The Lone Rancher

Chapter Six

“I hope everything will run smoothly at the wedding party tonight,” Bea fretted as she fluffed the sleeves of the new gown Rosa had created, then smoothed a wrinkle from Adrianna’s dress after fastening the back of the garment.

“With you and Elda at the helm, I’m sure this festivity will go off splendidly,” Adrianna reassured her housekeeper. “And you look lovely, I might add. That yellow gown accentuates your complexion and your dark hair.”

Bea pinched Adrianna’s cheek playfully. “You are good for me, sweetie. Make me feel half my age.”

Adrianna studied her own reflection in the cheval glass that stood in the corner of her room. She wondered if Quin would perceive her as the debutante her friends in Boston saw. Expensively dressed, privileged, blue-blooded. He claimed he wasn’t after her money, but she knew he would snatch up her ranch at the drop of a hat. And her body, if she decided to accept his offer…

The erotic thought roiled through her, triggering the same wicked pleasure she had experienced when she had been in his arms—twice—in the past two weeks. She wasn’t accustomed to being wanted for her body, only for her social connections and her fortune. She supposed she should have been insulted by Quin’s comments and horrified with her own responses concerning no-strings-attached trysts. However, the truth was she had been tempted to follow Quin to his room a few days earlier to find out what all the fuss was about.

Rosa could clue her in but Adrianna was too embarrassed to ask for specifics.

Somehow, Adrianna had managed to resist the reckless urge that had been hounding her, but that didn’t mean the temptation to find out what other sensations lust provoked was lost on her….

“Do you agree?” Bea prompted, staring curiously at her.

“Oh, sorry, I was mentally listing the duties I want to tend to when we arrive in town for the party,” Adrianna lied.

Bea’s lips pursed in wry amusement. “Of course you were, dearie. You’ve done a lot of woolgathering of late. Somehow I don’t think it has anything to do with managing this ranch or overseeing arrangements for tonight’s party.”

“I have no idea what you are suggesting,” Adrianna said aloofly, then flicked an imaginary speck of lint off her gown.

Bea sniffed in contradiction. “Of course you do and we both know it. And for the record, I’m beginning to like Cahill. Hiram still has some reservations, but he is like a protective father where you’re concerned. A woman of your rank and wealth must always be cautious of men’s ulterior motives.” She glanced meaningfully at Adrianna. “It doesn’t matter if the man in question is an Easterner or a Westerner.”

Adrianna tucked a curly strand of hair into the coiffure pinned atop her head, then spun toward the bedroom door. “I suppose the recent rumors suggest Cahill is courting my ranch because he made it clear he wants to buy it.”

“I’m afraid so,” Bea murmured unhappily. “I hope I haven’t got too-high hopes in Cahill. One must always be on guard. I don’t want you to be disappointed or heartbroken.”

“I plan to avoid both,” Adrianna murmured as she led the way down the steps to where Butler waited.

He smiled at Beatrice as if she were the most breathtaking creature to walk the face of the earth. Now that Adrianna had figured out what was going on between her man of affairs and housekeeper they were open in their affection for each other. Adrianna had noticed the same tender expression on Lucas Burnett’s face when he stared at Rosa.

What would it be like to become a confidante, devoted friend and lover to a man? she wondered. She doubted she’d ever find out. She’d rejected dozens of proposals in the past seven years. Yet, the man who had drawn her interest and her provocative speculations was devoted completely to 4C Ranch.

His obsessive passion for preserving the family legacy had caused a rift with his siblings. Did Quin ever regret the absence of family in his life? Had he invited them back and they had turned him down?

Adrianna cherished her freedom and independence, but she had Beatrice, Butler and Elda—the cook who now saw herself as some sort of espionage agent who had infiltrated the 4C. Adrianna smiled at the thought. If her cook craved adventure and intrigue, then so be it. Still, Adrianna missed Elda and her delicious meals. She wondered how long Elda would camp out at Quin’s house.

“Are we ready?” Butler questioned as he stepped between Adrianna and Beatrice to escort them to the door. “I hope the weather cooperates for this outdoor affair. I noticed a bank of dark clouds piling on the southwestern horizon. I have no idea what that implies in this part of the country, but I do not want it to rain on Rosa’s grand parade.”

