The Billionaire's Secret Babies

I can’t wait to tell him, if I’m right.

It’s a quick walk to the drug store. An even quicker walk home, and then just a few minutes in the bathroom. My stomach turns itself in knots the whole time, and I can feel my palms tingle with nervous sweat.

It’s fine, I tell myself. No matter what the results are, we’re happy. The twins, Cassius and I are the happiest family I could ever have asked for. The last 9 months with him have been the best in my life. I couldn’t ask for more.

But we might have gotten it anyway.

Sure enough, a couple of minutes later, the answer to my question lights up on the tiny white stick. Pink plus sign.

I breathe out slowly, my heart racing even faster now. I want to shout for joy. Jump up and down, punch the air, scream out our happiness to the world.

But first, there’s someone I need to share this with.

It feels different than my first time, of course. With the twins, I was ecstatic, thrilled beyond words that the procedure worked. But I saw it coming. I knew it was happening. It was planned, from start to finish—except, of course, for the double-babies rather than one.

Even so, it felt like a plan, something I went for. This, though, it feels like something else.

A miracle.

I pad into the room and find Cassius reading. He has his reading glasses on, which are sexy as hell on him. And good. Those will help.

I tiptoe up to the bed. Slowly climb onto it, until I’m poised over his hips.

“Hey there Daddy,” I say.

He glances up at me over the rim of the reading glasses. Hot professor look, right there. I could eat him up.

But he’s annoyed that I left him earlier. He’s going to make me work for this. “Welcome home, mama,” he says, but then looks right back at his book, pretending he’d rather read than fuck me.

But when I run a hand up his inner thigh, I find him already hard for me. I grin. “Playing hard to get tonight?”

“Turnabout is fair play,” he responds, turning the page.

“True. But I think you’re going to want to pay attention for this.”

His eyes flash to mine, playful, and he sets the book aside slowly. He leaves the glasses on. “Oh, am I?”

“Yes.” I reach up and slip the small white stick into his hand. “Daddy all over again,” I add.

His brow creases. He doesn’t seem to understand. He looks at me, at the stick in his hand, back at me. Then he sits up in bed, alert at once, and holds the stick up to the light.

When he looks at me again, his eyes are wide with wonder, excitement. “Is…” He pauses, his voice choked with emotion.

I’m tearing up too, I realize. Watching him realize this is one of the best moments of my life. One of the most rewarding things that has ever happened to me.

“Is this what I think it is?” he asks in a whisper.

All I can do is nod. My throat is too choked with joy to speak.

Next thing I know, his arms are around me, crushing me to his chest. We’re both crying, kissing, laughing, kissing again.

“How?” he keeps asking me, his eyes wide and wild, like a kid in a candy store. Unable to believe his luck. Our luck.

Our family is going to get one baby bigger.

Or who knows? Knowing our luck with the twins, maybe two.

I laugh and kiss him, hard, on the mouth. “Congratulations,” I whisper to him, and he strokes my hair, gazing at me in that way he has, like I’m the most precious, magical thing to ever happen to him.

“Thank you,” he whispers back. Then we’re kissing again, slower, more intent.

He lays back and pulls me on top of him again, straddling his waist. The whole while, we don’t stop kissing, lost in each other, our lips molded perfectly together.

We shove the sheet aside, and I trace his perfect body once more. That beautiful chest, sculpted abs, sexy V-line leading straight to his thick, juicy cock. I want to lick him, suck him off, but he has other ideas right now. He lifts my hips up, positions himself beneath me.

I’m wet as hell just from touching his naked body, seeing him so eager and hungry beneath me.

“I put a baby in you,” he murmurs, his voice still reverent, awed, as he runs his cock between my legs, up and down my slit, from my ass up to my clit and back, slowly. “I can’t wait to watch your belly swell with our baby.”

“I’m yours, Cassius.” I kiss his neck, his earlobe, his scratchy jawline, his lips. His tongue slides into my mouth, exploring, and I groan faintly into his mouth.

He draws away just far enough to smile up at me, eyes dark with lust once more. “And I’m yours,” he assures me, as he positions his cock under me, and slides inside me, holding my hips up over him.

I ride him, slowly at first, pulling my body up and down, feeling his cock spread my pussy wide. Thinking about how he fucked me pregnant, how amazing it will feel to swell with his seed. He tightens his grip on my hips, almost painful, guiding me as I ride him. Controlling the speed, bucking his hips under me faster and faster until he’s fucking me from below, driving into me as I lean over him.

His thumb circles my clit, zeroes in on that sweet spot as a familiar wave of heat rushes over my body. I lean back, giving him better access, feeling his cock graze the front wall of my pussy, right over my G-spot. His thumb keeps working my clit, his cock pumping inside me, and my whole body tenses.

“Fuck, Cassius, I’m going to come,” I gasp.

“That’s right.” He watches me, savoring it. “Come on my cock, you dirty girl. Come for Daddy.”

My head falls back as I groan aloud. The groan turns into a loud cry as he keeps fucking me, never letting up on my clit.

“Fuck fuck fuck,” I hear myself saying, hardly aware of my mouth moving, as the wash of ecstasy hits me. All I can feel is Cassius, his hard body under me, his hand on my pussy, his other hand gripping my ass. I smell the hot scent of sex in the air, taste his mouth on my lips. It doesn’t take long before he’s coming too, growling in that way he has that always sets a fire in my belly, low and animalistic.

He thrusts up into me as he comes, and I feel his hot, sticky cum inside me, my pussy clenching hard around his shaft, loving the sensation, the feeling that led to this whole wonderful life we have.

He gave me my babies. Now he’s given me another, and the perfect man to share it with.

I collapse in his arms, both of us spent, wrapped around one another in sweat-soaked joy.

I couldn’t ask for anything more in the world than this.


Penny Wylder's books