Forever and a Day

chapter 31

“Aren’t you tired of keeping secrets?” - Kiyan

Cam was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. He refused to talk to the police until he knew what the hell was going on with Danni. All he wanted to know was if Danielle was okay. Everything that everybody was saying was going through one ear and out the other. He really wasn’t trying to hear anything that anybody was saying!

Brielle felt as if her life was moving in slow motion as she sat in the hospital’s waiting room with her friends and boyfriend. She didn’t know what she would do if the doctors didn’t comeback out with good news about Danielle. She wanted to know who would harm her best friend. Brielle had an immediate thought and walked over to Kiyan and began her conversation.

“Kiy, I’ll be back. I have to go home and get something.”

“Are you f*cking crazy? Your best friend just got attacked leaving work and you think I’m going to let you roam the streets? You’re bugging’”

“Kiy please! I really need to go!”

“Well if you really need to go, then lets go! I’ll drive you.”

“I know how to drive. I don’t need you to do it for me.”

“That’s the only way you’re leaving this hospital. So choose.”

“Kiyan like I said I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Sayless. Go to your house and when somebody crack you upside the head, don’t call me because I told your hard headed ass.”

Brielle lowered her head and began walking towards the door. Chloe had seen and heard the entire conversation that Kiyan and Brielle had. She was disappointed and confused by Brielle’s actions.

“Brielle, are you stupid?” Chloe said walking over to Bri.

“No, why would you say that?” Brielle said feeling slightly offended.

“Do you see where our best friend is? Do you want us out here crying for you too?” Chloe sniffed.

“No, I don’t. But I really need something from my house.”

“Then let your boyfriend take you to the damn house. You’re being difficult for no reason?” Chloe was getting aggravated.

“I am acting bitchy.” Brielle said frowning.

“Yes, since Danni is in their fighting for her life, I’m going to tell you like she would, pick up your damn feet and go apologize to him.” Chloe walked back towards Tyrese and Tiana.

Brielle walked over to Kiyan not knowing how she would begin to apologize. She knew that she was completely wrong and Kiyan was only looking out for her best interest.

“I’m sorry.” Brielle lowered her head.

“Don’t apologize to me. That’s your life.” Kiy said turning his back to her and finished texting.

“I know and you’re right I am taking an unnecessary risk.”

“Iight. So what are you going to do?”

“Can you take me to my house?”

“What is so important that you HAVE to go to your house right this minute?”

“It’s hard to explain. So are you going to take me or am I going to have to go on my own anyway?”

“Come on yo because obviously you need what ever the hell is at your house.”


Kiyan pulled up in front of Brielle’s house and parked. He was tired and aggravated. Brielle was acting weird and he really wasn’t in the mood for any extra bullshit that Brielle was spitting out.

“I’ll be right back out.” Brielle said looking over towards Kiyan.

“Iight. I’m right here.” Kiyan leaned his chair back.

Brielle walked into her bedroom and found her brief case. She knew exactly what she was looking for but she wasn’t sure where she lasted placed it. After looking through her brief case she had an instant thought, she got up of the floor and ran into the closet to get her keepsake box and grabbed the papers and proceeded to go back outside with Kiyan.

“I think you should read these.” Brielle said handing Kiy the letters she’s been getting over the past two months.

“What is this?”

“Just read them please.”

Kiyan began reading. He noticed that these are Brielle’s most recent notes. These had the same type of threatening note that Kiyan had found on Brielle’s car windshield the night that they were at here house.

Brielle did you receive the gift I sent you. I thought that the dead roses were a nice touch. You thought your man sent you something huh? I had an idea that I wanted to run by you. Which one would you rather see hurt your mother or your friends? Decisions, well I guess you will see that I’m serious when shit hits the fan.

“What the hell? When did you get these?”

“The first one you remember is from my car. The other ones started coming a couple weeks later. I’ve gotten them for the past three months.”

“Are you f*cking kidding me?”

“No, I’m not.”

“All this time you got us walking around like shit sweet and you got somebody ready to kill you! You have to be kidding me because you are not just showing me this shit after all this damn time. You begged me to let you come back to your house after the shit with your car and you know it’s a crazy ass person out here ready to terminate on site.”

“I’m sorry. You think I don’t feel bad that I might be the cause of my best friend’s downfall?”

“You might? The f*cking proof is in the damn letters. Whoever wants you is willing to come at anybody close to you just to f*ck with you. Whatever happens to Danielle is your fault because you failed to let anybody know about your little notes.”

