Instead of You

Ena and Amanda at Enticing Journey, thank you for handling any and all events for this book. Whether it was the cover reveal or the release blitz, or any other event you’ve worked on for me, it was always handled professionally and effectively. You both do a truly awesome job.

To all the writers in my Sprinters group, thank you for being there to push me when I need more words. Most of this book was written knowing I’d have to check in with any number of you, so I kept the words coming. Who knows how long it would have taken otherwise.

Thank you, also, to my uncle who answered all my creepy questions about police procedure when someone is murdered. Having a police officer in the family proved to be helpful…finally. And just as you requested, George Clooney is totally down to play you in the movie.

Finally, thank you to all the readers. This is the best job ever and I couldn’t do it without you!