Neither did Adrianna. Much planning and expense had gone into the festivities that included tables heaped with food and gallons of punch. Rosa had cautioned Adrianna that ruffians from the Wrong Side had disrupted her Christmas party on the square. Lucas and Quin had put a stop to it, but it was difficult to exclude rapscallions—who arrived inebriated—when you invited the whole town to a social affair.

What she didn’t need was a brawl to add fuel to all the gossip winging around town. Rumors of a curse were still flying. Add to that rumors of the McKnight-Cahill Feud. Now, thanks to her attempt to quell talk of a feud, folks were thinking Quin was trying to charm her into selling the ranch because she had kissed him in front of the cowboys.

Blast it, the solution to one problem had led to an other. “You should be used to that,” Adrianna mumbled under her breath as she headed for the waiting buggy.

Flying gossip had surrounded her for years in Boston. Men tried to link themselves to her name, in hopes of discouraging competition for her affection. What a pity those gold-digging dandies didn’t realize she had no affection to give. At least, not to the likes of pretentious jackasses!

Her thoughts trailed off when she arrived in town and stared across Town Square. She immediately spotted Rosa and Lucas walking toward her, hand in hand. Dog was beside them. Rosa, with her perfect creamy complexion, curvaceous figure and silver-blond hair, looked like an angel. Especially in her blue gown encrusted with rhinestones. Lord, she was like a shining star in a midnight sky.

And Lucas… Adrianna looked him up and down, admiring his masculine build, his high cheekbones and coal-black hair that denoted his Comanche heritage. He looked quite dashing in formal black attire.

Adrianna burst out laughing when she noticed Dog was wearing a rhinestone-studded bow tie. “That burly wolf dog has stolen my heart, Lucas,” she insisted. “Name your price. I want him for my own.”

Lucas grinned and Adrianna knew immediately why Cousin Rosa had lost her heart to him. Granted, Lucas could look fierce, intimidating and somber…until his expression softened in a smile. He reminded her of Quin in size, stature and commanding appearance. Quin had a softer side, too, though he didn’t expose it very often. Adrianna had discovered it beneath the shady trees on a wooded hillside when they had explored each other intimately….

“You look positively enchanting,” Rosa complimented.

Adrianna spun in a circle to display her elegant gown from every angle. “Of course, I only wear the finest formal attire, designed by my genius cousin,” she replied. “I was always the envy of Boston’s social circle because of my one-of-a-kind wardrobe.”

While Rosa praised Bea’s and Butler’s appearances, Adrianna strode off to check with the waitresses she had hired from local establishments to ensure plenty of food and drink filled the tables. Then she hiked across the square to speak with the band Rosa had recommended to her. There were no flutes or violins, as in Boston’s orchestras. But rather banjos, fiddles, harmonicas and a piano transported from one of the saloons across the tracks.

When she glanced around, she noticed people were showing up all at once. They flocked in from every direction to fill Town Square to overflowing. Adrianna hurried off to set up a reception line for Rosa and Lucas. Greet first, eat second, she mused as she herded several rough-looking partygoers into a line to congratulate the newlyweds.

Adrianna pasted on a smile and bowed slightly when the string of guests offered their names and greeted her after they paid their respects to Rosa and Lucas. So far so good, she decided. Thirty minutes had elapsed and no fights had broken out.

“Adrianna McKnight,” Rosa said formally, as she inclined her blond head toward a petite woman who looked to be about a year or two older than Adrianna. “This is Merritt Dixon. Like us, she is a businesswoman in Cahill Crossing. Merritt owns the Morning Glory Boardinghouse near the opera house.”

Adrianna clasped the lovely brunette’s hand and smiled delightedly. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Merritt. We businesswomen need to stick together and encourage others to open their own businesses.”

“I agree,” Merritt replied. “The more, the better.”

Adrianna would have liked to chitchat with Merritt but the next man in line grabbed her hand and pumped it enthusiastically. “Glad to make your acquaintance, Miz McKnight. I’m Ned Womack. I’m your neighbor to the west.”

