Roots and Wings (City Limits #1)

“Now you protest nicknames? So unlike you,” he taunted as he spun around and wrapped his arms around me, pinning me to the counter, and kissing my neck.

“You know this is how that happened, right?”

“I’m sorry. I’m just hungry.” He playfully bit at my neck, and then kissed it some more.

“The food is ready. We’re just waiting on Diana,” I said, but what he was doing was already taking a toll on me, and I stretched my head to the side giving him more.

“Let’s tell them to leave.”

“I think you can wait a few more hours, Dr. Renfro.”

He grunted just like I knew he would. “God, I love it when you call me Doctor.”

“I’ve been a bad patient today. I crunched my way through a whole glass of ice earlier.”

“Stop, you’re killing me,” he said, and in his discomfort, backed up. I held tighter and went on.

“And I didn’t fucking floss. On purpose,” I added seductively.

His eyes flared. He took dental care seriously. Then he leaned in and whispered in my ear. “You know how I feel about that. I think you need another lesson. You and your dirty mouth.”

After dinner was over and everything was cleaned up, Vaughn carried all of my things up to my new half of the closet. Then, dutifully, he inspected my flossing technique and surprisingly approved, but he showed me he could deliver on his word, giving me two orgasms before I fell asleep.

A few days later, when I was unpacking my lure-making things and organizing them on the new workbench he’d built me, I heard him clear his throat behind me.

He was down on one knee with a ring in his hand.

“I’ve been trying to come up with a memorable way to ask you, but, I’m taking your advice and not overthinking it.” He winked and smiled, melting my heart. It was perfect. “Besides, I can’t wait anymore.”

I climbed off my stool, getting down onto the garage floor with him, and held onto his hands as he spoke.

“Hannah, will you give me the privilege of being your husband? Let me be the one to take care of you. To love you unconditionally. To be your partner. Marry me, beautiful? Let’s grow our roots here. In our home. Together. Forever.”

It was soon, and everything was happening minute to minute, but you know what? I didn’t think twice.

Yes was all I got out before he had me swept up in his arms, kissing and reminding me that was where I belonged. I’d never leave him, and I was sure of that.

Sometimes having wings and choosing not to fly away is the whole point, because when you have a love like ours there’s no place you’d rather be.

Thank you to my incredible readers. To everyone who’s bought one of my books, visited me at a signing, added one of my titles to their ever growing TBR, messaged me online, or sent me an email—thank you for allowing me to have this beautiful, crazy life.

To the incredible souls in my reader’s groups, Take the Bait and the Mo Stash, you make the writing experience such a joy.

To my family and friends at home, who still don’t see me even though I promised when I was writing full time I’d pay more attention to them. I’m sorry. I really thought that would work out for you. Hahaha. I miss and love you, even though I’m right here.

To my dear writer friends who motivate and challenge me, you keep me sane. Okay, you keep me as sane as you are.

To Aly, I can’t. You know. You know everything.

To Erin, I can smell your arousal from Texas. You must have loved this book. Very musky.

To Meghan, thank you for generously giving me a great line to use on my cover and for begging me to read this book. It made me feel pretty damn good that you’d want to.

To my beta readers, Bianca, Megan, Natasha, and Rachel, I hope you guys never realize you could totally write your own books. I’d be up a shit creek without you. You invest so much time in my characters that I feel like they partially belong to you.

To Cassy Roop at Pink Ink Designs, thank you for this stunning cover. Although, I’m pretty sure the outside is the best part of this book.

To Lori, my talented and humble editor. You’re so thoughtful and nurturing. You care. That’s what it boils down to—you care. You’ve never made me feel like an inconvenience, even when I am. Also, you’re really good with my words.

To Stacey Blake at Champagne Formats, you always do exactly what you say you will. You over deliver and underestimate your worth. And, you’re awesome.

To Danny, I love you, lunchbox. Fifty5cents. Thanks for always believing I can do stuff. Where in the hell does that come from anyway? ARE YOU MENTAL? Sometimes I think that it’s your belief in me that gets me ninety-nine percent of the way there. You never let me feel like I’ll fail, and I know that even if I do, you’ll still have my back. And, thanks for feeding June when I’m gone. Keep doing that.