Forever and a Day

chapter 32

“You’re so good at keeping secrets you should be able to keep one last one.” –Cam

“It’s done.” The voice said over the phone.

“Did you kill her?”

“No I don’t think he killed her. But she won’t be walking any time soon.”

“The job was to kill her. Not beat her ass.”

“I didn’t know. I thought we were only sending a message.”

“Hold on. Your boss will not be happy.” The voice said putting her boss on the three way with them.


“She f*cked it up. I thought you said you had her trained.”

“Bitch do you not listen when I talk to you.” The boss screamed.

“I do. You said get him to f*ck her up. You never said to kill her.”

“No. I said make sure you f*ck her up enough for a closed casket.”

“I didn’t hear the closed casket part.”

“Of course you didn’t because you only listen to what the f*ck you want to listen to. I swear you have to do your own dirty work these days because people will f*ck it up quicker than a baby will f*ck up a white shirt.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yes, you are sorry. I’ll be in touched. Get off my line.” The boss hung up.

“I hope you know that’s your ass.” The voice said before hanging up the phone.


“Cam Davis,” the doctor called out.

“I’m right here.” Cam ran over to the doctor.

“Hello, I’m Dr.Wilds. I am Danielle’s primary doctor. Is a Brielle Williams here?” Dr.Wilds asked.

“I’m Brielle.” Brielle stood.

“How is she?” Cam asked.

“Danielle is now awake. She has been asking for you two. I need to warn you before you go inside. She was badly beaten. She has a cracked rib, a broken arm and she has a minor head injury. She took blows to the head and she will have major headaches for a while.” The doctor explained.

“What room is she in?” Brielle asked.

“She is in room 216. She might be in and out because I gave her pain medication to subside the pain. So you might want to keep the conversations to a minimum.”

“How long will she have to stay in the hospital?” Cam asked.

“I recommend that she stay here for the next two days and then she should be able to go home and rest comfortable. I don’t recommend her to go back to work anytime in the next week or two. She should focus on resting and getting her strength back.”

Brielle, Cam and the crew begin moving from the waiting area towards the elevators to go upstairs to see Danni. They knew Danielle would make it. She was one of the strongest people they knew. Cam didn’t want to bother Danielle with many details so he made it clear that no one would bring up the letters to Danielle tonight.

“When we get up here, don’t bother her with the details of these letters. We’ll tell her tomorrow when she’s at least feeling a little better. Agreed?” Cam said.

“Agreed.” Everyone but Brielle answered.

“Brielle can you hear yo? You’re so good at keeping secrets you should be able to keep one last one.” Cam spit.

“Yo Cam, chill out.” Kiy intervened.

“No it’s okay Kiy. I deserve that.” Brielle said.

“I don’t care. Cam you need to calm down.” Kiyan said to his boy.

“Yeah iight. I’ll come down when your girl stops keeping important shit away from us.” Cam said getting off the elevator and began walking towards Danielle’s room.

“Hey,” Danielle smiled at her friends as they walked in.

“Hey girlie. How are you feeling?” Sabriya ran up to the bed.

“Ew, were you crying because you look worse than I feel?” Danielle said Brielle.

“Yeah I was. Only because I was worried about you.” Brielle confessed.

“Don’t worry about me you know I’m not going any where.” Danielle smiled.

“Don’t scare us like that. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” Chloe cried. She was definitely the baby of the group.

“Don’t cry Chlo. I’m okay. I promise.” Danielle said.

“Okay.” Chloe wiped her face.

“Well damn, y’all don’t have to speak.” Danielle teased Kiyan, Zo, Keem, Ty and Cam.

“Wassup Ma?” Cam kissed her.

“When can I go home?” Danielle asked getting straight to the point refusing to believe she had to stay there.

“Well damn.” Zo joked.

“I’m serious. I hate hospitals and I feel better already.” Danielle pleaded.

“Get out the bed then.” Kiyan challenged.

Danielle tried to sit up, but was stopped short when the pain shot through her rib caged.

“Yeah iight, you will be right here.” Cam said.

“But I don’t want to stay here. It’s freezing and it has that weird hospital smell. Can you take me home? I promise I won’t get out of the bed.” Danielle begged.

“I’ll take you home.” Cam said.

“CAM!” Ty yelled.

“Ty hush. Cam can you get my purse, I’m ready.” Danielle smiled.

“I’m going to take you home as soon as the doctor discharges you.” Cam said sternly.

“There is no telling when that is going to be.” Danielle pouted.

“Two days. I already spoke with the doctor.” Cam said.

“Oh boy, I’m going to die in here.” Danielle exaggerated.

“You’ll live.” Shanice joked.

“Well since I’m obviously not leaving, can y’all at least ask about some heat in this room?” Danielle asked.

“We’re about to leave out so we’ll ask on the way out.” Kiyan said to Danielle.

“Get some rest. We’ll be back tomorrow.” The girls and guys said.

“I will. Love y’all.” Danielle laid back down.

“We love you too.” Keem said.

“I guess you’re stuck with me.” Cam smiled.

“I rathered be stuck with you than anybody else.”

“You sure about that?”

“I’m positive, but I hope you have something to keep you company because the meds have kicked in and my eyes are closing as I speak.” Danielle smiled.

“Go ahead and go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Cam said kissing her and began laughing. “I need to get your ass some chapstick because your lips are ashy yo.”

“Shut up punk.” Danielle said drifting to sleep.

Jasmine Barber's books