Son of the Cursed Bear (Sons of Beasts #1)

“Mmm, I like when you say bad words,” Nox murmured against her ear, then plucked gently at her sensitive earlobe.

“We should come up with a name for our crew,” Torren said. He was grinning now, like he was having fun pissing Vyr off, too.

“Purple Velociraptors,” Nox said immediately. “Purple is Nevada’s favorite color, and Velociraptors are cool. I’ve given this some thought.”

Vyr stared at him with his mouth hanging open.

“What?” Nox asked rudely, then flipped him off.

Nevada pursed her lips against the laughter that was clawing its way up her throat.

Torren chugged the rest of his beer and dropped the bottle into the yard like a litter-bug. He turned to them, crossbow resting casually against his shoulder. “It needs to be something badass.”

Vyr scoffed and stooped to pick up the bottle. “How about the Crew of a Million Bad Ideas?”

Nox said, “Hmm,” and twitched his head like he was impressed, but Torren frowned and said, “Veto.”

“What about Sons of Beasts?” Nevada asked softly, wrapping her arms around Nox’s waist as he rocked her side to side. She’d missed him all day.

They all got quiet, and stared at her. It was Vyr who responded first. “Huh.”

“I’m just saying, this would be a pretty cool crew,” Nevada sang. “The Son of the Cursed Bear, the Son of Kong, and the Son of the Dragon? Bad boys of Damon’s Mountains, all linking up to wreak havoc.”

A soft rumble rattled against her cheek from Nox, and it sounded pleased as punch. “My mate is a thousand times smarter than you two.”

“And what about you?” Vyr asked Nevada, seriousness tingeing his words. “Where do you fit into the Sons of Beasts Crew?”

“I’m the daughter of no one now. I’m starting over, so the name suits me just fine. You didn’t see me before, when I stumbled over words, and couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. I still can’t talk easy outside of you three. Something about this,” she said, gesturing to the four of them, “makes me feel okay. Makes me feel strong. Where do I fit? I’m the one that’s gonna keep you three from ending the world. I’ll be a secret heroine. I’ll pee on you whenever you need it,” she promised Vyr. She slid a smile to Torren. “And I’ll keep you and Nox from shooting each other.” Finally she looked up at Nox. “And you…I’ll make you happy and keep you steady, like you do for me.”

“Sold,” Nox said with the biggest, proudest grin she’d ever seen on him. “Let’s pledge or bite, or kick each other’s asses or whatever to make this crew. I have things to do and those things include—”

“Please don’t say it,” Vyr said tiredly.

Nox arched his eyebrow. “Nevada.”

Vyr sighed and muttered, “I strongly dislike my life.”

Torren cracked his knuckles, looked at Nox, and said, “Yes.”

“Yes what, you weirdo? Even I suck less at conversation than—oooooh.”

Torren stood straighter, his massive shoulders puffing out. “Yes, I’ll be your friend. But you’re still a dick, and I still mostly hate you. And we’re still gonna fight. A lot.”

In an awed voice, Nox whispered, “You do speak my language.”

“Fiiine,” Vyr muttered. “We’re a crew. For now. But I’m not biting you fuckers because you probably taste like cheap beer and bad decisions.”

Oh, this crew was a mess. They liked to break rules, had unmanageable animal sides, and a mountain of issues between them. But they were also growing something amazing. Nevada didn’t even think the boys realized it, but she could practically see their bonds forming. And Nox, her Nox, was finally finding the friendships he’d always wanted.

Hell was coming for them. That much was for sure and for certain. She didn’t know why the humans were waiting to bring Vyr in, or why Damon had stopped pestering Nox to bring his son to the electrified gates of that shifter prison. It was way too quiet, but forming a crew would give them more protection. Sons of Beasts against the world. This was their home base, their stronghold. This crew could take them all straight to Hell in a handbasket, or turn into something great, it was impossible to tell.

But for Nevada, the risk was worth it.

“You’re happy,” Nox murmured. “I can feel it.”

She smiled up at him and leaned into his touch when he brushed the scars on her cheek. The scars that had given her freedom. The scars that had given her Nox and this moment with her crew. Her. Crew. “Tell me the L-word.”

Nox’s gaze dipped to her lips before he leaned down, sipped her softly, then ran his face against the side of hers, scratching her with his short whiskers. When his mouth was right by her ear, he said, “I fucking love you.” She could feel the smile just from the swell of his cheek against hers.

Foul-mouthed man. Damaged, loner, prankster, hot-as-fire, perfectly flawed man.

He was a disaster.

He was a masterpiece.

Nevada bit his neck gently, right over the claiming mark she’d given him. A scar that hadn’t meant anything before Nox came into her life, and now meant everything. In a whisper, she said, “I fucking love you, too.”

Nox chuckled a deep rumbling sound and cupped her cheeks, eased back to search her eyes. His thumb stroked the scars on her face again. He did that a lot. He worried. “I still hate that you were marked, but I think you look like a warrior. So beautiful. You didn’t back down an inch, did you, little fox?” He swallowed hard. “But tell me you’re okay.”

Her eyes welled with tears, but it wasn’t because she was hurt. They were tears of happiness. Before Nox, she’d been alone. She’d believed mean things about herself. She’d questioned her value. She’d found rock bottom. And now, because of him, she was climbing her way back up, and for the first time in her entire life, she was feeling deep joy.

He’d given her friends in Vyr and Torren. Terrifying friends who were monstrous in a war, but who were gentle and protective of her.

He’d given her confidence just from the way he looked at her, and saw her, and constantly pointed out the things he liked about her. Things she hadn’t thought about before.

He’d given her a desire to work hard and be a better version of herself.

He’d given her his body for protection.

He’d given her freedom.

He’d given her a voice.

He’d given her a future she was excited about.

And now he’d given her a crew—the Sons of Beasts.

She belonged. Finally, finally…Nevada belonged.

She was better than okay.

With an emotional smile, she rested her forehead against his and let him hear every honest note in her voice as she said exactly how she felt. “Because of you, everything’s fine.”