Aliens Abroad

“Thanks, I think. You, as always, look ready for your photoshoot. So, Cosmic Moi, am I right in thinking that you solved the issue of which of your best guy friends to marry by marrying both of them?”

Cosmic Moi grinned. “We aren’t as uptight as our several-greats-grandparents were.”

Heard Jeff muttering behind us. Reader laughed softly. “Jeff, in our universe I’m gay and Chuck’s in love with Nathalie. Chill out.”

Looked at Jeff over my shoulder. He didn’t seem appeased. “What our James said, to infinity, Jeff.” Turned back to the screen. “So, do you guys recognize anyone else on our ship? It’s just the twelve of us and our animal companions, and you should be able to see all of us.”

“Why are we being so chatty?” Siler asked from the back.

“Because they’re us, and they’re not our enemies any more than we’re theirs.”

“That’s not quite true,” Cosmic Moi said, voice tight. “I see one of our enemies—our biggest enemy, to be frank—sitting behind James.”

We all looked at Jeff. Who looked as confused as the rest of us likely felt. “What? What the hell? How am I an enemy of these people?”

“Because,” Cosmic Moi said, voice like ice, “you’re King Jeffrey of Alpha Four and what’s been forced to become the Annocusal Royal Empire, and the one who made an alliance with the Z’porrah and betrayed the entire Consortium of Aligned Systems. You’re considered Galactic Enemy Number One and we are just thrilled to pieces that we’re going to be the ones who get to kill you, you vicious, murdering scum.”

Gini Koch used to live in Hell’s Orientation Area (aka Phoenix, Arizona) and now lives in Hotlanta (aka Atlanta, Georgia) because any kind of heat is better than any kind of cold. She works her butt off (sadly, not literally) by day and writes by night with the rest of the beautiful people. She lives with her awesome husband, four dogs (aka The Canine Death Squad), and two cats (aka The Killer Kitties). She has one very wonderful and spoiled daughter, who will still tell you she’s not as spoiled as the pets (and she’d be right).

When she’s not writing, Gini spends her time cracking wise, staring at pictures of good looking leading men for “inspiration”, teaching her pets to “bring it”, and driving her husband insane asking, “Have I told you about this story idea yet?” She listens to every kind of music 24/7 (from Lifehouse to Pitbull and everything in between, particularly Aerosmith and Smash Mouth) and is a proud comics geek-girl willing to discuss at any time why Wolverine is the best superhero ever (even if Deadpool does get all the best lines).

You can reach Gini via her website (, email ([email protected]), Facebook (, Facebook Fan Page: Hairspray & Rock ‘n’ Roll ( GiniKochAuthor), Pinterest page (pinterest.comginikoch), Twitter (@GiniKoch), or her Official Fan Site, the Alien Collective Virtual HQ (

Gini Koch's books