The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

Both Gates and Fauci had already invested such enormous financial resources in that technology. In this light, the simulations can be interpreted as marketing and public relations exercises designed to recruit and train political, military, media, and public health officials to advance their enterprise using censorship, propaganda, and state-sponsored violence, if necessary.

The report concluded with a revealing warning about biosafety, “particularly for countries that are funding research with the potential to result in accidents with pathogens that could initiate high-impact respiratory pandemics.”227 The report warned that the possibility of deliberate release “could substantially add to the extraordinary consequences that would follow a naturally occurring pandemic event with the same agent.228 Mass vaccination strategies should be developed and put in place to increase immediate access.”229

Put simply, through the medium of this sponsored report Gates, is saying that we need a rapid mass vaccination strategy in place to anticipate the accidental or deliberate release of the kind of enhanced pathogens that his working partner, Dr. Fauci, was funding the development of in Wuhan, under the pretext of vaccine research.

Though Gates’s simulation highlighted the need for masks and respirators, Gates, Dr. Fauci, and Kadlec ignored stockpiling these items, and the same for any antiviral drugs that might successfully treat sick people.230 Instead, they were laser-focused on next-gen vaccines, on compulsory administration to healthy uninfected populations, on censorship and other coercive devices, on constructing and controlling global health agencies, and on surveillance technologies.

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board

Later, in May 2018—with imprimatur from the WHO and the World Bank Group— Gates created a kind of permanent standing committee called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), including some of the most powerful global public health kingpins, to institutionalize the lessons derived from all these scenario planning drills.231 The global committee would serve as the real-life authoritative collective for imposing rules during the upcoming pandemic. This so-called “independent” monitoring and accountability body’s purpose was to validate the imposition of police state controls by global and local political leaders and technocrats, endorsing their efforts to take the kind of harsh actions that Gates’s simulation modeled: subduing resistance, ruthlessly censoring dissent, isolating the healthy, collapsing economies, and compelling vaccination during a projected worldwide health crises. GPMB’s board includes a pantheon of technocrats whose cumulative global power to dictate global health policy is virtually irresistible: Anthony Fauci; Sir Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust; Christ Elias of BMGF; China’s CDC director, George Gao; Russian health minister, Veronika Skvortsova; WHO’s health director, Michael Ryan; its former director, Gro Harlem Brundtland; its former programming director, Ilona Kickbusch; and UNICEF’s Henrietta Holsman Fore, who is former director of USAID, that used to be a reliable CIA front.

In June 2019, about twenty weeks before the start of the COVID pandemic, Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies program, summarized the conclusions of GPMB’s pandemic report, warning that “we are entering a new phase of high impact epidemics” that would constitute “a new normal” where governments worldwide would strengthen control and restrict the mobility of citizens.232

Crimson Contagion 2019

That August—not even ten weeks before the first COVID-19 infections were reported in Wuhan—a 2019 war game codenamed Crimson Contagion capped eight months of planning overseen by Robert Kadlec, who was, by then, President Trump’s Disaster Response Leader. Also involved in this virus war game scenario was Anthony Fauci representing the NIH, Dr. Robert R. Redfield of the CDC, and HHS Secretary Alex Azar.233 The HHS Office of Preparedness and Response teamed with the top spooks at the National Security Council to lead the four-day nationwide “Functional Exercise.”234

So now Kadlec—who had, for twenty years, been writing scripts for using a pandemic to overthrow democracy and curtail constitutional rights—was in a perfect position to do just that. With this virus simulation, he included all the key players who would manage what was to become a de facto coup d’état sixty days hence.

While earlier simulations functioned as training drills for high-level political, military, press, intelligence agency, and regulatory commissars, the 2019 Crimson Contagion simulation functioned as a nationwide crusade to evangelize state-level health bureaucracies, municipal officials, hospital and law enforcement agencies across America with the messages developed in the preceding simulations.

Under a veil of enforced secrecy, organizers staged the Crimson Contagion exercise nationwide at over 100 centers. “Participation included 19 federal departments and agencies, 12 key states, 15 tribal nations and pueblos, 74 local health department and coalition regions, 87 hospitals, and over 100 healthcare and public health private sector partners.”235 The simulation scenario envisioned a “novel influenza” pandemic originating in China labeled H7N9. As with COVID-19, air travelers rapidly spread the deadly respiratory illness across the globe.

In this scenario, by the time US health officials first identify the virus in Chicago, it is already galloping like the Grim Reaper across other metropolitan areas, forcing the HHS Secretary to declare a national public health emergency. The WHO delays a month before declaring a pandemic. The multistate, multiregional exercise that took place just months before the real-world COVID-19 pandemic focused on “critical infrastructure protection; economic impact; social distancing; scarce resource allocation; prioritization of vaccines and other countermeasures.”236 (Again not including therapeutic medicines.) The Crimson Contagion exercise achieved eerily accurate forecasting with numbers that precisely predicted the official casualty data for COVID-19: 110 million forecasted illnesses, 7.7 million predicted hospitalizations, and 568,000 deaths in the United States alone.

Robert F. Kennedy's books