Ready or Not (The Ready Series Book 4)

Leslie—I love you. Hard. Oh and I just have one thing to say—Birthday Weekend 2015. It’s happening.

Melissa and Carey—There are too many reasons to list. You keep me sane.

Jovana and Ami—You are my editing wizards and I can’t imagine working with anyone else. Thank you for your devotion and love of my work.

Beta readers—Thank you for always being there to eagerly read my horribly unedited manuscripts and offer feedback and advice. Your help means the world to me.

Bloggers—I wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for bloggers reading, sharing and loving my work. I appreciate each and every one of you more than I can say.

Tara Gonzalez—Worlds Greatest Publicist. That is all.

Kelsey Keeton—Shut up. Just shut your face. Every time I think there’s no possible way you could do any better, you manage to blow my mind again. I love you.

Sarah Hansen—Every day I get a cover from you is like Christmas, and you’re the grumpy little elf that delivers them. P.S. Jamie is mine.

Gabriella and Dusty—Thank you so much for bringing my characters to life. You truly are Liv and Jackson on this cover and I can’t thank you enough.

Stacey Blake—As always, thank you for making the inside of my book look amazing. You are a formatting guru.

Berg’s Book Junkies—You guys bring a smile to my face everyday. Thank you for your neverending support and constant love.

Last but not least, a huge thank you to my readers—both new and old. Thank you for falling in love with my characters, becoming part of their lives and walking this crazy journey with me.

Until next time,


J.L. Berg is the USA Today bestselling author of the Ready Series. She is a California native living in the beautiful state of historic Virginia. Married to her high school sweetheart, they have two beautiful girls that drive them batty on a daily basis. When she's not writing, you will find her with her nose stuck in a romance novel, in a yoga studio or devouring anything chocolate. J.L. Berg is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency, LLC.