Adrianna smiled politely as she surveyed the man’s bushy brown hair, caterpillar-like eyebrows and bulbous nose. He looked to be in his early forties and he was by no means attractive. But his small mouth split into a smile and she decided he was more genuine than most men she knew in Boston.

“Lost my wife last winter to influenza and I’ve been shopping around for another one to help raise my two boys,” he continued as she wriggled her hand from his tight grasp. “You interested?”

Beside her, Rosa and Lucas sputtered and coughed to camouflage their laughter. Amazingly, Adrianna managed to keep a straight face. “Thank you for your kind offer,” she said with practiced ease. “But I’m focusing my efforts on organizing my ranch so that it runs effectively.”

Ned leaned in close to say confidentially, “Then watch out for Cahill. He tried to buy me out last year.”

Apparently, Adrianna wasn’t the only one offended by Quin’s offer.

“I hear he’s planning to charm you out of your property since he couldn’t force you to sell outright.”

Adrianna inwardly grimaced but manufactured a smile as Ned walked off. Quin had predicted this would happen, and it was her fault. Now what was she supposed to do to quell the new rumor of being romanced out of her property?

Speaking of Quin… Adrianna glanced down the receiving line, wondering what had detained him. He was supposed to escort Elda to town. Where the blazes were they?

Before she could scan the area thoroughly, a baldheaded, dark-eyed man with thin black brows stepped up in front of her. “Sid Meeker is the name,” he introduced himself. “I’m the bartender at Hell’s Corner Saloon. Not that I expect you to visit the place, ma’am, but it’s nice to meet you all the same.” He waited a beat, then said, “You looking to get married anytime soon?”

Adrianna shook her head. Given the men in Ca-Cross outnumbered women, she wondered if every eligible bachelor planned to propose. Apparently, getting to know each other wasn’t a prerequisite. Wedlock seemed to be a convenient alliance. At least the Western approach was straightforward, unlike the devious manipulation she had faced in Boston.

Adrianna cast aside her wandering thoughts to greet a well-dressed gentleman who bowed over her hand. He was over six foot tall, lanky and there was a smattering of gray hair mixed with black strands that were slicked away from his gaunt face. He had brown eyes, a long nose and looked to be approaching fifty.

“Donald Fitzgerald, I’m your neighbor to the south,” he said as he drew himself up to full stature, then flashed a cordial smile. “I hope you are settling into our community.”

“Yes, and I’m delighted to be here,” she replied.

She felt someone tug at her sleeve, then she glanced over her shoulder to see the blonde waitress hired to cater food.

“Miz McKnight, I think one of those ornery miscreants from Wrong Side spiked our punch,” she muttered.

Adrianna tossed Fitzgerald an apologetic smile. “Please excuse me, sir. I have an errand to tend.”

She followed the tall, long-legged waitress to the tables, then sipped the punch. “Definitely spiked,” she wheezed. “Do you suppose it’s lethal?”

The waitress shook her frizzy head. “I tasted it, too. I’m still standing. Probably the work of those rowdy tracklayers that scoff at the idea of a highfalutin party like this. I suspect they’re trying to bring the rest of us down to their ill-mannered level.”

“Dilute the punch as best you can and test it periodically,” Adrianna advised.

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll tell the other girls to be on guard.”

When Adrianna strolled away from the refreshment area to rejoin the receiving line, she noticed several women standing aside. They appeared young and unattached. Adrianna suspected they plied their wares on the north side of the tracks and had been shunned by the so-called decent folks. But Adrianna wasn’t here to judge as she had been judged. She refused to conform to accepted standards. In fact, this was the first time she’d worn a dress since she stepped down from the train.

“Have any of you met Rosa?” Adrianna asked as she halted in front of the five young women. “She’s my cousin and she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet.”

“We’ve seen her at a distance and all of us would dearly love to buy one of her marvelous dresses,” Margie, the brunette-turned-spokesperson said, then pointed at Adrianna’s gown. “You’re wearing one of her creations, aren’t you?”

