What If

Sometimes you don’t even know the book you’re meant to write until someone pushes you in that direction. First and foremost I want to thank my editors at Entangled, Karen Grove and Nicole Steinhaus, for wanting Griffin’s book as well as helping make my words shinier and prettier than I knew they could be. And big thanks to Brittany Marczak for my gorgeous cover. I’m pretty sure you found the photo the tourist took of Griffin and Maggie by the Christmas tree in Chicago. To my agent, Courtney Miller-Callihan, thank you for joining me on my Entangled journey. Then there’s Griffin, the guy I intended as a secondary character in book one, the obvious wrong choice, but he so didn’t listen. Isn’t that just like Griffin, though? I’m so glad his voice never shut down and that he found his way to Maggie. Griffin deserved his happily ever after, and I’m so happy to have given him one.

Natalie Blitt, this book would not have made it through the initial drafting stages without your amazing edits and encouraging love notes. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m never letting you go. FYI, you are stuck with me for life. Lia Riley and Megan Erickson, thank you both for falling in love with Griffin as much as I did. Your thumbs-up responses mean everything, as does your friendship. I’m so lucky to have you in my corner. Jennifer Blackwood, my agent sister and mini me, your support via Facebook, Twitter, email, gchat, and phone (plus various forums, groups, and newsletters) is a must in my writing life. Thank you for always being only a form of social media away. Lex Martin, we started this crazy journey together, and I will always have you to thank for saying for the first time, “I wrote a book.” Think of where we were when we met and where we are now. Pretty incredible. So much love for all you talented girls!

I’ve met so many writers on this journey whose work I admire and adore, and one of them is the fabulous and gracious Rachel Harris. Thank you for reading and loving my little book and for taking the time to blurb it. Your support means so much.

I’ve found some of the best, most supportive fellow New Adult writers in our NA 14 group. I shower you all with BUCKETS of love. I’m so grateful to get to hang with all of you. Without you, I’d never be able to make epically inappropriate teaser images. What can I say? We’re a good team. T-Rex hugs for all!

Jen Vincent, thank you for our always focused Starbucks writing dates…and for getting me hooked on Cool Lime Refreshers. Can’t wait for our “after” picture!

Thank you to my family, especially my husband and kids, for forgiving the fact that if I’m awake (which is me most hours of the day), I most likely have writing work to do. You accept my laptop as one of my vital organs, and on top of that, you still think it’s pretty cool that I make books. I couldn’t make ’em without you. Love you all.

Readers—especially those of you who read all the way to here—thank YOU for showing me it’s never too late to chase the dream.

About the Author

A.J. Pine writes stories to break readers’ hearts, but don’t worry—she’ll mend them with a happily ever after. As an English teacher and a librarian, AJ has always surrounded herself with books. All her favorites have one big commonality—romance. Naturally, her own books have the same. When she’s not writing, she’s reading. Then there’s online shopping (everything from groceries to shoes) and, of course, a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires, from Eric Northman to the Salvatore brothers. And in the midst of all of this, you’ll also find her hanging with her family in the Chicago burbs. Her first New Adult novel was If Only, also published with Entangled Publishing.

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