The Banshee's Revenge

Chapter 8

"You wish to see me, my son?"

Morrigan smiled down at the man kneeling before her. She liked him best in that pose. It allowed her a moment of pure dominance before the upstart began to run his mouth as he always did.

Damn kids.

You birthed them, went through nine months of mortal hell because you mistakenly believed that the father was worth it, and then hundreds of years later, you end up with some total idiot who thinks he is better than you, Morrigan thought.

Gwydion lifted his head, a dark gleam in his eyes.

"Mother," the word sounded stiff and silly coming out of the mouth of such an old man. "I wish to ask you a few questions regarding a woman in your realm."

"Jacqueline Huston. You want to know about her baby."

If Gwydion was surprised she already knew his mission, he didn't show it. He nodded his head and respectfully lowered his eyes.

"It will be powerful," Morrigan said.

"How powerful?"

"How like your father, you are," she said, coming closer to the man. "Full of questions and always about the same thing. Power."

"I take that as a compliment." Gwydion smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "My father was a mighty creature."

"Creature. What an apt word for him. Merlin became what he was--mighty--after he met me and I kissed him." Morrigan laughed softly at Gwydion's scowl. "He was just a mortal with quick ideas and a handsome face when I first saw him."

"Why did you…I mean if you didn't like him, why bother with bestowing power on him?"

"Because she loved him, you fool."

Morrigan caught her breath at the sight of Arwan standing in the doorway to her throne room. He was still as handsome and virile as ever. Thoughts of the last time they'd been together tumbled through her mind.

"Arwan, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" she said, keeping her voice steady. "It's been a long time."

"I imagine your son and I are here for the same purpose." Arwan strode across the room. "Morrigan, I'm sure you are aware that we have a problem in our happy little kingdom. We have folks who are not dying because this Jacqueline Huston is too busy fulfilling her own desires. Normally, I wouldn't get involved, but your son convinced me to the possible dangers that could occur if we take no action. Why is this banshee woman under your protection?"

"What?" Gwydion gasped and turned to her, rage in his eyes. "You didn't tell me this!"

"You didn't ask, dear," Morrigan smiled. "And we were discussing the child, not the mother."

"You're protecting her because the child will be more powerful than you," Gwydion accused.

Morrigan shrugged and lifted one hand in a dismissive gesture.


"That's not fair!" Gwydion shouted, reminding her of a spoiled child. "I want that baby dead."

"Don't be such a brat," Morrigan chided. "You are always so threatened by new things."

"You understand that as long as Jacqueline wears Morrigan's Kiss, neither I nor anyone else harms her," Arwan said to Gwydion. "I'm afraid I cannot help you after all."

"Damn!" Gwydion gave his mother a murderous look. "You don't know what you are doing! This is the kind of thing that changes the world… that destroys it even. Is that what you want? It must be since you've allowed Jacqueline to murder the wizards, to take their souls before their time, and leave behind the ones she is meant to reap."

"Don't tell me my business, son." Morrigan's eyes narrowed. "And as for the wizards, I haven't cared about them since I left your father."

"So because of some petty female grudge against a man who you once loved, you would allow a creature more powerful than yourself to come into being?" Gwydion shook his head and stamped his staff against the floor, sending small sparks shooting off towards her. "My father was right to cast you aside!"

Morrigan held up one delicate hand and used magic to pull her son across the room towards her. His feet scraped the edges of the floor as she dragged him along like a rag doll. When he was inches away and struggling to be released from her grasp, she looked him directly in the eye.

"Do not speak to me in that tone," she hissed. "And as for what I allow to come into being, that is my decision. You should be grateful that I loved your father enough to see that you took your first breath. I could have stopped your conception, but I wanted your father, wanted to know what it would be like to live as a mortal."

Gwydion's eyes bulged in anger as she spoke.

"I turned away from my power. Even became human for that man." Morrigan gave a bitter laugh. "It was a mistake. You should never have been born."

There was a long silence in the room as mother and son stared at each other.

Slowly, she lowered Gwydion to the ground.

Morrigan could feel the anger coming off him. It ran through the room like waves, striking out at those in its way. Merlin had been the same, and to see such a family trait in Gwydion further irritated her.

"What will you do with the child?" Gwydion asked. "Will the woman get to keep it?"

"What my plans are for the baby do not concern you."

"I'll kill it myself."

Morrigan narrowed her gaze at Gwydion as she thought about the words he'd just uttered. The defiance in his face intrigued her, reminding her a bit of herself. She had no doubt that Gwydion would try to make good on his words, and there were certainly ways for him to be successful. She could have stopped him from trying, ended his life even, but he was her son.