Adrianna nodded, grinned, then added, “She also designed my breeches and shirts. I am convinced that somewhere back in history some spiteful little man decided women should be restrained and hampered by cumbersome dresses. That’s why it is taking us longer to assume control of the world.”

The women giggled, but Adrianna wasn’t kidding. In her opinion, women had been held back, held down and pigeonholed entirely too long. She wanted to be remembered as one of the new breed of females who did not need a man to resolve her problems or to cut a wide swath to protect her from whatever adversity she countered. Women needed a change in attitude, she decided, and she would promote independent thinking every chance she got.

“Come along, ladies. If you admire Rosa’s talents with fabrics and her independent spirit, then you should meet her.”

Despite several puzzled glances to her left and right, Adrianna led the procession of women to the receiving line that had dwindled to a few dozen. Rosa greeted the women graciously, as anticipated, and then watched them amble toward the refreshment tables.

“Are you trying to prove a point?” Lucas asked, his obsidian eyes bearing down on her.

Adrianna elevated her chin. “Of course I am. Do you think I’m an empty-headed moth fluttering from one flame to the next? Those women might not have the advantages I’ve had in life, but they greatly admire Rosa’s sense of style and her willingness to set up a business. Moreover, I do not intend to draw lines that indicate different social classes. The West is supposed to be the place where hard work and ingenuity are more important than pedigrees. Am I right?”

“Oh, good, this is a rally for women’s rights,” came an amused voice from behind her. “I was afraid it might be just a dull wedding reception to honor my friends.”

Quin’s wry amusement transformed into stunned amazement when Boston spun around to greet him. Her stylish emerald-green silk gown swirled around her. The décolleté of the formfitting dress dragged his attention to her full cleavage. Then he yanked up his gaze to notice the sophisticated coiffure that accentuated the sleek column of her neck—where he wanted to place about a half-dozen kisses. For starters.

Gracious! He’d never seen Adrianna in anything except breeches—which was tantalizing enough. Well, there was that faded old gown she’d worn while giving her new home a good scrubbing, he amended. But this! She looked like a regal princess, not the sassy, spirited hellion who had clashed with him repeatedly and heatedly in the past.

Quin wanted to grab her hand, drag her off to a dark corner and devour her with hungry kisses. He suspected he wasn’t the only one, either, for he noticed several men staring admiringly at her. They were all but licking their lips in anticipation of having her to themselves for a few steamy moments.

“Cahill, so glad you could finally make it,” she greeted.

When she smiled, it set off an explosion of lust that he’d been battling for days. His silent pep talks to discard erotic thoughts of Boston hadn’t worked worth a damn. Nothing smothered his tantalizing memories of her.

She glanced this way and that. “Where’s Elda? You’re late and she is likely upset because it’s her mission in life to oversee events involving food.”

Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed in the approaching cloud bank. Boston frowned at the sky, as if daring the storm to disrupt her party. Quin bit back a grin and thought Mother Nature had best not tangle with the strong-willed firebrand in emerald green. Mother Nature might lose.

“I don’t know where Elda is now but I can tell you where she’s been.” Rosa gestured toward the table where several cakes and pastries had appeared.

It had taken Quin an extra half hour to load the desserts Elda had been cooking for the past two days. And believe it, the red-haired cook was fussy about transporting her desserts properly so they wouldn’t be damaged!

Adrianna’s laughter filled the empty spaces in the region of Quin’s heart as she turned dancing green eyes back to him. “Let me guess, Elda turned your kitchen into a bakery and you were not allowed within five feet of the door for fear you might cause her cakes and pastries to collapse.”

He nodded, smiled stupidly—and didn’t care that he had. “I’ve lived on hardtack and johnnycakes for two days,” he reported. “I’m thinking of sending her back to you.”

When the band struck up a tune, Rosa grabbed Lucas’s hand and towed him away. Dog, decked out in his sparkling bow tie, trailed after them.

“Burnett has been dreading this dance since you scheduled your party,” Quin confided. “He doesn’t like limelight.”

