Diana Adores the Puzzled Duke

He came up behind her and grabbed her by the waist from behind and kissed the side of her neck. She wiggled free and turned to him .

“What is that?” she asked, pointing to the paper in his hand .

“Ah… My new project.” He waved it in the air seductively .

“Are you going to tell me?” she asked

“Perhaps. If you are very, very good .”

“Or very, very naughty,” she added .

“Yes, or that .”

They both laughed. Then he handed her the paper which she studied .

“I don’t understand,” she said looking up and handing the paper back to him. “A shipping canal ?”


“Whatever for ?”

“Shipping, of course. The whole of Cambridge County lacks easy access to the North Sea. But with a few well-connected canals to the River Ouse, we could ship our goods cheaply and swiftly to the Wash where we could set up a port and ship abroad for far greater access to the continental markets .”

“And this is your project?” Amelia asked .


“And what does this have to do with me? I have no interest, and even less influence to help you achieve this goal .”

“Ah, but your brother does,” he smiled .

Amelia raised her chin and looked at him with new interest. “And what is in it for me ?”

“A successful Viscount who has launched a massive project benefiting the whole county—and most especially himself—might just be in a position to marry .”

“And just how might this Viscount benefit himself ?”

“Through tolls. My canals would not be free. And shipping tariffs. Once the port is built I intend to control all the shipping .”

Amelia smiled. “Most enterprising. And you wish me to influence my brother how ?”

“I have acquired all the land I need to construct the principal canal. However, there is one parcel I still need …”

“Let me guess. It would cross our land, would it not ?”


“And why not just circumvent the Donnelly property ?”

“Unfortunately all adjacent properties contain hills that prevent us from connecting to the lower-lying canal .”

“And you want me to what ?”

“Work with me to convince your brother to sell a portion of his estate to me .”

“Have you spoken to him about this yet ?”

“I briefly mentioned it to him once in passing as we were visiting after a church service, and he seemed uninterested. I need you to help him become interested .”

“And you, of course, expect to pay for this property ?”

“Of course .”

“Then I want ten percent of the sale price for my services,” Amelia insisted .

“And if we were to marry ?”

“What difference would that make?” Amelia asked. “I expect to be compensated for my most valuable services as his sister and/or your wife .”

“Oh, you are a harsh one,” he said laughing. “Five percent .”

“Seven-five .”

“Oh, very well. You are impossible,” he said waving his hand in the air .

“And that is why you love me,” she said as she turned, snatched the paper from his hand, and added, “Let me set up a dinner party and I will arrange it so the two of you will have some time alone .”

“I’d like you to be present. You may be able to help influence him in my favor .”

“I will do what I can. Just leave it to me .”


“Y ou are totally, intensely, and irrevocably insane?” Amelia shouted just after Robert told her about his plan to be published .

He was trying to be patient with her. “But it will not be published under my name. I have found a most exceptional young lady who may agree to be my surrogate author .”

Robert noticed Amelia’s softened expression and surmised she liked the sound of that, as she was always looking for a possible wife for him .

“And who is this woman?” Amelia asked, “Is she of the blood ?”

“She is the daughter of a lecturer I had when I was at the university .”

“Oh, an academic …”

That was only slightly elevated above a dustman in her eyes, Robert knew—slightly amused—and dashing Amelia’s hopes of a good marriage prospect .

“Well, that certainly is not going to happen,” she announced categorically .

“Oh, and why is that ?”

“Because you are the Earl of Donnelly, and it is social suicide if you attempt such an endeavor .”

“But I have already explained to you my proposed arrangement which will shield me from your concerns .”

“And how do you know she can be trusted—this woman of romantic fiction ?”

“Because it is in her interest. She will greatly increase her income from the sales of my books .”

“And if you fail? What will keep her from announcing to the world that you are the true author of this massive failure and not her ?”

“Because she is an honorable gentlewoman .”

“And you are certain of this? You know her that well, do you ?”

“Well enough .”

“Robert, you are a fool .”

“Perhaps. But must I remind you once again that I am the head of this household and the Earl of Donnelly, and you are my dearest sister living here under my protection and at my pleasure. If, however, that arrangement does not satisfy you, then you are free to make other arrangements—at your own expense .”

That completely silenced Amelia. She clasped her fingers together and pretended to study the books on a particular shelf. And still studying the books announced, “I am planning a small dinner party Friday next week. I am inviting the Viscount Berwick, the Simpson-Wright sisters and the Lord and Lady Booth. I know how much the Simpson-Wrights amuse you, so I am counting on your attendance .”

“Sounds pleasant enough—except for Berwick. Bit of a bore, if you ask me. And he’s been pressing me about some scheme of his which I have no interest in. Must he come ?”

Amelia turned to Robert with her most winning smile. “Oh, my dear Robert, but he is such a charming gentleman at a dinner party. He can be so witty and entertaining. I am certain the other guests will be delighted to have him at the table .”

Robert was not going to fight her about this, as he knew the two of them often spent time together. “Very well, he may attend .”

Amelia came forward and put her hand on Robert’s arm and said, “And oh, I forgot… there is one other guest .”


“Lady Hortense Wilton will also be attending. She just happens to be traveling from London through Cambridge on her way to Kingston upon Hull to visit her dear aunt and uncle .”

Robert suspected that Lady Hortense was another of Amelia’s eligible ladies of marriageable age, but he was too caught up in his pending publication to take on another fight with his sister .

“Lady Hortense… Another of your protégés ?”

“A most charming twenty-six. An absolute delight at whist, and an excellent horsewoman. I believe she is to arrive late morning the day of the dinner and it might be pleasant if the two of you went riding together .”

Robert gave her a withering look. “I believe that is most unlikely .”

Hanna Hamilton's books