Bis Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street 01)

Sunday, April 30th


I lost my virginity last night. To Liam. It wasn’t how I’d wanted it to be. It hadn’t been with who I wanted it to be with. It hadn’t been with someone I loved like I’d always promised myself it would be. And it hurt. And then it didn’t. In fact it wasn’t bad at all. But something else hurt last night, and unlike sex it didn’t stop hurting. It hasn’t stopped hurting…




The function room at the Marriott Hotel was absolutely packed and as I looked around I realized that I didn’t even know some of these people.


Still, it was some turn out and Allie had pronounced my eighteenth birthday party a total success and it wasn’t even over yet. Braden had hired the room at the hotel as well as a DJ


and caterer. My family had invited more family as well as their friends who invited their friends, and I invited my friends who invited their friends who seemed to have invited their friends. It was a crush, the buffet was almost gone, and the dance floor was full.


I watched catering staff come out of the back room with fresh trays of food and I scowled as one of the pretty girls was stopped by Adam as she passed. Whatever he said made her laugh and tilt her head flirtatiously. I watched them, ignoring the burn of jealousy in my throat.


“Have I told you tonight how sexy you look?”


I was pulled back into a warm body and I lifted my chin, turning my head slightly to look up into Liam Fenton’s handsome face. He was smiling down at me, his eyes glittering a little.


He was buzzed, but not drunk like Adam who’d started “getting happy” an hour before the party even began. As per usual he’d turned up alone. From the cracks I’d heard Braden making for years, Adam was a total player and I’d never met a single girl he’d dated.


Probably because he didn’t “date”.


Liam on the other hand appeared to be trying to keep his wits about him. I think I knew why. He was nineteen, a student at Napier University, and we’d met when I’d toured the university last year. We’d kept in touch, chatting online, until seemingly out of the blue Liam asked me out on a date six weeks ago. We’d messed around a little bit (and he’d given me my first orgasm) but I’d been reluctant to have sex with him. I’d filled my head with so many romance novels and movies I was convinced that my first time would be with someone I was in love with. Although I liked Liam and I was attracted to him, I wasn’t in love with him yet.


However, I think he thought because I’d turned eighteen that tonight was going to be the night. Hence why he was trying to stay as sober as possible.


I felt a little nervous about how I was going to disabuse him of that notion.


Smiling up at him, I gave him a shy nod. “You may have mentioned it once or twice.”


Liam grinned, his hands sliding down to rest on my hips. “It’s worth mentioning more than once. Every guy in here thinks I’m a lucky bugger and they’d be right.”


His lips touched mine and it was nice. Really nice. But since my first kiss with Pete Robertson at a Friday bowling night with friends a few months after my disastrous date with Sam, I’d never felt what all the romance books talked about. I’d kissed five guys since then and not one of those kisses made my skin hot and my body vibrate and my stomach flutter. I was beginning to think romance novels might be leading me astray…


“Don’t mean to interrupt but I’d like a dance with the birthday girl.”


I immediately broke away from Liam at the sound of Adam’s voice and turned fully to find him standing in front of me, giving Liam a “you have five seconds to get your hands off her before I break your face” look. It had been two and a half years since I started dating and Adam and Braden still rejoiced in scaring the crap out of my boyfriends. Thankfully, Liam didn’t scare easy.


He squeezed my hips. “I’ll go get you another drink. I’ll be over with Allie and the guys.”


I nodded at him, watching him saunter away through the crowds.


A warm hand on my wrist drew my gaze back and Adam was grinning at me as he pulled me into him. As soon as my body brushed his I felt that familiar tingling again, the feeling descending between my legs as Adam’s arm caught me around the waist while his other hand caught my hand and laid it against his chest. I rested my other hand on his shoulder and swayed with him. Being this close kind of hampered my breathing and I tried very hard not to let him see that. His fingertips brushed the bottom of my back and since I was wearing a backless dress it was a skin to skin touch. My body reacted to it in a way I recognized and I ducked my head, unable to look at him.