“He will just have to get over it because the first dance is always reserved for newlyweds,” Adrianna remarked, then grinned impishly. “Small consolation for the grand prize of Rosa’s everlasting affection, if you ask me. She and I lost faith in men until Lucas came along. Which goes to prove, I suppose, there is no logical explanation for affairs of the heart. Now, I’m forced to share her companionship with that brawny ex–Ranger and his wolf dog.”

There it was again, Quin mused, that staunch declaration that Boston needed no man to make her life complete. He certainly hadn’t needed a woman, not with his rigorous schedule and endless duties to keep 4C running efficiently.

But still…sometimes at night, when the silence consumed the house and seeped into his soul, he wondered if he should select a wife and fill the family home with a child to carry on the Cahill ranching tradition that his brothers and sister discounted as insignificant. What if Quin’s future children did what Bowie, Chance and Leanna had done? The next generation might scatter in the wind to seek their fortunes and stumble into disaster.

Thunder rumbled in the night and Boston glared at the sky in defiance. “Don’t you dare ruin the party.”

“Miss McKnight? Quin?”

Quin gave himself a mental slap, then glanced sideways. The sixty-year-old banker sported a neatly clipped mustache and beard. He was in charge of collecting town rent and monthly installments for the loans Quin carried for residents who purchased Cahill land in town. The older man approached, then bowed politely.

“We haven’t met yet,” the banker said, clearly dazzled by the enchanting beauty in green silk. “I’m Willem Van Slyck. My son, Preston, is around here somewhere. He’ll want an introduction, too.”

Boston curtsied gracefully. “A pleasure to meet you, sir. Thank you for coming this evening.”

“It is nice to have an Eastern heiress among us,” Willem remarked. “Western society must seem lacking in sophistication, compared to what you are accustomed to.”

Quin could feel Boston tense beside him. Of course, Van Slyck had no idea that the heiress had no use whatsoever for exclusive social circles and name-dropping.

“On the contrary, sir,” she replied through a smile that Quin noticed did not reach her eyes. “I’m fascinated with life in Texas and I’m relieved to have left that other world behind. In fact, I’m considering the idea of joining the trail drive to Dodge City when I sell my cattle next month. It should be a memorable adventure.”

Quin choked on his breath and the banker’s blue eyes nearly bugged from their sockets. Boston slid Quin a challenging glance, daring him to object to her plans.

“Well, um, if I can be of financial service to you in the future, Miss McKnight, do not hesitate to stop by the bank,” he said before he went on his way.

“You dashed Willem’s hopes of forming an elite social circle in Ca-Cross,” Quin commented.

“He can form one without me. I left that pretentious lifestyle behind for a dozen good reasons.”

“Do your good reasons have a name?” Quin questioned, staring interestedly at her. “Someone specific who destroyed your faith in high society men?”

She turned away, disregarded his question, then frowned thoughtfully at Willem’s departing back. “Is there a Mrs. Van Slyck?”

“No. I don’t know what became of Willem’s wife,” Quin said. “As for Preston, he works at the bank with his father…when it suits his whim. I think Willem is disappointed that his son doesn’t live up to expectations.”

Boston hooked her arm in his and urged him forward. “I need to check the refreshments. Are you hungry?”

“Of course. I told you, I’ve been on a steady diet of hardtack for two days,” he reminded her.

She arched an amused brow when Quin drew the attention of a flock of women beside the dance area. “It seems several females would eagerly line up on your doorstep to dance. Or better yet, become part of the Cahill family. Maybe they are interested in helping Willem form an elite social circle.”

“They should look elsewhere. I’m not good marriage material,” Quin assured her.

“Nor I.”

“Too independent-minded and contrary?” he said helpfully.

She smiled good-naturedly and returned his taunt. “What sensible woman would want to play second fiddle to the 4C? Even if it meant marrying a high-and-mighty Cahill?”

“There might be a few interested takers,” Quin contended, then nodded a greeting to Oscar and Minnie Jenkins. “Here’s a perfect example. The owners of the Château Royale Hotel have a daughter named Ellen. They have shoved her at me on several occasions and don’t appreciate my lack of interest.”

“Are they disgruntled enough to grind you up in the gossip mill and besmirch your reputation every chance they get?” she asked as she studied the older couple astutely.

