White Ginger

chapter 18

The hospital kept her in for observation for the next day and night. Arne refused to leave her side, so Lili brought changes of clothes for them, and a huge bunch of exotically colored flowers for Amelie. Lani pleaded to be allowed to visit too, but Lili had been adamant Amelie needed quiet and would be better off without an exuberant nine year old bouncing on her bed.

“She’s sulking at the moment, but you can be sure she’ll have some surprise planned when you come home. Speaking of which, the doctor doesn’t want you to stay alone for the first twenty-four hours, so I’ll set up the guest bedroom. Unless–”

“Amelie will stay with me.” Arne spoke decisively, sitting on the edge of the bed. He raised her hand to his lips. “I’m not letting her out of my sight.”

“Of course, that will solve the problem too.”

“Do I get a say? What if I want to visit Lili and Lani?” How she loved teasing Arne. A knock at the door interrupted their good-natured bantering.

Jeff Jessup opened the door and popped his head around. “Just checking on the patient. How are you, Amelie?”

“Much better now my head has stopped thumping.” She touched the dressing on her temple.

“Thought you might like to know that Whitburn confessed to everything–the break-ins, the sabotage, the attack on you and now this kidnapping. And he’s named names.”

“Is it…”

“The boys are picking up Sanderson as we speak, and, wait for it… Marita Kelly. According to Whitburn, she was the one who suggested he get rid of you after the reef attack.”

“What did I ever do to her?” Amelie had only met the woman a handful of times.

Jeff shook his head. “I still find it hard to understand such cold-bloodedness. Apparently she told Whitburn you’d set off the initial investigation and that you’d figure out he was the one who attacked you. He said she was determined to pay you back for meddling.”

“I told you she was the wicked witch, didn’t I?”

Arne corrected his sister. “No, Lili, you called her a bitch. Among other less complimentary names.”

Jeff chuckled. “Oh yeah. Forensics took a sample of his blood and guess what?”

“It matched the sample from the first break-in at my shed? Great. He’s gone, for everything.” Arne’s jaw clamped shut.

Feeling the tension in his grip, she stroked his knuckles. How did Arne feel, knowing his ex-fiancée had been part of the conspiracy against him? It must hurt that someone he’d trusted had turned on him and everything he believed in. How would he recover from such a betrayal? Would he dare trust her?

She needed to talk privately with him, but her wish was frustrated through the rest of the afternoon. A nurse wanted a blood sample, and then checked her temperature and offered food she didn’t want, and a surprising number of visitors came and went, including Jimi and Lucy with young Joe asleep in his carrycot.

At last, she waved good night to Lili and Arne moved from the armchair to sit beside her again. Finally. She thought she’d never get him alone. “Now is a good time to talk, don’t you think?”

“It’s not my ideal setting, though you are in bed.” Arne chuckled and bent to kiss her.

“Excuse me. Visiting time’s over, folks, sorry.” The young nurse smiled sympathetically and Amelie sighed.

“I’m going over to Jimi and Lucy’s now, but I’ll be back early.” Arne leaned over to kiss her good night. “And tomorrow night, Lili has arranged a little party to welcome you back home. So get a good sleep.” He traced a path with his fingers down her cheek to her lips. The warmth of his touch stayed with her long after he had gone.

* * * *

Amelie sighed with relief when they finished with the discharge formalities. Holding Arne’s hand tightly, he led her to the parking lot. She looked for his jeep but was surprised to see her blue Outback. “Where’s your car? Nothing’s happened, has it?”

“No. Just thought your car might be more comfortable. It’s a smoother ride than my jeep. I hope you don’t mind. Lili drove it up and Kevin followed in their car. I wanted to drive you home. I don’t want you shaken up any more than you’ve already been.”

He settled her into the passenger seat. “Comfy?”

“Yes, thank you.” She waited until they cleared the city. This was her chance to talk, but where to begin. Now was a terrible time for an attack of nerves. Her future rode on what he said. She turned to Arne, touching his forearm. “You said we would talk…”

“Later. Let’s just–later.”

Driving one-handed, he caught hold of her hand and kissed her knuckles, then turned it over to drop kisses into her palm and along her wrist. When his lips touched her sensitive skin like that, she couldn’t think straight. He held her hand throughout the drive home.

He drove sedately back to her cabin where she packed a few essentials and picked up an outfit to wear to the party, then continued to his bungalow. Carrying her bag, Arne led her to the guest room she had previously slept in. Surprised, she turned to him.

“The doctor said you’re to rest this afternoon. No excitement.” He gave her a wicked grin. “So I’m going to sit out here and get on with writing my report.”

Disappointed, she looked up at him sideways. Why couldn’t she snuggle up in his arms? She’d rest, just as the doctor ordered. “What if I promise to behave? Will you lie down with me?”

His eyes narrowed, and he held her shoulders. “You might think you can behave, but I promise you that I won’t be able to. I’ll wake you in time to get ready.” He pushed her gently into the room and closed the door.

How could those words thrill and frustrate her at the same time?

Because they carry a promise.

Susanne Bellamy's books