Killing a child--no matter their age or disposition--was something she did not relish doing.

"Gwydion," Morrigan said, softly. "You can not kill it."

"Watch me!"

"You would be killing your sister's child."

"Sister? What are you talking about?"

"Must I spell it out? Your father got out of the exile I placed him. Apparently, the very first thing he did was fornicate with some Irish girl with banshee blood." Morrigan tossed her hair. "Typical."

"You lie." Gwydion shook his head in disbelief. "That can't be true."

"Oh, it is true, my dear. Congrats. You're going to be an uncle."

Gwydion's eyes blazed with fierce anger as he muttered a transport spell and was gone without another word.

"Well, he's a handful," Arwan remarked. "I'm glad I don't have kids."

"That you know about anyway. You are just as bad as Gwydion." Morrigan frowned, thinking about her son. "Gwydion has always been jealous of any creature that could possibly take power away from him."

"And the banshee? She really is under your protection? Even though she is an offspring of Merlin?" Arwan ran a hand through his hair as she nodded. "And here I thought I was bringing you new information. I didn't realize you already were aware of their relationship. You realize you're putting me in a difficult position. This half banshee has been incredibly derelict in her duties. Hades will be on my ass about her soon."

"Look, Arwan, I rule the mortal plain. You putter around with the dead in the Underworld. Those are the terms set up long ago. Yes, it's true that I have a few Reapers and Deaths who are perhaps more loyal to me than you. That's just the way it works sometimes and as for the charm--it marks her as mine since she's still mortal. If she were dead, then she'd be all yours." Morrigan studied him, taking in the broad muscles and handsome features of the one god she'd been tempted to run away with a long time ago. "And exactly, what are you and my son up to? Why did he call upon you?"

"Gwydion? Revenge, murder, mayhem--the usual stuff for him. And as for me… "Arwan gave her a dashing grin. "I'm just a lover. I was thinking the banshee might be up for some fun."

Morrigan couldn't help but smile back.

"I don't think your charms will work on her, Arwan. She's too much in love with Toby Williams."

"That just makes is more of a challenge."

"You always were a trouble maker."

"And you are still as beautiful as ever. "Arwan took a few steps towards her. "I've thought of you often."

"Have you?" She felt her heart beat a hair faster. "That was over three hundred years ago."

"Seems like yesterday to me."

"I doubt you even really remember our tryst."

"I'm in favor of a repeat performance."

Morrigan laughed, delighted. Arwan always put her in a good mood and with everything that was coming some brief entertainment was due her. She held out her hand, pleased when he gripped it eagerly.

"Then let's go make some trouble."
Toby dozed, but when he awoke, Jacqueline was gone.

For a moment, he panicked. Had she left him once again?

The sound of the shower running put his mind at ease and brought a smile to his face.

Even banshees needed to be clean. And after the morning they'd spent together--well, they'd managed to work up quite a sweat. He relaxed in the bed, listening to the running water, and trying hard not to think about the future.

His knew his time with Jacqueline was precious and short.

The shower turned off, and a few moments later, Jacqueline came back into the bedroom, naked and toweling her wet hair. The sight of her too thin body worried at him. Though he hadn't noticed in the heat of passion, she had lost a lot of weight. The curviness he so loved about her wasn't as prominent as it once had been.

However, the soft swell of her pregnant stomach was undeniable.

He hoped the charm she wore around her neck would really protect her and allow him to guide her through all the next few days were going to bring.

Hopefully, she wouldn't end up hating him.

Jacqueline dropped the wet towel to the floor and met his gaze.

Toby held his breath at the sight of her blood red eyes, knowing Jacqueline wasn't in control at that moment.

Death was stepping forward.

"Well, you got what you wanted." The words came from Jacqueline's mouth, but the tone and timbre of them didn't belong to her. Languidly, she lay back on the bed. "A quick tumble in the sheets, and I guess you're thinking everything is alright again."

"Death, let her go."

"You've got it all wrong." Death stretched and Toby couldn't help but be distracted by the bob of her bare breasts. "She's the one who needs to let go. We can't both survive in here."

"She absorbed you. You're the one hanging on."

"I'll become corporeal again."

"You can't take over her body. You don't have the strength."

"Who said anything about her body?" Death's face twisted into a smug grin. "There are actually three of us in here, you know."

The baby. Death was talking about being reborn.

"Leave my child alone," Toby ordered. "Or I'll--"

"You'll what?" Death challenged him. "Kill it? Could you do that? Kill your own child?"