Quin frowned in thought. “I don’t know, but that’s a possibility, I suppose. I doubt Ellen would be a party to it. She seems timid around me and not particularly disappointed I didn’t pursue her.”

“Maybe she doesn’t prefer domineering ranchers like you,” Boston teased, then glared skyward when lightning flickered ominously. “You might crush Ellen’s spirit in nothing flat.”

“Unlike you, who’d bite my ankle before I could stomp on your spirit.” He chuckled, delighting in their playful banter.

“A matched set,” she declared. “We will save the poor souls of Ca-Cross from misery if we remain unattached.”

“It’s settled, then,” Quin proclaimed. “We’ll do the world a favor. No marriages for the likes of us.”


Her voice trailed off when Preston Van Slyck swaggered toward them with a full glass of spiked punch in each hand.

“Who is that dandy?” Boston asked distastefully.

“Preston Van Slyck. He’s a few years older than you,” Quin murmured. “I don’t care for the banker’s son. He lacks ambition and takes advantage of his father’s position in the community. He is a ladies’ man of the worst sort, which is why Bowie, Chance and I escorted him off the ranch when he tried to pay Leanna a visit. He disliked being rejected.”

Boston nodded in understanding. “He reminds me of the dime-a-dozen dandies in Boston who live on the laurels of their parents and hope to seduce heiresses who can afford to pay their gambling debts and provide residences for their mistresses. Handsome to look at but brimming with false charm as insincere as the day is long.”

“You’ve just described Preston to a T.”

“Ah, so here you are, my dear,” Preston purred as he halted in front of Boston. His devouring gaze swept over her alluring figure not once but twice. “I’m here to say that you are as bewitching and lovely as I’ve heard tell.”

Boston inclined her head in a regal manner that was as standoffish as it could get. Quin could envision her in a ballroom, surrounded by panting fortune hunters like Preston. No doubt, she could spot pretentious scoundrels at a glance.

“Adrianna McKnight, this is Preston Van Slyck,” Quin introduced reluctantly.

“I hope you are enjoying our party,” she said with stiff politeness.

Preston struck a haughty pose. “I’d enjoy it more if there was more spike in the punch, but I can overlook that if you dance with me.”

Possessive jealousy stabbed at Quin—at least, that’s what he thought it was. He’d never experienced the feeling before and he told himself he shouldn’t be feeling it now because he had no hold on Boston. She made it clear she was her own woman and would do as she pleased in this new life she had created for herself and for her family of devoted employees. She didn’t need a keeper and didn’t want a man’s protection.

“No, thank you, Preston,” she declined. “Mr. Cahill and I have business to discuss.”

Preston smirked as he turned his attention from Boston to Quin. “What business is that? Charming you out of your ranch and anything else he can get away with? Perhaps you should know the Cahills aren’t the pillars of society they want everyone to think they are. In fact, I recently returned from Deadwood, South Dakota, where I renewed a former acquaintance. Someone you know well, I believe, Cahill.”

Quin frowned warily when Preston smiled like a hungry shark, then swirled his drinks in his glasses.

“In case you didn’t know, your sister works at a saloon in Deadwood. I’m sure, as one man to another, we can guess how she makes extra money. She claims she pays room and board dealing cards, but with her lovely face and enticing body, we both know how she moonlights, don’t we?”

Fury consumed Quin so quickly that he didn’t realize he’d doubled his fist, anxious to cram Preston’s teeth down his throat. If Adrianna hadn’t jerked on his arm, he would have clocked that annoying bastard.

“Are you unusually drunk, Van Slyck?” Boston asked, keeping a stranglehold on Quin’s arm. “Or are you always such an ass?”

The clean-shaven, dark-haired rake shrugged off the insult. His blue eyes gleamed with wicked delight. “Oh, did I forget to mention Leanna’s illegitimate child? Thought you’d want to know you have a nephew, Cahill.”

When Quin tried to go for Preston’s throat, Boston clamped him in a bear hug. “Don’t spoil Rosa’s party because of this pathetic excuse of a man,” she gritted out while she glared at Preston with contempt. “He isn’t worth the trouble, no matter what lies spew out of him.”

