Forever and a Day

chapter 27

“You can try to run and hide but remember I will always find you.” -Unknown

Brielle was finally back home in the comforts of her own house. She was forced to temporarily move in Kiy’s house until Kiy felt her house was secured enough for her to stay in it alone. He made sure she got a new alarm system and he got an add on so that she could have some where to park her cars so they weren’t subjected to vandalism anymore. It took two weeks before she wasn’t allowed to come back home.

When she first moved in with Kiy, Brielle was really aggravated. But after a couple of days his house basically felt like home. It was closer to her job and it was big enough so if she didn’t want to be in Kiy’s face she didn’t have to be. Kiyan would do his own thing and she would do her thing. But at night they always came together to make love or simply sleep.

Brielle started to feel home sick after a while and that’s when the begging began. Kiyan was tired of hearing it so he paid the contractors extra so that they would complete a job that normally took a month in two weeks. Then he took her out to dinner to announce that if she wanted to she could move back home. Brielle wasted no time going home. After spending the night with Kiyan one last night, she took the day off to move back into her house the next day. It wasn’t that she didn’t like living with Kiyan, she just didn’t want to get use to being at his house and then one day he woke up and asked her when she was going home. She didn’t want her worse fear to come true, so instead she wanted to leave before she got to comfortable.

Kiyan had called her and told her that they were going to have a night in. So she began cleaning up before he came over. She was deep into her cleaning when the mail lady rang the bell. She opened the door to get her mail and then dropped the mail on the table to go upstairs and get in the shower to wash all of the accumulated sweat off of her. After getting out of the shower, Brielle put on a pair of black leggings with a blue and white Victor Cruz Giants shirt, and a pair of blue footies before going back downstairs to wait on Kiyan.

Brielle plopped on the couch when she decided to read her mail. She noticed she had quite a few bills that needed to be paid. She had Sports Illustrated, Jet, and Essence magazines. Then she decided to open the enveloped that her name and address on it but had no return address. When she opened up the envelope she began reading the letter.

You can try to run and hide but remember I will always find you. If you thought for one second the car incident was something, wait until you see what I have in store for you next! I’m going to cause you as much pain as you caused me. Oh by the way, tell your mother her living room set is beautiful and it’s comfortable. Hahaha see you soon.

Brielle read the letter and began crying. She didn’t know who was playing these cruel jokes on her but she just wanted it to stop. Before she could do anything her house phone rang.

“Hello.” She answered without looking at the caller id.

“I’m about to pull up, open the door.” Kiyan spoke.

“Okay. I will.”

Brielle knew that if Kiyan saw the letter she just got he would make her move back in with him and she didn’t want to do that. So she went and unlocked the door for Kiyan and ran upstairs in her closet and put the letter in the keepsake box underneath the first note she received.

As she went downstairs, Kiyan was walking in taking off his coat.

“You had the door open already?” Kiyan asked.

“No, when you called I opened it. But then I had to run upstairs to put on socks.” Brielle lied.

“Look at you.” Kiyan smiled at her Giants clothing.

“Giants fan until I die.”

“Yeah iight until they play the Eagles. Then we are going to crack y’all asses.” Kiyan joked.

“Yeah alright. We’ll see who’ll be going to the super bowl this year.” Brielle said walking over to the couch.

“So are we watching movies or what?” Brielle asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t bring any though.” Kiyan said.

“It’s cool. I just got new copies of ATL and Love & Basketball. I’ll even be nice enough to let you choose which one comes first.” Brielle snuggled against him.

“Oh boy man, put in ATL first then.”

Brielle jumped up and put the movie in and then cuddled on the couch with her boyfriend and her Giants blanket. She loved when they stayed in, it gave them the opportunity to get to know each other better on different levels.

Jasmine Barber's books