When Opposites Attract...


Tessa hated that she stared at the clock. Hated that her ex had left two more voice mails today pleading for her to call.

But most of all she hated that she was angry when each hour ticked by and Grant didn’t show.

In the past two days, he’d barely been a blip on her radar. Today Anthony and Bronson had arrived, and Cassie had been the one to introduce them.

Her father had immediately swept the young Hollywood hotshots away, and Tessa had no doubt Damon had filled their heads with stories of the past. Stories from the family, from the racing seasons and his victories. The man was proud of all he’d accomplished, as well he should be. He’d not only won the Triple Crown, he’d raised two daughters and kept the family business close. No outside trainers, no outside jockeys. Stony Ridge was definitely a family affair, and definitely unique. Which was what made the Barrington legacy so special and film-worthy.

Tessa had just gotten into her cami and panty set and pulled her comforter back when something pecked on her second-story bedroom window. She crossed the room and eased the curtain aside to see Grant below, tossing pieces of mulch from her landscaping.

Tessa unlocked the window and slid it up. “What are you doing? I have a front and back door, you know.”

“Well, I thought you would think this was romantic,” he called up to her. “I needed pebbles, but all you had was bark. Had to make do. But at least it all fell back to where it belongs. You should appreciate that, seeing as how you like organization.”

Tessa laughed, rolling her eyes. “I’ll go unlock the back door.”

A shiver of excitement swept through her. Even though he’d seen every inch of her, she still snagged the short cotton robe off the end of her bed. Belting it as she bounded down the steps, she couldn’t help but grin. Grant was nothing if not original.

When she unlocked the door and eased it open, he stepped right in and looked down at her with a wide smile. Only a small accent light in the corner of her kitchen lit up the space.

Tessa didn’t usually have men in her house, so the overpowering presence of Grant excited her.

“It’s late,” she told him. “I was just about to go to bed.”

“Sounds like perfect timing on my part.”

When she started to turn away, he snagged her wrist, pulled her up against his broad chest and tipped her face back so that she looked him in the eye. “I’ve missed you,” he murmured, a second before his mouth came down to claim hers.

His hands plunged into her hair as he tilted her head. Tessa had no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck and give back. She’d known him only a month, but she already knew the way he tasted, the way he held her so tightly, the way he kissed with passion and power. And she knew that, in those few days she hadn’t been with him, she’d missed him.

How the hell would she cope when he left for good?

Grant eased back. “You have no idea how hard it’s been for me to keep my distance.”

Tessa pulled from his arms and headed out of the kitchen. “Not too hard. You’ve managed to not even speak to me. Pretty sneaky, having my sister do the introductions.”

Footsteps hurried behind her and an arm snaked around her waist, lifting her off the ground. Not that she’d complain about the hard chest she’d fallen back into.

“I couldn’t be near you,” he all but growled in her ear. “It would take only one look and Bronson and Anthony would know. I can’t hide how I feel about you, Tessa. I’m not the actor here.”

Smiling into the dark, she clasped her hands over his. “Why don’t you come upstairs and show me how you feel? There’s no hiding in this house.”

Grant swept her up and hooked an arm beneath her knees as he started for the staircase. “I’ve always wanted to carry a woman up the stairs and into her bed.”

Tessa nibbled on his neck, inhaling the fresh aftershave she’d come to crave. “I’m glad I’m your first in something. Levels the playing field somewhat.”

He stopped at the landing and looked into her eyes. “Honey, you’re a first for me in so many ways.”

Tessa wished there was better light, because she wanted to read his expression more clearly. Unfortunately, her bedroom was at the end of the hall and the glow spilling into the hallway a faint one.

“I hope you know I plan on staying awhile,” he told her as he strode toward the room.

“I’d like to see you leave,” she joked. “I admit I feel a little naughty being so secretive. I only hope no one noticed you sneaking over here.”

