Fierce (Storm MC #2)

Madison was pissing herself laughing now. “Seriously good shit, Scott. I can’t believe you did that!”

“You’d better believe he did that. Our Scotty doesn’t discriminate,” Stoney threw out there.

“What doesn’t he discriminate against?” J asked, entering the room.

I threw up my arms. “Fuck me! I almost went to town on some dick last night. How the fuck was I supposed to know she was a he?”

J, the asshole, started laughing too. “Fuck, man, I feel your pain. I often crave a little cock too, brother. If you feel you need that shit, we won’t judge.”

I punched him hard in the arm. “Good one, dickhead,” I retorted, and then directed at Madison, “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“I just wanted to invite you to a get together at our house on Sunday afternoon,” she answered.

J had made his way to Madison and put his arm around her. “Although, there’ll be no boys there for you to hook up with so maybe -”

“I’ll be there,” I muttered and turned to leave. “Everyone’s a fuckin’ comedian,” I threw over my shoulder as I left. I could hear them all laughing as I walked towards the front door. I’d never fucking live it down.


I pulled up outside my house and saw Lisa looking out for me behind the front curtain next door. It was my house that I rented to her mother and it needed some work. Yesterday I’d noticed that the yard needed mowing, and fuck if I’d ever seen Michelle behind a mower. That was something I always either did or got one of the boys to do. Today I noticed that the windows were caked in a layer of dirt. Another job for the boys.

She let the curtain go and I presumed was on her way outside with Monty. A minute later, I met her at her front gate. She passed me her cat and I noted how bad his face looked. Shit, I wished she’d come to me sooner because he didn’t look well. And looking at Lisa, I decided that she didn’t look too flash either. Christ, what the fuck was her mother feeding her because, damn, that kid was all skin and bones.

“Thanks, Scott. Mum wouldn’t take him to the vet,” she admitted reluctantly.

“Yeah, I bet,” I said, stopping myself from saying anymore. This kid knew deep in her soul what a crappy fucking hand she’d been dealt, with her mother; she didn’t need me pointing it out. “Okay, let’s go and get him fixed.”

The relief that washed over her face was clear but I didn’t acknowledge it. Lisa didn’t like attention and she didn’t like people stating the obvious. She was just trying to get through life with as little interruption from others as she could, and I for one, got that. So, I settled her and Monty in my car and we drove to the vet with little conversation passing between us. I think that’s why she and I had the kind of relationship that we did; she appreciated my lack of intrusion into her thoughts and I dug her lack of fucking melodramatics.

As we pushed through the door of the vets, she gave me a quick smile. Blink and I’d have missed it, but I didn’t. She needed reassurance so I gave it to her; I plastered a smile on my face that could have lit a fucking Christmas tree. And fuck me, she saw it and gave me one back. This kid never smiled. Jesus, someone needed to give her some love.

I took my attention off the kid and directed it to the vet’s front desk. My dick jerked when I took in the blonde behind it. Christ, she was a fucking knock out. Long, wavy blonde hair that covered her tits; and they were great tits from what I could tell. Problem was, they were covered up with a white tank top and a shitload of necklaces. And that tank wasn’t a low cut one like most of the chicks I met wore, so her assets weren’t completely on display. As she continued talking to her customer, I angled my head to try and get a better view. Oblivious to the world while I did this, I missed it when she finished up with him and sent her gaze my way.

“You want me to take it off?” she asked, mild irritation in her voice.

I smirked, “Sure. Go right ahead.”

She shook her head and sighed, looking at Lisa. “Because there are children around, I’ll refrain from saying what I want to say.” Then she turned her attention to the cat, “Oh, poor baby. Pass him here, honey,” she said to Lisa who was gripping onto Monty with all her might.

Lisa hesitated, so blondie walked around from behind the counter to come and stand next to her. She knelt down so they were eye to eye, and asked, “What’s happened to him?”