Love Thy Enemy (Red Stone Security #13)

The man rattled off an address but didn’t drop his hand as he continued stroking her cheek. “Don’t you agree she’s got a pretty mouth? I can think of—”

He screamed as Dominique bit his hand, her teeth sinking into his flesh and holding tight. He backhanded her with his free hand. Her head snapped back and the man hit her again. Her head lolled forward and her body stilled.

Raw terror jumped inside Viktor. Cursing, the man shoved his face in front of the screen so that Viktor couldn’t see her anymore.

Viktor growled low in his throat, his hand clenching around his phone. He was going to kill the man. Slowly.

“You have twenty minutes to be at that address. Go in through the parking garage. Bring your brother. Or the bitch dies.”

The screen went black before he could respond.

“It’s a trap,” Abram said, moving into the living room with Lyosha.

Viktor nodded once, agreeing. It had to be a trap. Abram and Lyosha had clearly heard everything and Lyosha was still working away on a tablet.

“I got a location on where he called you from,” he said. “The phone is a burner but it pinged from a property Shane Hollis owns—for now. It’s being foreclosed on. It’s different than the address he gave you. On the other side of downtown. It’d take him more than twenty minutes to get there.”

He had no time to make a decision. “Can you find out what kind of security the place has? The one he called from?” He was already moving toward the front door. They needed to have left ten minutes ago.

“I can try, but it’ll take more than twenty minutes to disable it, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

That was exactly what he was thinking. Hollis, or whoever was under that mask, wanted him to go to a specific address when he wasn’t even there. It had to be a trap. “What about the place he wants us to go to?”

He, Abram and Lyosha spilled out into the hallway, talking as they ran to the elevators. His body was moving on autopilot, his only goal to get to his car and find Dominique.

“It’s…also being foreclosed on. Owned by Hollis too. This fucker is losing everything his family built,” Lyosha muttered.

Viktor’s gut told him to go to the place the phone pinged from. As the elevator dinged at the bottom floor, the doors whooshing open, he looked at his brother, who’d been quiet. “If it was Lucy, what would you do?”

“Go with my instinct—which says the place he wants us to meet him is a fucking trap. Probably rigged with explosives or someone waiting to take us out. I think your girl is at the place his phone pinged from.”

“Me too.” He pulled out his phone again as they hurried into the parking garage of the condo complex Kir had thought was his hideout. He needed to get into that building undetected in twenty minutes and there was only one man he could think of who could make it happen.

It was time to collect his favor from Harrison Caldwell.

Chapter 18

Weapon in hand, Viktor stood outside the stairwell door to one of the top floors of the Hollis-owned building. Lyosha and Abram were silently waiting on the stairs as he confirmed one last time with Harrison that they were good to go.

“We’ve completely taken over the security feeds. The top eight floors aren’t being monitored but there’s no way to know if he saw you infiltrating from the parking garage. From this point forward if he does have security capability, he’ll only see what we show him.” Harrison’s voice was clipped over the phone line.

Viktor nodded at Abram and Lyosha and they moved silently up the stairs. Instead of using the elevators they’d chosen the stairs so they wouldn’t be seen. The building hadn’t been finished—Hollis had run out of money—so there was no security in the stairwells either. Not that it would have stopped Viktor from coming here.

Nothing could do that. “Thank you.”

“I’ve called in a favor to the PD. They’re going to move on the other building as if there’s a bomb threat.”

Which there very well could be. Viktor had no idea what Hollis had in store for him and Abram at the meeting place he’d insisted on. “Wait until I’ve got Dominique safe.” Because if the cops moved in and Dominique was in there instead, or if Hollis got wind of the police involvement, he could kill her.

Harrison snorted. “Contact me in fifteen minutes or I’m sending the cops in.”

Viktor didn’t bother responding, just ended the call and checked to make sure his phone was on silent. This was it. He, Lyosha and Abram were sweeping every floor, starting with the empty four on top.