsome. She felt a catch in her breath and a tingle along her arm as he let go of her hand as they were now ready to walk .

Robert turned and examined the meadow. “I used to come here often to walk when I was a student at St. John’s . However, I entered from the other end which was closer to the college .”

Diana smiled shyly and said, “Then we already have something in common .”

“We do indeed,” he answered smiling .

He offered Diana his arm, which she took .

“Now, then tell me about your books,” he said. “All Sir Cecil would tell me was that they were romances. But that is such a general term, it is difficult to get much understanding from that term alone .”

The grass was wet from an earlier shower and with her free hand, Diana lifted her skirts slightly to avoid them getting soaked .

“Yes, romance is a very general term. My stories are character based with the individuals who are faced with impediments to their union but with some humor and, of course, a happy ending once the obstacles are overcome. Not very exciting to a gentleman, perhaps, but my readers seem to enjoy my modest tales .”

Robert nodded. “My book is also a romance, but it is interwoven with a tale of travel and adventure—more pleasing to men than to women, perhaps .”

Diana took exception to his observation. “Not at all. Ladies enjoy a good adventurous story as well as men—if it is well told, of course—and perhaps not too violent .”

“And I believe my story is well told and pleasing to the average reader. But what about your readers?” Do you think they might enjoy such a tale ?”

“It might surprise them at first, but I believe they would .”

“My goal is to expand beyond your current readership and build a larger following with the wider scope of my story .”

“Yes. I understand .”

They walked on in silence until they came to the far side of the meadow .

“Shall we return?” Robert asked .

“I think that wise. My shoes are getting a little wet .”

“Oh, I am sorry,” he said with some concern. “You should have warned me. We could have returned sooner .”

“No, it is fine. I get wet feet all the time. I walk so often I am quite accustomed to it .”

They turned and began walking back .

“Please enlighten me a little more about the exact arrangement you wish to make with me,” Diana said .

“Oh, I have not been clear, have I ?”

“You sketched out what you wanted, but you have not been specific on what you are offering .”

“How negligent of me. Only thinking about myself again, I am afraid. I am scolded about my self-centeredness from my sister incessantly .”

“I shall forgive you,” Diana said looking at Robert and smiling .

“I was thinking of offering you one thousand pounds up front and fifty percent of my share of the royalties on the sales of the book thereafter. Does that sound equitable ?”

Diana was shocked. It was a large sum that might go a long way toward solving the family’s financial problem. And fifty percent of the royalties seemed very generous. That would be in addition to her own royalties—however, she would still need to reach her readers under a different name. But Robert assured her Sir Cecil would be able to help with that .

She realized that even with a thousand pounds up front, it would not be enough to purchase the leasehold. And there was no way to know if Robert’s book would be successful or not. It would take time before his book was published and the royalties would be coming in .

She felt uncomfortable asking Robert for more money and answered, “It does sound fair .”

“Then will you agree? I should so like for Sir Cecil to be able to move forward with publishing my book as soon as possible .”

“I would like a few days to think about it—if you do not mind. It is a big decision and I would like to discuss it with my parents and my friend, Adam .”

“Adam? Is he a friend or a suitor?” Robert asked with a hint of hesitation .

Diana prevaricated, then said, “Well, to be honest, the relationship is not clear cut. I would have to honestly answer by saying—he is a little bit of both .”

“I see,” he said contemplatively, as he looked at her with what she thought was a look of disappointment .

Chapter 6

T hey reached the stile and after they crossed over, they were headed back to Diana’s house when, as they were passing the Sinclair residence, Miriam and Geffrey ran out of the house and ran up to Diana, accosting her as Miriam shouted, “Come in for tea !”

“We saw you heading to the meadow earlier,” Geoffrey added .

“Oh, hello …”

“we are the Sinclair twins …”

She pointed to her brother and said, “Geoffrey …”

And he pointed to her, “and Mariam .”

“Robert Donnelly,” Diana introduced, as Robert offered his hand to shake .

“Are you …”

“a professor at the college ?”

“No, I am an author, like your friend, Diana,” Robert said, but not introducing himself as the Earl of Donnelly .

“Then come inside for tea …”

“Robert, the author .”

Miriam grabbed hold of Robert’s hand as Geoffrey grabbed hold of Diana’s and led them inside, Robert laughing at the sudden turn of events .


D iana was amused as she watched Robert interact with her two bizarre friends. But he seemed to be enjoying himself all through the brief tea .

Finally, when they left, Diana took hold of Robert’s arm again and said, “I hope you didn’t mind having tea with my crazy friends. I was going to offer you a much more sedate tea time, but we were kidnapped and taken hostage .”

Hanna Hamilton's books