Taking Connor

Amy Donnelly, thank you for editing and working with me in a tight timeframe. You really came through for me, and I am so grateful. I heart you hard.

J, thank you for your encouragement and for always pushing me. Your optimism and move on attitude is inspiring. I’ve really needed that in my life. I love when you find the best things, and you weren’t even looking for them. Ti amo!

Kari with Cover to Cover Design. Yesss!!!! Love this cover. You did an amazing job! Thank you a million times over.

Tami from Integrity Formatting. Dude. You are awesome, mate. Thank you for pushing this one through on the heels of your vacation. I am so grateful!

And to the bloggers. Yes, you lovely, lovely bloggers. What would we authors do without you? People think writing the book is the hard part. Nope. Getting people to buy it is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. Thank you for reading, promoting, and sharing my work. I am forever grateful.

Gracey, a.k.a, middle spawn. Little girl, you amaze me every day. I hope by sharing some of what we went through together it might help another family take a closer look at their own child and maybe catch the signs of autism early. It’s been a long road, and you’re only five right now, but we’ve got this. I will fight with you and for you every step of the way, because you, countless times, have shown me no one can set limitations on you. Autism does not define you in any way. Sometimes, I wish I could see the world through your eyes. Sometimes, you look so in awe of something, and I just want to know what you see or how you see it. I love you a million times over, Popeye. Thank you for teaching me what real determination is.

To my eldest spawn and youngest spawn, Jackson and Brey. Dudes. You’re awesome, and I’m so grateful for your love and understanding. I know it’s hard when Mommy is working, and you want to play, but you guys are champs and let me get it done. I love you both to the moon and back.

B.N. Toler's books