“Glad I could bring out your inner vixen,” he said with a loud smack on her lips. “And I doubt anyone saw me. I dressed in black and I walked.”

Tessa jerked back. “You walked?”

Setting her feet on the floor, Grant aligned her body with his. “Yeah. I didn’t want to risk anyone seeing my rental car pull in here, and walking makes it easier to dodge security, even though they’re not that thick right now, and I actually think there’s only one guard on duty tonight.”

Tessa framed his stubbled face with her hands. God, she loved the feel of those whiskers beneath her palms. And dressed all in black? This man was the epitome of sexy.

“You went to a lot of trouble to be here,” she told him, placing a quick kiss on his lips, then easing back. “I better make it worth your while.”

Grant’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared as she loosened the belt on her robe and sent the garment fluttering to the floor. She didn’t have on the sexiest of pajamas, but this was Tessa. Cotton, simple, natural.

Of course, she’d be naked in seconds anyway, so what did it matter?

“You going to stare all night or start peeling out of your burglar gear?”

His lips tipped in a grin. “You have a smart mouth.”

“Of course I do. That’s one of my most redeeming qualities.”

Grant pulled his long-sleeved T-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Those glorious muscles, a sprinkling of chest hair and 100 percent raw male stared back at her. And as much as Tessa would love to stand and stare at him all night, she wanted to touch him even more. Wanted to explore him and take her time now that they were on her turf.

She already knew each time being with Grant would make it harder to let him go in the end...and harder to hide her feelings when they were in public.

But he’d shown her a new side of love, without using the words. And for now, she’d embrace the moment.

* * *

Tessa put Oliver in the stall and was surprised to see Max Ford already on the set so early. He must’ve really wanted to be here at the start of the day.

In the two weeks Grant had been sneaking into her bed, they’d gotten closer and developed a routine. But he always crept back out before sunup. She knew he would; he’d told her as much up front. But that didn’t stop the thread of hurt that went through her each day she woke up alone.

Somehow the fact that he came and went during the night lessened their relationship. Tessa knew they had something special, but after the past two weeks she felt she was nothing more than a booty call.

At first the sneaking had been fun and flirty, but as the days went on she felt it only cheapened the moments they shared.

After brushing down Oliver, she went to get some feed, but as she turned a corner she hit the hard chest of Nash.

“Excuse me,” he said, his voice low.

Tessa stepped back, still leery of the quiet man. “It’s okay. I should look where I’m going.”

“My fault.” He made no motion to move, but propped his hands on his hips. “Lots of action going on today already.”

“Yes,” she agreed, surprised he’d said more than two words to her. “I imagine it will only get crazier in the coming days. Max is here now, and Lily is due to arrive tomorrow.”

“Max Ford is playing your father, right?” the groom asked.

Tessa nodded as she studied him. His beard didn’t seem to fit the man. His eyes were bright blue, almost as bright as hers. His hair was a bit long, falling over his ears and collar, but his hands looked very well groomed. Odd how some parts of him appeared flawless and other parts downright unkempt.

“Lily will be playing my mother,” Tessa told him.

He seemed to process that as he shifted his feet on the straw-covered floor. “And will this film start before your parents were married?”

“I think so.”

“They’re covering your dad’s personal life as well as his career?”

Tessa had no clue what this line of questioning had to do with anything, but she replied, “Yes. It’s all pretty much set around my dad. The rest of the family will be secondary characters, I suppose. We’re not nearly as exciting as him, anyway,” she said, trying to joke. Only Nash wasn’t smiling.

“I need to get some feed,” she told him as she maneuvered around him. “Sorry I ran into you.”

Before he could ask another bizarre question about the film, she headed down the aisle. At first she’d been skeptical, but Grant hadn’t uncovered anything, and Nash’s background check had been spotless. So far he’d been a hard worker. Quiet, mysterious, today a bit nosy, but he’d been gentle when caring for the animals and he’d never given any reason to believe he was out to harm anybody.

But Tessa still had that uneasy feeling.

