The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

By springtime 2026, with the EUA vaccine rollout in full swing, public reservations about the vaccine are multiplying. The scenario blueprint predicts waves of severe neurological vaccine injuries soon appearing among children and adults. The CDC is meeting escalating skepticism toward its exaggerated predictions of coronavirus lethality; official fatality number indicates that coronavirus mortalities are comparable to the seasonal flu:

By May 2026, public interest in SPARS had begun to wane. In late April the CDC had publicized an updated case fatality rate estimate, suggesting that SPARS was only fatal in 0.6 percent of cases in the United States.197 (Note: the 2020 COVID-19 case fatality rate was a mere 0.26 percent according to CDC).

The SPARS organizers warn that dropping death rates will spark “public sentiment, widely expressed on social media, that SPARS was not as dangerous as initially thought.” This perilous drop in popular fear jeopardizes the vaccine enterprise.

The SPARS team turns to pandemic porn—constantly repeated death counts and case counts—to amplify the panic decibel so as to assure the success of their mass inoculation program. To overcome the public’s dangerous complacency, the CDC and FDA, in concert with other government agencies and their social media experts, begin developing a new public health propaganda campaign:

create a core set of messages that could be shared by all public health and government agencies over the next several months during which time the SPARS vaccine could be introduced.198

In a section headed “Food for Thought,” the scenario challenges participants to devise their own strategies for disabling common sense so as to achieve broad vaccine coverage:

How might federal health authorities avoid people possibly seeing an expedited SPARS vaccine in development and testing process as somehow “rushed” and inherently flawed. . . . How might federal health authorities respond to critics who propose that liability protection for SPARS vaccine manufacturers jeopardizes individual freedom and well-being? . . . What are the potential consequences of health officials over-reassuring the public about the potential risks of a novel SPARS vaccine when long-term effects are not yet known?199

Even a casual read of the Foundation’s planning document makes clear that Gates’s preparation has little to do with public health and everything to do with limiting freedom and aggressively marketing vaccines.

The planners tell their intended audience—“public health providers and pandemic communicators”—that public concerns over worrisome reactions and vaccine side effects can be drowned out by flooding the airwaves with good news about vaccine successes: The dismaying role of mainstream media in these exercises is to broadcast propaganda, impose censorship, and manufacture consent for oppressive policies. In their projections, the social planners project absolute confidence that news media and social media companies will fully cooperate with this coup d’état. The simulation planners presciently assume their capacity to undermine the Fourth Estate in its role as the gladiatorial champion of free speech and democracy, and their ability to subvert the social media, which once promised to democratize the flow of information. Both mainstream and social media titans, it turns out, are predisposed to serve globalist elites. Gates and his cronies somehow intuited that these institutions would obligingly shape news coverage so as to manufacture obedience with compulsory vaccination and the dismemberment of the Constitution:

In the following months . . . the WHO began developing an enhanced international vaccine program based on the expanded financial support of the United States and other countries. As time passed and more people across the United States were vaccinated, claims of adverse side effects began to emerge. . . . Given the positive reaction to the federal government’s response and the fact that the majority of US citizens willing to be vaccinated had already been immunized, the negative publicity surrounding adverse reactions had little effect on nationwide vaccination rates.200

Gates and his team assure pandemic planners that they will easily avoid culpability for the wave of long-term neurological injuries that they cause by their experimental vaccines:

While the federal government appeared to have appropriately addressed concerns around the acute side effects of Corovax, the long-term, chronic effects of the vaccine were still largely unknown. Nearing the end of 2027, reports of new neurological symptoms began to emerge. After showing no adverse side effects for nearly a year, several vaccine recipients slowly began to experience symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches, and numbness in their extremities. Due to the small number of these cases, the significance of their association with Corovax was never determined.201

According to organizers, the purpose of Gates’s simulation was to prepare “public health communicators” with a step-by-step strategic playbook for the upcoming pandemic. Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult to peruse Gates’s detailed 2018 planning document without feeling that we are all being played.

Laying Pipe for Totalitarianism

Following the success of the SPARS simulation, Gates projected a progressively darker and more martial tone and stepped up his declarations about the need for authoritarian coercion to cinch compliance with vaccination against the impending pandemic.

On April 18, 2018, Gates delivered a speech at the Malaria Summit in London, warning that a deadly new disease could arise within a decade, taking the world “by surprise,” spreading globally and killing tens of millions. Hinting at the need for increased coordination between health officials and militaries, Gates reiterated: “The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”202 Gates’s simulations invoke the concept of “total war,” meaning the mobilization of entire populations, the sacrifice of global economies, and the obliteration of democratic institutions and civil rights.

Appreciating the challenges of imposing tyrannical controls in a democracy, Gates increasingly focused his efforts on enrolling critical allies in Big Tech and the military.

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