Love Thy Enemy (Red Stone Security #13)

Her eyes widened slightly then she shook her head, her expression wry. “I should probably be horrified by that, but I’m so freaking glad we don’t have to worry about him.” She yawned, stretching so that her back arched and her breasts rubbed against his chest again.

He’d been trying to show some restraint. He hadn’t woken her up or pounced the moment he knew she was awake—but his self-control was pretty thin where she was concerned. He wanted to test her slickness then slide right into her. Fuck foreplay right now. He craved being inside Lucy.

Moving his hand lower, he cupped her pussy.

She sucked in a breath, her eyes going heavy-lidded with hunger. “You’re a machine.”

“I can stop if you want.”

“Okay, stop,” she whispered, watching him carefully, a grin pulling at her mouth.

He inwardly smiled. She wanted to play. He slid a finger inside her to find her slick. “You sure about that?” Breathing erratically, she shook her head so he added another finger. “I love you.” The words were out before he could analyze them or try to talk himself out of saying them. He wasn’t used to being vulnerable in front of anyone.

Her dark eyes widened and for a brief moment he worried he’d fucked up by moving too fast, but the smile she gave him was blinding. “I love you too, you sexy, frustrating Russian.”

Relief like he’d never known surged through him, hearing the admission from her. Yeah, she was definitely his.

He nipped her bottom lip between his teeth, keeping his fingers buried inside her but not moving. For now, he just wanted to take his time with the woman he’d fallen in love with. Today had only cemented his feelings for Lucy. When he imagined what it would have been like to be in his brother’s shoes, it clawed him up inside. He would never let anything happen to Lucy, never let anyone take her from him. She was his, and he was hers.

“You’re taking Monday off. We’re going to spend it in bed.”

“Hmm, bossy, bossy,” she murmured. “I’ll take Monday off only if you promise to make it worth my time.” The seductive grin she gave him made his cock jerk.

“I promise you’ll want to call in sick Tuesday too,” he murmured before capturing her mouth fully with his.


Dominique opened her eyes and groaned as she rolled over in Viktor’s huge bed. After the insanity of today even her brain felt tired. The endless questions from the police, going through everything a dozen times, and then the worry that Viktor would somehow be in trouble for killing Shane Hollis was beyond overwhelming.

She’d thought she’d sleep until morning but it was only ten p.m. She’d only gotten about two hours of sleep. Frowning, she sat up in bed, the sharpest sense of disappointment hitting her that she was alone.

Sliding out of bed, she winced at the ache in her face. At least she didn’t have any broken bones, just some bruising from the cuffs and on her cheek. And she and Viktor were alive, the only thing that mattered.

At first she was terrified when she’d learned that Kir, the man who’d kidnapped her, hadn’t been located by the police, but Viktor had stressed that he wouldn’t be a problem to her ever again. It hadn’t been hard to read between the lines and the truth was, she didn’t want to know what Viktor had done to him. She was just glad the guy was out of their lives.

She peeked into his office and found it empty so decided to go exploring. He wouldn’t have left the house. Or she really hoped he hadn’t.

A chill snaked through her as she stepped into the hallway, the wood floor cold against her feet. She knew the chill had nothing to do with the house though—she just couldn’t seem to get warm. Viktor had already had her clothes brought to his place so at least she was in her own pajamas.

The only thing she really cared about was finding Viktor. He’d saved her and she was completely and utterly in love with him. She needed to tell him. It didn’t matter if it was too soon or if he didn’t return her feelings.

After a few minutes she found him in the kitchen, slightly bent over as he pulled something from one of the shelves in the refrigerator.

“That’s a sight for sore eyes,” she murmured, taking in the tight lines of his back and all those beautiful tattoos. The man should never, ever wear a shirt.

He jerked at her voice, a plastic container in his hands as he turned. “You’re awake.” He set it down on the island, hurrying to her side and practically carrying her to the nearest seat at the island.

“I’m okay,” she murmured.

“I thought you’d be out for a while.” Guilt flickered in his gaze. “I didn’t want you to wake up alone.”

“It’s okay, seriously. I’m…actually kinda hungry.”

“I was about to heat up chicken parm. You want some?”

“That sounds amazing.” She’d only been able to stomach a little soup when they’d finally gotten back to Viktor’s place. As if on cue, her stomach growled.