Viper's Kiss (Back Down Devil MC #8)

For now.

He rolled and pulled Victor on top of him, wanting to beat the fucking life out of the guy. He looked Victor in the eyes and then saw Georgie appear, standing over both of them. Georgie grabbed Victor by the hair and pulled him. Victor moved to his knees and before anyone could speak a word, Georgie took out a gun and put it to Victor’s head.

Jett hurried to get the knife off the ground and slammed it into Victor’s gut as Georgie pulled the trigger. And just like that, Victor was finally fucking dead.

Jett kicked back and reached for Lena. She collapsed into his arms and started to cry.

“Please,” Angelo kept crying. “Oh, please…”

“That was a long time coming,” Georgie said.

Jett held the knife out in Georgie’s direction. “You do what you have to do, Georgie. But we’re not going down without a fight.”

“I know that,” Georgie said. “That’s why I came today. Victor called me about all this. He was not given my blessing for any of this. And I came to solve the problem. And then rightfully apologize on my behalf and the behalf of the family. He’s gone now. There’s no worry. I’ll make sure it’s taken care of. Angelo will get his money back.”

“Then you fucking go,” Jett said. “You stay fucking gone unless we need you.”

Miller stood from his chair. He threw an elbow and hit the guy behind him in the face. Gaige and Blaine did the same thing. And now Back Down Devil was in complete control of the situation.

Jett got to his feet, his arms tight around Lena.

“You know,” Georgie said. “We can take her if we want. She’s part…”

“Of this family,” Miller said. “You want her? You take us out.”

Jett grinned and nodded. “That’s right. She did this, Georgie. She helped all this. She was brave enough to take on Victor, alone. And you know what he did to her? He had one of his goons knock her out and left her for dead.”

Georgie nodded. “Then I guess we’ve had some common interests in this.”

Miller stepped forward. “From one leader to another…” Miller offered his hand. “Shake my hand and take that piece of shit dead body out of here.”

It was a bold statement to make, ordering Georgie around.

But the old man grabbed Miller’s hand and shook. He then spouted orders to his guys and the collected Victor’s body.

Once they left the restaurant, everyone started to look around.

“Jesus Christ,” Miller finally said. “That guy was hustling you, Angelo?”

“He threatened me,” Angelo said, now on his feet. “Said he’d take Stacey if I said anything. It was just a little money…”

“But he wanted more. More money. More power. More everything,” Jett said. “Fucking hell, man. That’s why we’re here.”

“It’s done now,” Miller said. “How about something to eat? Anyone know a decent restaurant?”

Everyone let out a forced, and needed, laugh.

“I can eat,” Blaine said, his eyes locked to Stacey. “I know exactly what I want…”

“Here we go,” Jett whispered. He then looked at Lena. He cupped her face. His hands were bloody. His shoulder was still on fire. “You’re fucking amazing, Lena. Brave. Strong. Beautiful. The exact kind of woman I need to keep my in life.”

“I’ll stab you if you get out of line,” Lena said with a grin.

“Hey,” Miller said to both of them. “We’ve been wanting to meet with Georgie for years. And you managed to pull it off. You want to hang around and put up with this asshole, Lena?” Miller put a hand to Jett’s back. “Then he’s all yours.”

“He’s all mine,” Lena said.

They stared at each other again.

Jett kissed Lena and she tasted just as good as the first time.

“I need to get you back to my place,” Jett said. “Show you what the start of forever feels like.”

“I think you need a hospital first,” Lena said and gently touched his shoulder.

Jett gritted through the pain. “Yeah, right. Whatever gets me in a bed with you.”

“Did someone say hospital?” Blaine asked. “Nurses? I’m ready…”

“What about Stacey?” Gaige asked.

“She can come too,” Blaine said. “The more, the merrier. My cock is big enough…”

“I’m sorry about him,” Jett said. “Always ruining these moments.”

“Do you want hot nurses too?” Lena asked.

“No, beautiful,” Jett said. “I’m good with what I’m staring at right now.”

“Which is…?”


“You say things like that and I’m going to fall for you.”

Jett smiled. He kissed her again. Blood all around. The restaurant a mess. Right in the town of Frelen, where Back Down Devil MC lived and took care of. Nobody came in and left without a fight and without a lesson learned.

Jett stroked Lena’s cheek with his thumb. He rested his forehead to hers.

“Don’t worry, beautiful, you can fall for me all you want… I’ll be right there to catch you.”