The Art of Not Breathing

Elizabeth Bewley, my meticulous, dedicated editor at HMH, for your incredibly detailed revision notes, for brilliant suggestions, and for being a champion of Elsie from day one; HMH designer Cara Llewellyn, who came up with the beautiful cover design, along with hand-lettering and art from Connie Gabbert; Nicole Sclama; Ann Dye, Meredith Wilson, Mary Wilcox, and Betsy Groban of HMH, for everything you’ve done and will continue to do; Becky Walker and Anne Finnis at Usborne in the UK, for totally getting it, for your amazing insight, and for being a voice of calm in response to my panicked emails; Hellie Ogden, agent extraordinaire, for seeking me out, for your unrelenting enthusiasm, for making me do endless revisions, and for finding this book a home—simply put, you’ve changed my life.

Thanks also to the Janklow and Nesbit crew on both sides of the Atlantic, in particular Kirsty Gordon in the UK and Stefanie Lieberman, for finding this book a home in the U.S.; my fellow Birkbeckers who read and encouraged me during the first draft (your comments about it being a bit morbid were noted—honestly); my Birkbeck tutor, Julia Bell, for noticing the story’s potential and giving me the confidence to write it; the apneists, for your world records and breathtaking YouTube videos; all friends and family whose special occasions I missed because I was in writing lockdown—thank you for understanding; my mum, for being my best book friend and for hoarding so many books; my dad, for allowing her to hoard and secretly enjoying it. Thanks to both of you for everything (not just the book stuff). And finally, Peter, for being my number-one reader, encourager, and supporter, and for never doubting. I couldn’t have written this book without you.

Sarah Alexander's books