The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

The draft report, dated October 19, 2019, and marked “not to be disclosed,” didn’t become public until the New York Times obtained a copy under the Freedom of Information Act and published a front-page article on March 19, 2020, eight days after the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic.237 Only under pressure from another FOIA request did Kadlec’s HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response release the January 2020 After-Action Crimson Contagion Report the following September. It is available online here:

The Times story contained this paragraph: “The October 2019 report documents that officials at the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services, and even at the White House’s National Security Council, were aware of the potential for a respiratory virus outbreak originating in China to spread quickly to the United States and overwhelm the nation.”238 The New York Times takeaway missed altogether the larger and more significant stories: that the Crimson Contagion’s planners precisely predicted every element of the COVID-19 pandemic—from the shortage of masks to specific death numbers—months before COVID-19 was ever identified as a threat and that their overarching countermeasure was the preplanned demolition of the American Constitution by a scrupulously choreographed palace coup.

The Crimson Contagion draft report complains that existing federal funding sources were insufficient to combat a pandemic and concluded, predictably, that government officials needed far more money and far more power: “A significant topic of concern centered around the inadequacies of existing executive branch and statutory authorities to provide HHS with the requisite mechanisms to serve successfully as the lead federal agency in response to an influenza pandemic.”239

The team noted that “The group . . . concluded they would soon need to move toward aggressive social distancing, even at the risk of severe disruption to the nation’s economy and the daily lives of millions of Americans.”240

TOPOFF 2000–2007

In the course of researching this book, I discovered that, beginning in 2000, the security, military, police, and intelligence agencies have been secretly staging other mass simulations, under the codename TOPOFF, of which the public is almost entirely unaware. Each of these functioned as training exercises for the lockstep imposition of global totalitarianism. Many of these drills have involved tens of thousands of local police, health officials, and emergency responders across the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Europe, as well as representatives from the FBI, the State Department, the intelligence agencies, and private corporations from chemical, petroleum, financial, telecom industries, and health sectors.

Four TOPOFF (Top Official) exercises between May 2000 and 2007 mobilized DOJ, FBI, and FEMA officials staging scenario planning around chemical and bioweapons attacks. The first of them, in May 2000, modeled chemical biological attacks in Denver, Colorado, and Portsmouth, New Hampshire, exploring logistics for quarantining an entire state (Colorado). The executive summary complains that “stronger measures to protect the local Colorado citizens were not implemented”241 and warns that to survive such a disaster, the state must immediately take quick and decisive action to quarantine the population, including the enforcement of an unprecedented “no contact out of your home”242 policy that became the hallmark of the response to COVID-19 twenty years later.

The Department of Homeland Security sponsored TOPOFF 2, in May 2003, including more than 8,000 participants in Seattle and Chicago, as well as significant participation by the Canadian government.243

TOPOFF 3, in April 2005, simulated biological and chemical attacks in New Jersey and Connecticut, involving more than 20,000 participants from over 250 federal, state, and local agencies, private businesses, volunteer groups, and international organizations. Canada and the UK coordinated simultaneous exercises.244

TOPOFF 4, running from October 15 to October 24, 2007, involved more than 23,000 participants from government and the private sector, simulating attacks in Guam, Portland, and Phoenix. In Washington, DC, the State Department activated an Exercise Task Force and participated in high-level meetings with other Department and agency decision makers, including American embassies in Canberra, Ottawa, and London.245

“These are brainwashing exercises,” says former CIA officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp. “Getting all of these thousands of public health and law enforcement officials to participate in blowing up the US Bill of Rights in these exercises, you basically have obtained their prior sign-off on torpedoing the Constitution to overthrow its democracy. They know that none of these participants are going to suddenly start soul-searching when the real thing happens. The CIA has spent decades studying exactly how to control large populations using these sorts of techniques.” Shipp adds: “We are all subjects now being manipulated in a vast population-wide Milgram experiment, with Dr. Fauci playing the doctor in the white lab coat instructing us to ignore our virtues and our conscience and obliterate the Constitution.”246

Event 201: October 2019

Under Gates’s direction in mid-October 2019, only two months after Crimson Contagion and three weeks after US intelligence agencies believe that COVID-19 had begun circulating in Wuhan, the cabal of potentates and institutions that compose the Biosecurity Cartel began preparing decision makers for the mass eviction of informed critics of the vaccine industry from social media. That month, Gates personally organized yet another training and signaling exercise for government biosecurity functionaries. This war game consisted of four “tabletop” simulations of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Participants included a group of high-ranking kahunas from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg/Johns Hopkins University Populations Center, the CDC, various media powerhouses, the Chinese government, a former CIA/NSA director, vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, the globe’s largest pharmaceutical company; finance and biosecurity industry chieftains, and the president of Edelman, the world’s leading corporate PR firm. Conspiracy-minded critics dub this cabal the “Deep State.” The World Economic Forum Director Klaus Schwab has christened their agenda the “Great Reset.”247

Robert F. Kennedy's books