When Opposites Attract...


Grant had changed into his black dress pants and a black shirt. That was as far as he was willing to go for this prom. Besides, the attire didn’t matter, it was the memories.

He’d finished his phone call with his mother and had changed as fast as he could in the downstairs bedroom. His clothes had been packed. He’d called in favors all over the place to get deliveries made to the house on short notice, and he’d paid a hefty price.

Tessa stood at the top of the stairs with her crimson hair floating around her shoulders. The strapless blue dress flowed over her petite frame and made her eyes even more vibrant.

And suddenly the amount he’d spent meant absolutely nothing. He’d double it in a heartbeat to see Tessa looking so stunning, so sexy and so his for the next three days.

“I have no idea what you’ve got planned,” she said as she started her descent. “But I’m in love with this dress.”

Grant laughed, holding out his hand to take hers as she reached the base of the steps. “I’m loving how you look in that dress. You can thank Victoria Dane Alexander for that dress.”

Tessa’s eyes widened. “The famous designer?”

“She’s the sister of Anthony Price and Bronson Dane. I called in a favor, and she happened to have several designs on hand for last-minute calls such as mine. She was more than happy to ship this once Cassie informed me of your size.”

Tessa’s eyes watered. “You must’ve had this planned, but you asked me just this morning.”

Grant shrugged. “I knew I’d get you away from that stable one way or another, even if I had to drag you.”

“You’re amazing, Grant. I can’t believe you just snap your fingers and people do what you want.”

He laughed, escorting her toward the patio doors. “It’s not quite that easy, but it does help to know the right people, have money and an ambition.”

Turning to face her before he led her outside, Grant smoothed his palms over her bare shoulders, down her arms, and grabbed hold of her hands. “Are you ready for prom night?” he asked.

Tessa blinked, her mouth wide, then she smiled. “You’re kidding.”

“Not at all. It’s a shame you never had one, so I re-created it...in a way.”

She laughed. “This is by far a step above a high school prom, Slick. You flew me here in a private jet, and we’re on a mountain you own. Oh, and you provided a dress from one of the top designers in the world, who happens to be married to a prince. Did I leave anything out?”

He pushed the glass double doors open and led her out onto the wide balcony. “Actually, yes.” Thank God the flowers were in place—that hefty tab was worth it, as well. Grant picked up a small bundle of red roses from one of the stone posts. “Your flowers.”

“Great, now my mascara is going to run,” she said, dabbing at her eyes. “This is why I never wear makeup.”

Grant swiped his thumb beneath one leaky eye. “You’re beautiful with or without, Tessa.”

She held the bundle to her face, closed her eyes and inhaled. When she focused back on him, a radiant smile lit up her entire face.

“Is it pathetic to admit a man has never gotten me flowers before?” she asked. “I mean, I’ve had flowers presented to me at races, but from a man who...”

He slid his thumb along her jawline. “Who what? Cares for you? Finds you intriguing, mesmerizing, sexy?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

Grant cupped her face and nipped at her glossy lips. “You don’t know how glad I am to be your first...again.”

Tessa’s body trembled against his. “You’re spoiling me, Slick. I’m not sure I’ll be able to let you go once the film is done. I’m loving this fantasy getaway.”

He wasn’t ready to think that far ahead, wasn’t ready to discuss the future and certainly wasn’t ready to let her go.

Yes, he wanted her for longer than the filming, but he could make no promises...yet. First he had to fully seduce her. He’d already seduced her body; now it was time to seduce her heart. He also had to return home...soon. Which was what the call from his mom had been about.

“I’m sorry,” Tessa told him, shaking her head. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable when I said that.”

Had she taken his silence as an indicator that he was uncomfortable? She couldn’t be further from the truth. But right now was all about her, and he wanted Tessa to see just how much he cared for her. Just how far he’d go to see her smile, to take a break and enjoy life...with him.

Grant stepped away, went over to the outdoor entertainment area and turned on the music. When he glanced back at Tessa, she burst out laughing.

“You’re kidding, right?” she asked.

“All the music from tonight is from your senior year,” he told her, as a familiar tune filled the night. “What else would I play for your prom?”

“Well, at least it’s not oldies from your prom,” she joked.