Brielle began crying uncontrollable. She knew what Kiyan said was true but she didn’t know that what he said would come out the way that it did. She was the cause of Danielle’s attack. The person who attacked her was the same person who wanted her dead. She knew if Kiyan wasn’t on her side after reading the notes that no one would be willing to hear her out.

“What am I going to do?” Brielle cried out.

“You have to tell Cam.”

“Why? Can I please stay here? I can’t take anymore yelling from anybody else.”

“Aren’t you tired of keeping secrets?”


“So no, you can’t stay here. You made your bed now you have to lie in it.” Kiyan said driving towards the hospital.

As Brielle and Kiyan reached the hospital door, Brielle knew that Cam was going to make sure she would not get a word in. Brielle took a deep breath before walking behind Kiyan. Cam was still pacing back and forth when Brielle and Kiyan approached him.

“Aye Cam, Brielle has something to tell you.”

“Wassup sis?”

“I think you should read these.”

“What’s this?”

“Just read it please.”

Cam began reading the letters and as he read each letter his eyes grew larger and larger. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. As he read the last message his light skin instantly turned red.

“What the f*ck yo?”

“Cam, please don’t make a scene.” Brielle pleaded.

“Hell no! You’re the reason Danielle is in there.” Cam screamed.

“What is he talking about?” Shanice, Sabriya, and Chloe asked at the same time.

“Tell them.” Cam screamed.

“Tell us what?” Shanice asked.

“That the reason Danielle is in the hospital because Brielle is so damn stupid that she couldn’t tell nobody that she’s been being threatened for the last three months.”

“Brielle tell us that’s not true,” Sabriya stepped up.

“I’m sorry,” Brielle bursted back in tears.

“Don’t apologize now.” Cam yelled.

“Iight man, calm down.” Kiy interjected.

“Aye yo Kiy, keep your girl away from me.” Cam walked out the doors of the hospital.

Cam got into the car and leaned his seat back. He took a much-needed breath when his phone began to ring.

“Tell me something!” Cam said answering the phone.

“Are you sure?” Cam sighed picking up the letters.

“F*ck! Iight yo, keep doing what you’re doing.” Cam said picking up his phone.

“Ain’t this a bitch.” Cam said reading over the letters Brielle gave him.

He noticed the letter looked familiar. Just when he was about to get out the car he looked in the back seat of the car, and picked up the letter. As he read the letter be became angrier and angrier.

Cam walked back into the hospital and headed over towards Brielle and Kiyan. Cam emotions were everywhere and everybody knew Cam had lost it when he threw the letters at Brielle.

“Start talking because this shit is your fault.”

“How do you know that?” Zo asked.

“Because the same person who left my girl for dead left a little surprise for Ms. I won’t tell my secrets.”

Zo read the letter out loud:

Danielle, Danielle, Danielle! I told your bitch of a friend that I was going to make her suffer. She must of thought I was joking. I know for a fact you wont be able to read this, so for whoever finds this bitch make sure you deliver my message to Brielle. How does it feel Brielle to know that you are the cause of your friend being hurt and in pain. Don’t worry, it’s okay because you won’t be feeling anything pretty soon anyways. Your friend put up a fight but not good enough. Death is calling your name. All this could have been avoided if only you didn’t go around f*cking people over like your feelings were the only ones that mattered. Now you feel some of the pain I felt. I’m closer than you think and I’ll be seeing you real soon. By the way, I couldn’t stand that bitch of a friend anyway. So making my decision on which friend would pay for your mistakes was the easiest decision I’ve ever made. I swear I hate her stuck up ass. I see it as killing two bitches; oops I mean bird with one stone. See you soon!

“So obviously it’s Kris trying his bullshit again.” Zo said.

“It ain’t Kris.” Cam said.

“How do you know that for sure?” Kiyan asked.

“Because J-Rock and Dre been on him since the car accident.” Cam said.

“But they had to stop following him for food and shit,” Ty pointed out.

“Nawh, they work on shifts.”

“Damn,” Zo whispered.

“So tell me, who did you piss off?” Cam said stepping closer to Brielle.

“I didn’t piss anyone off. I don’t know who would want to hurt Danielle or me.”

“I’m going to need you to think long and hard because someone obviously wants your head. Delivered on a damn platter. Who the hell did you fire? Who the hell was you seeing while you were seeing ole boy? Who the hell wants to see you hurt?” Cam questioned.

“Cameron, I honestly don’t know. I don’t have enemies.” Brielle continued to cry.

“What about Jaiden?” Sabriya asked.

“I haven’t pissed Jaiden off.” Brielle said.

“You don’t know and because you don’t know he is a definite suspect.” Kiyan stepped up.

Jasmine Barber's books