White Ginger


Leilani swung at anchor in the sheltered cove, a light breeze off the sea rippling little waves around her bow. On the narrow strip of beach, the leavings of an al fresco lunch lay forgotten near heaped beach towels. The tiny island, unused to sounds of humans, lay secretive, drowsing, hidden from the world outside under the afternoon warmth of the sun. A miniature iguana sunned itself on the rock, raising its head in alarm as vibrations from the earth disturbed its siesta.

A pale golden-skinned female form broke through the broad-leafed bushes near the water’s edge, fleeing an unseen pursuer. A few yards along the white sands, another figure, a bronzed male, raced through the luxuriant tropical growth, breaking through just ahead of the female. Laughter and delighted squeals transformed the quiet of the beach as he trapped her in his arms and tipped her onto the sand.

Golden limbs tangled with darker tanned limbs as two bodies merged, whispering timeless words of promises of love. Their union was all that Arne had imagined it would be, all that Amelie could ever have desired.

“A`ohe mea `imi a ka maka,” he whispered, soaring with her into the realm of bliss.

Out in the waters of the cove, a pair of joyful, playful dolphins swam together.

Susanne Bellamy's books