Grant plucked the flowers from her hands, set them aside on the table and jerked her into his arms. “Now you’re fighting dirty. You calling me old?”

She shrugged, sliding her hands up his chest, over his shoulders and into his hair. “Not if you think you can keep up with me.”

Grant’s body heated as he pulled her flush against him. “Oh, baby, why don’t you try to keep up with me?”

“With pleasure.”

She pressed closer and opened her mouth to his. Grant splayed his hands across her back, loving the bare skin he encountered, but loving how she shivered in his arms even more. He caused that. He knew just how to hold her, how to kiss her, how to make love to her. There was no other man on earth who could say that.

Grant might have power, but this petite sprite held all the control where he was concerned...and that was even more of a turn-on.

Tessa’s breasts pressed against his chest as the upbeat song ended and a slower one began. Still gliding his mouth over hers, he began to sway. Dancing with Tessa wasn’t something he’d ever thought of doing before she’d mentioned the prom, but he was so glad he’d come up with this somewhat silly plan.

Any reason to have her in his arms was good enough for him, and if they had to fly a few hours to get away, to make her feel special, it was all worth it.

He was merely laying the groundwork for his future—hopefully, with her.

Tessa eased back, her hands playing with the ends of his hair, her body still pressed against his. “I can’t believe you went through all of this for me.”

“Why can’t you believe it?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Dinner and a movie is one thing. Flying to a private mountain to dance under the stars is another.”

“You deserve this and so much more,” he told her.

“I hate sneaking because of the film,” she told him, going for honesty. “But if this is your idea of being sneaky, I’m completely behind it.”

“Stick with me, babe. No one will catch us, and you’ll have the time of your life.”

“I just...”

Looking into those bright blue eyes, Grant waited, but she shook her head and rested it against his shoulder. He wanted to know what was on her mind—not just now, but all the time. Hadn’t they passed the point of keeping things locked inside? Not that he had any room to judge.

When Tessa shivered against him, he looked down. “I guess I was too busy planning the prom to take into consideration the weather with that dress.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and moved her head to rest against his chest. “You’ll have to get creative to keep me warm.”

She was killing him. In that dress, with her sexy words and her somewhat still innocent ways, Tessa Barrington was surely going to be the death of him.

But this trip was about laying it all on the line. Coming clean about where he stood with his feelings, what he wanted from her, and finding out what she was willing to sacrifice to be with him.

* * *

Could the man be more perfect? How in the world would she ever be able to say goodbye to him, let alone date anyone else?

But she wanted to concentrate on now. Her whole life she’d planned ahead, unable to truly enjoy the moment.

And if there was ever a moment to enjoy, this was it. Standing in Grant’s arms, dancing beneath a starry sky while he did his best to re-create an event in her life she’d missed.

Yeah, a little chilly air wasn’t going to ruin things for her.

But a part of her knew they were still sneaking—now just on a grander scale.

Obviously, this level of sneaking was meant to impress her...and it did. But it also drove home the point that he was not taking their relationship beyond intimacy of the body—forget intimacy of the heart.

“I’m having a hard time keeping my hands off you,” he whispered in her ear. “With your body against mine, the way you look in that dress. I’ve had you, but I can’t stop wanting you.”

Tessa smiled into his chest. His raw words shot straight to her heart. She loved this man. Loved him for his passion for life, loved him for the reckless way he made quick decisions, and loved him for the way he maneuvered so much to give her a few days of absolute bliss and peace.

The man was completely unselfish, and right now she held all the power.

No matter what the future held for them—whether as a couple or apart—they were together now. And this was a fantasy night he’d staged just for her.

Mustering up a bit of courage, Tessa took a step back from his arms, reached for the hidden side zipper and eased it down until the dress fell to a puddle at her feet.

Grant’s eyes slid down her body, sending even more chills racing over her bare skin.

“I do like an aggressive woman.”

That was good, because she liked that look in his eyes. “I always feel beautiful around you. Like I’m the only woman in the world.”

Grant reached for her, sliding his hands around her waist and pulling her against him. “You’re the only woman in my world.”

Before she could question exactly what he meant by that, Tessa was swept into a fantasy come to life as Grant laid her down on the cushioned chaise and made love to her beneath the stars.