Fierce (Storm MC #2)

Fierce (Storm MC #2)

Nina Levine


Fierce is dedicated to my family.

Family isn’t always those related by blood.

I love you all.


Book Cover: Image from Big Stock Photo

Thanks must also go to Louisa from LM Creations for her assistance with my cover. She is an amazing designer. Please check her out here: LM Creations

A Note About The Storm MC Series

Each book in this series continues on from the previous. While there won’t be major cliffhangers in each book, there will be parts of the story that won’t be resolved so please be aware of this. Fierce picks up exactly where Storm left off, and as such I will publish the last chapter of Storm here to refresh your memory as to where it ended.

Storm Final Chapter


Four months later

“So, sis, tell me who all these people are,” Blade said, as he handed me a barbequed sausage on bread.

I angled my head to look at him. He was a tall guy, and well built. His eyes were the same colour as our fathers; a gorgeous green. He had also inherited the olive skin and dark hair that my father had. I hadn’t met his mother, and I wondered what he had been blessed with from her.

We had been spending time getting to know each other since J and Mandy were shot. I hadn’t wanted to, but he had pushed the point. And Blade wasn’t a man who didn’t get his way. I was slowly learning that. Why did I have to be surrounded by men like that? Why couldn’t I have just one man in my life that I could boss around?

I pointed out a couple of the guys and told him a little about each one. He surprised me with his desire to know me, and to be a part of my life. Scott was distant to him, and Blade didn’t try to force a relationship there. Perhaps it would come one day. Who fucking knew what was in store for any of us? That was something I had really learnt this year.

“You okay? Coping with today, without him here?” he asked, watching me intently.

“I’ll be okay. Don’t worry about me,” I said.

He slowly nodded his head, still watching me, taking it all in. He was an intense man; sometimes I didn’t know what to make of it.

“Honey, can you help me with the soft drinks for the kids?” my mother called.

I nodded. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen in a minute.”

Today was a club family barbeque. Storm had been through a lot this year, and this was a get together to help bring everyone back together; to help the healing process and strengthen club ties. The fallout from what I liked to call the ‘Mandy Incident’ was bad. A lot of the boys hadn’t supported Dad and Scott in their desire to back off on her, and there was some lingering resentment from that. It turned out that J wasn’t the only one who had wanted her dealt with.

Time was slowly healing the wounds, and I had no doubt that the boys would work it out eventually. What I had had some doubt about was letting Blade into the fold. He had been spending time at the clubhouse, meeting some of the boys. I hadn’t been so sure they would welcome him, but they had. Blade just seemed to have that effect on you.

I left him and wandered into the kitchen to find my Mum. She seemed to be doing okay these days. She and Dad were working on their marriage. Well, I took her word for it because I hadn’t spent time with them together since discovering his infidelity and tendency to hit her. I hadn’t spent any time at all with my father, and I wasn’t sure when I would be able to bring myself to do that. I didn’t hate him, but I was still really angry at him. And I was pretty sure that would take a long time to go away.

“Hey, Mum,” I smiled at her, as I entered the kitchen.

She looked up, and smiled back. “Hey, honey. Are you having a nice time today?”

I nodded. “I miss him, though,” I almost whispered, tears threatening my eyes.

“I know, sweetheart. But he wouldn’t want you to be sad that he’s not here.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, “You’re right. Come on; let’s get these drinks to the kids.” I needed to busy myself, and keep my mind occupied. Otherwise, I would be thinking of J the whole time. Missing him.

We grabbed the large esky that was full of drinks and carried it outside to the sheltered area where the kids were set up with party food.

A hush fell over the party, and all eyes were on me. I looked at my Mum, but she was just smiling at me.

And then, I saw him. My face lit up, and my heart started beating faster in excitement.


I ran to him, and he caught me in a huge hug.

“Fuck, baby, I’ve missed you,” he breathed into my ear.