Skin Deep (Station Seventeen #1)

Well that explained how it survived the break-in. “Hell of a rescue plan,” Kellan said, and Isabella released a soft laugh.

“It was teamwork. The profiler told me how to work DuPree in order to get him riled up and make a mistake. Intelligence had me mic’d up with a necklace pendant, and I fed them intel on our exact location through conversation with Franco. Capelli was the real mastermind, though. He’s the one who figured out how to deal with the Shadow.”

Kellan shifted against the pillow at his back. “I was wondering how you got in the door with no warning from the Intercom Guy.”

“Turns out, we didn’t have to out-hack him to out-smart him,” Isabella said. “The guy is a rogue, which means no loyalty. Capelli knew the odds of the Shadow sticking around once he saw all of us swarming the Metropolitan were extremely low, especially if we took him by surprise. We had to get creative with coms, but once he saw us in the lobby, he bailed to save his own skin. Just like Capelli predicted.”

“Did you catch him?” Kellan asked, but she frowned and shook her head.

“Unfortunately, no. But we got both Franco and Rampage as they tried to escape.” A smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “The big guy sang like a canary. He led us right to the flophouse where they’d been keeping the girls. None of them were hurt last night, and we’re working on getting them counseling and rehab services.”

Relief flooded through him, despite the news about the Shadow. “Good. I’m glad.”

“Me too.” Isabella dropped her chin, her eyes flashing with emotion as she stared at the thick layer of bandages sticking out of his hospital gown. “Kellan, I’m so sorry.”

He blinked at the unexpected words. “Sorry for what?”

“I shouldn’t have considered going to DuPree’s without backup,” she said, her voice shaky and soft. “I shouldn’t have even thought about it for a second. I was just so scared he’d hurt those girls that I didn’t stop to think there could be another way. The right way. You knew, and you tried to tell me, but…I didn’t listen. I’m so sorry.”

“But you did,” he said, his own emotions rising as he reached out to grab her fingers with his good hand. “You did listen. You went to Sinclair. You relied on your team,” he said, pulling her close. “I shouldn’t have left you in the first place.”

Isabella shook her head, adamant. “I told you to.”

“Okay, you are kind of feisty.” Kellan reached up to cup her face, loving the feel of her smile beneath his palm as she gave up a tiny laugh. “But I’ll learn to live with it. Come here.”

Maneuvering around all the tubes—damn, there were a bunch of them—they carefully shifted things around to fit her in at his good side.

“So tell me something about you,” she whispered.

Kellan’s emotions answered for him, and he didn’t hesitate. “I’m in love with you.”


Isabella pulled back to stare at him, but he’d never been so sure of anything in his life.

“I’ve been on countless ops, and I’ve run into nearly as many burning buildings, and none of that ever scared me. But the thought of DuPree getting his hands on you”—Kellan paused for a steadying breath before opening up to let his feelings all the way out—“the thought of losing you? That terrified me. I love you, Isabella, and I don’t want to put that emotion in a box. I want to live it, every day. I don’t want be without you.”

“Well good,” she said, her body feeling warm and right and perfect as she held him even tighter. “Because I love you too. I’ve got your back, Kellan. And I’m never going to let you go.”

Kimberly Kincaid's books