Owned & Untamed (Back Down Devil MC #11)

I lowered my mouth down to her left breast and devoured her. My tongue flicked against her nipple. I pulled away using my teeth against her nipple, making her wiggle. That little move was all my cock could take. Our eyes met a second before I started to come. I pulled back, my cock losing control, and then I plowed forward again. Our lips and tongues met and I kissed her as hard as I fucked her as I came. I couldn’t control myself around Belle. My cock craved her body the way my heart craved her love. It was insatiable and I couldn’t get enough. If she were a drug there would be getting off her.

Once we were done, I gently made love to her again, always making sure she felt me nice and slow. I loved the way she came when I fucked her slow. The way her body shuddered and how her insides quivered. The way she latched her mouth to my chest or shoulder, biting at me, jerking her pussy at me, deep down knowing she always wanted it harder and faster. Making love to Belle was my way of torturing her wildest desires.

My tank was dry - for the moment - and I pulled out of her. I climbed off the bed and got dressed.

“Come on, sweetie, I have a surprise for you,” I said.

“What?” Belle asked. “Right now?”

“On the roof on the clubhouse.”

“Are you going to fuck me again?”

I grinned. “Only if you beg.”

Belle laughed and I helped her off the bed. She threw on some PJ’s, which only drove me nuts because she wore no panties and no bra. Just pants and a hoodie. I wanted to fight anyone who caught a glimpse of her like that.

The clubhouse was loud and rowdy. I heard Cash’s booming voice daring someone to take a body shot out of his ass. Then a glass shattered and everyone started to laugh. Looking at me made me wonder how in the fuck I even gave a shit about nights like that.

We climbed the ladder up to the roof. I had a prospect set all the shit up for me. He cleaned up the table and chairs, put down a blanket, brought up some food, and had an ice cold six pack of beer. We were just hours from sunrise and what better way to experience it?

I let Belle sit down first.

There were two bottles of beer on the table, caps already off.

“Have a drink,” I said with a smile.

Belle looked at me weird and then reached for the bottle. She lifted it to her lips, not realizing there was a ring on the neck. It touched her mouth and she pulled the bottle away, the ring falling into her lap.

That’s when I dropped down in front of her and grabbed her hand and the ring.

Belle’s eyes went wide.

She knew what was coming but I was going to ask it anyway. A real outlaw needed a real woman who would become his wife and the mother to his children.

I already knew the answer to my question though. Belle had been mine from the moment we met.

And I would spend the rest of my life saving her because she had already saved me.