The Convent's Secret (Glass and Steele #5)

My jaw dropped open. She wouldn't mind? People did it all the time? Perhaps people in her circle did, but not in mine. Sometimes, I wondered if we lived in the same world with the same rules.

Masculine footsteps thudded across the carpet then stopped abruptly. "Patience, let me explain two things to you." I had to strain to hear Matt, his voice was so quiet. "Firstly, I believe in the sanctity of marriage. When I do marry, I will not take a mistress. Secondly, India will be no man's mistress. Not even mine."

My chest pinched and tears burned my eyes.

"You would rather not have her at all?" Patience asked, incredulous. "Have you asked her what she wants?"

I thought he wouldn't answer, at first. "Her responses have been open to interpretation. I've been living in hope, more than anything, and trying to guess her feelings." He grunted. "As any man can attest, it's not easy to guess what is in a woman's heart."

But I told him I wouldn't say no if he asked me to marry him.

Oh. I was beginning to see his point. I'd been clear that I would marry him, but not that I loved him. To him, one did not equal the other.

"You don't deserve this, Patience," he said, "any more than India or I do."

"And yet it must be," she said heavily. "I will try to be a good wife. Perhaps, in time, you can accept me as a fair substitute."

"Christ," I heard him mutter then apologize for his language.

Fabric swished as Patience moved. "Thank you for seeing me, Matt. Perhaps the next time we meet will be at the altar."

I moved into the shadows behind a tall urn. Matt and Patience emerged, but instead of going to the front door, they went upstairs. I took the opportunity to sneak through the hidden door the servants used to travel between floors. I remained there, however, unsure what to do next.

A moment later, I heard both Lady Rycroft and Miss Glass, along with Matt and Patience. So the elderly sisters-in-law knew about this meeting. Indeed, they'd sanctioned it. I felt entirely on the outer and somewhat betrayed by Miss Glass. Although I knew her feelings on the matter, it still hurt that she chose Patience over me.

The front door opened and closed, and I heard Miss Glass tell Matt it was for his own good.

"No, it's not," he growled back. I'd never heard him raise his voice to her before. "Don't bring this up with me again, Aunt. I don't want to argue with you."

His footsteps raced up the stairs. I climbed the narrow service stairs to the floor that housed Matt's study. I knocked lightly on the door, only to receive a curt "Come in."

"Am I disturbing you?" I asked.

He slumped back in his chair and smiled. "I thought it was my aunt. Is Willie all right?"

I nodded and closed the door. "I have a confession to make."

He arched a brow. "Am I to be your confessor?"

I skirted the desk and stood beside his chair. He peered up at me through long, dark lashes, an uncertain smile on his lips.

"I listened in to your conversation with Patience."

The smile vanished. "India…" he purred, low in his chest. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"Why? Because now I know for certain that your uncle has forced your hand? Because I also know that Patience will accept you? Or because I know that you love me?"

He lifted a hand and stroked my jaw. "You didn't know? I'm sure I told you."

"It's not simply a matter of telling me you love me or buying me gifts. You told Patience that you would never make me your mistress. It may sound strange to most people, but it shows me that you love and understand me."

"I see," he said thickly. "So what happens now?"

Feeling brazen, I sat on his lap and cupped his face in my hands. "Now I show you that I love you too."

"You do? Love me, I mean?"

"Yes. Very much."

His eyes turned smoky. "And how are you going to show me?"

I kissed him, deeply and completely, and he responded by thrusting his fingers into my hair, dislodging the pins. My heart soared. I felt as though I would burst from my skin it was so tight and hot. We had kissed before but this time there was no hesitation, no testing or teasing, just unadulterated desire. I'd never felt more alive. This was how magic should feel, like my veins were glowing and I was alight from within.

We only parted when we both needed air.

"I am yours, India," he murmured against my lips, "and I will marry you."

I pulled away to look at him properly. He was flushed and rumpled and oh so handsome. Yet his eyes held a measure of sadness as he regarded me with an intensity that penetrated to my bones. "You'll tell Lord Rycroft that you refuse?" I asked.

"I can't do that."

"Because your uncle will confine Patience and her sisters to the estate? Are you worried she'll never have a chance to find a husband?"

He looked away. "She needs to escape her family." It wasn't the entire reason he was agreeing to the union. It couldn't be.

"I do feel sorry for her," I said. "But there's something else, isn't there? Something your uncle has threatened to do that's worrying you more than Patience's future?"

Still he would not meet my gaze. "I can't tell you that. Not yet. But I can tell you that I won't marry her. I will get out of this arrangement."

I sighed. "So what happens now?"

"I don't know yet." He finally looked at me. He smiled. "Perhaps another kiss will help me think of something."

Of course, I could not deny him.


C.J. Archer's books