Windwitch (The Witchlands #2)

To my wifey, Rachel Hansen: I never could have reached The End without your help. Thank you. (P.S. The hand flex is for you. P.P.S. Make haste!)

I must also thank, from the bottom of my heart, some amazing writer/reader friends. When I called, you immediately answered: Amity Thompson, Erica O’Rourke, Mindee Arnett, Melissa Lee, Leo Hildebrand, Akshaya Ramanujam (Aks Murderer!), Madeleine Colis, Savannah Foley, Kat Brauer, Elise Kova, Biljana Likic, Meredith McCardle, Leigh Bardugo, Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman, Elena Yip, and Jennifer Kelly. (Like I said, this book took a village.)

Oh yeah, and to Erin Bowman and Alexandra Bracken—I have only one word for you: #cattleprod.

For my friends at Fabiano’s, especially Sensei Jon Ruiter and Sensei Brant Graham, thank you for letting me beat you up in the name of a good fight scene.

For my dear, dear #Witchlanders, you are my patronus. Real talk here: you are my guardians against the darkness. You’re the reason I keep writing every day, the reason I didn’t give up even when this book almost killed me, the reason I want to tell this story at all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

For Mom and Dad, you’re my heroes and always have been. I aspire every day to be more like you.

And finally, to David and Jenn: Sorry I wasn’t always the best big sis. Like Vivia, it took getting comfortable with myself before I could get comfortable with you. I hope you know though, that I will do anything for you—yes, even plummet to my death in a valley filled with seafire. Though let’s avoid that if we can.