Preston took another sip of punch, then looked down his nose at Boston. “I was hoping we could be friends, but if you prefer to consort with the brother of a card-dealing prostitute, then so be it, my dear Adrianna.”

He turned an about-face, then swayed slightly to regain his balance. He downed both drinks, then wobbled off to refill his glasses.

“Are you all right, Cahill?” Adrianna asked as she peered into his murderous expression. Clearly, he’d had no idea where his sister had settled. The news, especially delivered from a cad of the highest caliber, came as a devastating blow.

“Whether that arrogant blowhard is telling the truth or not, he’ll spread the vicious scandal about Leanna and the possibility of a child all over town. It’s my fault that she’s out in the world, struggling to survive.”

He scowled sourly. “The thought of Leanna falling into ruin eats me up inside. I wonder if Bowie knows. And Chance? Is he in some kind of trouble, too? Damn it! It’s my job to protect the younger ones and I sent them away in anger.”

“You are not responsible for Leanna or Chance,” Boston assured him firmly.

He looked down at her and snorted. “I’m not? Then why do I feel as if I cast my sister to the wolves?”

“Because you’re her big brother and you believe it’s your born duty, just like you believe it’s your obligation to carry on your father’s dreams to expand the 4C.”

Although he glowered at her, his silver-gray eyes flaring with anger, she stepped forward, not away. “I know how your sister feels. At least I think I do,” she insisted. “She wants to be her own person, not the extension of a family legacy.

“I wanted my father to appreciate me for who I am inside, but he wanted me to live a fairy-tale life and become the image of my mother. I was to be pampered by some wealthy man who could manage my fortune so I wouldn’t have to fret over business. But you know perfectly well that’s not who I am, Cahill, even if my father couldn’t see it. Furthermore, whatever Leanna is doing with her life, I bet she prefers to make her own choices and face the consequences.”

Quin blew out an agitated breath, then nodded reluctantly. “You independent females drive men crazy.”

“Why? Because we envy what men have? Choices?” she challenged. “Because we want to control our destiny? To vote and to have a say in laws that affect us as much as men?”

“This is no time for one of your barnstorming speeches,” he muttered darkly.

“I’m trying to tell you how your sister likely feels,” she insisted. “You need to see the world from her point of view, from my point of view. Try trading places with me for a week. See how you react to being stifled and treated like a second-class citizen. See how you react to being bossed around by men who think it is their God-given right to do so.”

Quin wheeled around, intent on looking up Preston and pounding him into the ground. But Adrianna would have none of that. She grabbed his arm and blocked his path.

“I’ve met his type before. He delights in tormenting others for his own amusement. It would take a dozen Prestons to make one of you, Cahill. Don’t lower yourself to his despicable level. Especially not here. Not tonight.”

“Fine, but I need a drink. The punch isn’t strong enough to numb the feeling that I’ve failed my sister, just as my two brothers have failed her. Damn them! They should’ve told me where she was. She should’ve sent word to me!” he brooded.

Adrianna suspected Quin’s sister had rejected Preston when she realized what a rascal he was. This was, no doubt, Preston’s way of retaliating. Unfortunately, Quin had to deal with the scandalous gossip about his sister and the rumor about how he was attempting to charm Adrianna into selling out to him. Not to mention that malarkey about the supposed Cahill Curse being deserved punishment for his family’s prosperity.

She blew out an exasperated sigh while she watched Quin stalk off, looking like a fire-breathing dragon in elegant formal attire. She’d like to shoot that Preston character full of buckshot for blurting out those comments that cut Quin to the core. Wherever Leanna Cahill was, her reputation was being dragged through the mud tonight, compliments of Preston Van Slyck. The offensive, drunken bastard.

“Do not let that scoundrel ruin Rosa’s party. Don’t you ruin this celebration,” Adrianna chanted repeatedly as she strode across Town Square. She was itching to blow that man to smithereens for spreading gossip and upsetting Quin to the extreme. “Blast it all, who is going to stop me from giving that spiteful bastard the shooting he so richly deserves?”

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