After she’d fed all the horses, her own stomach growled. A few days ago she could’ve asked Grant to join her for some lunch, but not today. Their time for being out in the open was over...at least until the film wrapped up. But what then? Once the movie was done Grant would return to L.A. and Tessa would remain right here.

This path they’d started down was not going to lead them to a happy place, and she really wished she’d listened to herself in the beginning. But in all honesty, she would’ve still taken this road with Grant. There was something unique and different about him. He made her feel special, hadn’t made her feel as if her morals and her choices were ridiculous. He’d actually respected her more for her decisions in life.

And that’s how she knew this was the man her mother had told her to look for. One who didn’t laugh at her for her thoughts, dreams or goals. One who encouraged her, cherished her and lifted her up. Who cared for her even after she’d shared her morals and her reasoning.

Tessa stopped just outside the stables and watched as four beautiful males stood in a serious-looking meeting. Grant drew her gaze, but Bronson, Anthony and Max were very nice to look at, as well. They were all happily married, and Tessa wondered how they made that work, as all three men had demanding jobs. From what Tessa had heard, Max was a newlywed and his wife was from the East Coast.

Tessa rolled her eyes. What on earth was she doing, thinking about marriage and long-distance relationships? She and Grant had never discussed anything beyond the filming.

Added to that, she had a race to prepare for. She didn’t have time to choose monogrammed towels for nuptials that were taking place only in her head.

When she marched in the back door, Linda was pouring a glass of sweet tea. With a smile, she slid it across the island to Tessa.

“I saw you coming,” the elderly woman said. “You looked like you could cool off. I know just from standing in here, looking at the fine man scenery, how heated I was getting.”

Tessa laughed. “You’re rotten, Linda.”

“I’m old, honey. Not dead. And those four men out there are going to have all the women in town begging to be extras on the set.”

Tessa took a long, refreshing drink. “Good thing we have added security. Besides, three of those four are married.”

“Might as well be all of them,” Linda muttered.

Tessa’s glass clunked back down on the smooth granite surface. “Don’t be shy now. Say what’s on your mind.”

With a shrug, Linda rested her hands on the edge of the counter. “Just saying the way that man looks at you, he won’t care about no other woman sniffing around.”

The nerves in Tessa’s belly fluttered. How did he look at her? Was it just lustful or was there more? She wanted to know, wanted to sit and gossip, but where would that get her? If she was destined for heartache at the end of this film, there was no point in getting her hopes up now.

“Don’t frown, Tessa,” Linda told her with a smile. “I know you well enough to know you’re already calculating how much time you have left with your man. But trust me, love works in its own way. People don’t trust that sometimes. Just step back and let your hearts figure out what’s best.”

Tessa shook her head. “Oh, there’s no love. We just...”

Linda’s brows rose as her grin spread. “I know what you’re just doing, and I’m so happy for you. Your mama would love Mr. Carter.”

Sliding her fingertip over the condensation on her glass, Tessa tried not to let the burn in her eyes turn into full-fledged tears. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that her mother would love Grant. What wasn’t to love?

“You borrow trouble,” Linda went on. “Enjoy yourself. You’re only young once, honey. Trust me when I say this will all work out.”

Tessa reached across the counter and squeezed Linda’s hand. “I’m so glad I have you.”

“The feeling is mutual. I love you and Cassie like you’re my own girls. I’m always here anytime you need me.”

“I know you are. That means so much to me.” She paused, then added, “But you need to know that whatever you think about Grant and me, you can’t repeat it. He could lose this film if anyone finds out.”

Linda straightened. “I’ve seen things, heard things in my years here that would curl the hair on your head. I’ve kept secrets and will take them to my grave. I won’t utter a word about your man.”

Tessa wondered what secrets the woman held on to. Secrets made Tessa nervous, but she knew there was no way Linda would budge.

One good thing, at least no one would discover Tessa and Grant’s affair. She hoped.