Wicked Abyss (Immortals After Dark #18)

The storyteller noticed that her audience had grown, and she was pleased that her listeners clamored for the ending of her tale. She told them: ‘You see, our truehearted fairy princess and that cunning dame of darkness clashed—figuratively—and became one: a fitting mate for an adoring beast king with two faces. She would be his consort of Pandemonia, and he would be her consort of Sylvan, two united halves of one whole—for the betterment of all elven-and demonkind. And they lived happily ever (after a bitch of an Accession) after.’ The moral of the story is that the Sylvan fey just allied with Pandemonia and the M?ri?r.”

The Valkyries who’d gathered to listen to N?x’s tale exchanged looks, then broke into heated discussions about this development.

“But all fey are our staunch allies!”

“This is how alliances crumble: one power at a time!”

“I would do the dragon. What? Don’t fucking judge me.”

“Why would N?x aid them?”

“We must take back Sylvan before this hell queen solidifies her rule!”

Amid the chaos, N?x rose and slipped outside. Gazing up at the stars, she whispered, “Your move, Orion.”