"I'll do what I have to do to protect Jacqueline."

"Tough talk! I figure you already know this child is going to have to die anyway. I know how deals with a goddess work. I've been privy to quite a few that involve Morrigan. We're old friends, you know." Death laughed at the wary look he gave her. "You think I don't know how a wizard manages to get a charm like the one you've placed around her neck? That's not easily done and always comes with a price."

"Let me speak to Jacqueline," Toby ordered.

"You'll speak to her soon enough, but first I want to know what you promised Morrigan."

"Nothing." Toby's eyes blazed with anger. "I'd be more concerned about what she has planned for you. You failed her."

Death blinked, obviously uncomfortable with his words. Toby had no idea if Morrigan would do anything at all to Death. There had only been talk of how to save Jacqueline and what the cost might be.

Still, better to have Death worried than feeling too cocky. Experience had taught him that she was a vane, arrogant creature who always believed she would come out on top.

"Morrigan would never do anything to me." Death grasped the silver charm of the necklace, but it sizzled in her hand, blistering the skin before she jerked her hand away. "Damn!"

"I see it works on all creatures who intend Jacqueline harm." Toby smiled. "Good. That means you can't take it off."

Fury danced in Death's eyes, but before she could respond, a struggle seemed to take place in Jacqueline's body. Fascinated, Toby watched as Jacqueline's eyes rolled back, and her body twisted and jerked on the bed.

"Toby?" Jacqueline blinked at him, shivering. He reached over to pick up the discarded towel and gently covered her with it. "I hate it when she does that."

"She still seems pretty strong." He sat down on the bed, rubbing her arms to warm them. "How are you holding up?"

"She is strong, but I can hold her off. I don't exactly enjoy having her damage my body since I'm the one who feels the pain." Jacqueline studied the fresh burn mark in her hand. "It makes me wonder what she is doing to the baby."

"Me, too."

"I heard what Death asked you, Toby. About Morrigan and making deals. This charm is special, but what did you promise for it?"

"Nothing really," he said, hoping she wouldn't pick up on his lie. "I just agreed to be at her beck and call when it came to solving magical problems here on Earth."


"Not exactly," he said. "The reason I'm a wizard at all is because of her."

"What do you mean?"

"A long time ago, she gave someone in my family tree her kiss."

Jacqueline tilted her head, puzzled.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"As near as I can figure, it means she had sex with one of my great, great, grandfathers." Toby grinned. "Apparently, it's a really big deal to receive the kiss of a goddess."

"I see. Does that mean you have a little goddess blood in you?"

"Apparently all wizards do. Its how we got our magic in the first place."

"Morrigan sounds like a slut."

"The kiss thing is powerful stuff. Once you have it, it stays in your family's gene pool," Toby explained.

"What will our baby be? A banshee with magical powers like a wizard? Or will it turn out like Gabe--a super wizard?"

"I don't know, Jacqueline."

"Regardless, a baby like ours will be coveted and sought after by people like Gwydion."


"All the more reason to destroy him now."

A bitter edge had crept back into her voice, alarming Toby. The charm was supposed to provide clarity, to mute her anger.

Would his plan work if he couldn't get Jacqueline in control of her emotions?
Morrigan stared into her scrying pond, watching the young couple talk. She'd grimaced when Jacqueline referred to her as a slut, but since she was always the first to admit her love for the opposite sex, the goddess held no grudge.

Not to mention that Arwan lie snoring in her bed at the moment.

She was far too interested in catching a glimpse of Merlin to care what his daughter thought about her. To her disappointment, the wizard was nowhere in sight.


She'd been looking forward to a showdown with him. This baby was going to provide her with all sorts of new opportunities and Morrigan wanted to make sure he knew where the child ended up.

Ah…revenge could be so sweet sometimes.

Impatient, Morrigan studied Jacqueline's belly. The charm had yet to take real effect, but she knew the next few hours would bring significant changes. She could only hope Toby was prepared and had taken her warnings to heart.

"Sleep," she whispered, waving her hand over the pond. "You need to take a little rest, banshee. The baby is about to experience a growth spurt."

In the pond, Morrigan saw Jacqueline lying down on the bed and beginning to yawn.

"Good." The goddess smiled as Toby tucked a blanket over the woman. "How loving you are."

For a moment, her eyes grew misty with unshed tears. Once, long ago, a man had loved her like that and she had adored him. Her heart had been so full, so happy. While things had changed in the blink of an eye for her, Morrigan wasn't quite bitter enough to wish the same for Toby. She hoped things would work out for him. That he would find the happiness with his love that had eluded her.

Victoria Richards's books