The Friends We Keep

Courtney bent down and kissed Joyce’s cheek then straightened, turned and ran smack into Kelly Carzo—waitress and, until this second, a friend.

Kelly, a pretty, green-eyed redhead, tried to keep hold of the tray of coffee mugs she’d been carrying, but the force was too great. Mugs went flying, hot liquid rained down and in less than three seconds, Courtney, Joyce and Kelly were drenched, and the shattered remains of six mugs lay scattered on the floor.

The restaurant had been relatively quiet before. Now it went silent as everyone turned to stare. At least there were only a couple of other customers and a handful of staff. Not that word of her latest mishap wouldn’t spread.

Joyce stood and scooped Sarge out of harm’s way then ordered Pearl to move back. “What is it your sister says in times like this?”

Courtney pulled her wet shirt away from her body and smiled apologetically at Kelly. “That I’m pulling a Courtney. You okay?”

Kelly brushed at her black pants. “Never better, but you are so paying for my dry cleaning.” “I swear. Right after I help you with this mess.”

“I’m going to get changed,” Joyce told them. “The prerogative of being the owner.”

“I’m really sorry,” Courtney called after her.

“I know, dear. It’s fine.”

No, Courtney thought as she went to get a broom and a mop. It wasn’t fine. But it sure was her life.