If I Was Your Girl

For teaching me to love a pluralistic world, for encouraging me to fearlessly express myself, and for accepting me as their daughter, I want to thank my parents, Toby and Karol Stroud. Thanks, too, to my sister Katie, who has always had my back, loved me unconditionally, and is the force that keeps my head on my shoulders. I’ve been blessed with an incredible extended family—thanks to all of you as well, for accepting me when I came out, and for the parts all of you played in getting me here. I also want to thank my children, without whom I never would have had the ambition to try something this difficult. And, finally, there is someone whose influence was integral to the soul inside of this story, and without whose prodding this book never would have been finished: Juniper Russo. Thank you.

Thank you to Joelle Hobeika, for ushering me into this crazy job when I was at one of the lowest points in my life, and for seeing the value of this project when I originally proposed it. Thank you to Sara Shandler, who killed more of my darlings than I could have stomached on my own, and without whom this book would have been a sloppy, self-indulgent affair. And then there’s Josh Bank, who kept us on target, made everything happen, and pushed for that one killer scene (you know the one). The three of you also deserve huge thanks for taking my coming out as gracefully as you did. I also want to thank Sarah Dotts Barley, Amy Einhorn, and the rest of the team at Flatiron Books for seeing the value of a story about a trans girl written by a trans woman, and for listening to my suggestion that we keep trans people involved at every available step. And, speaking of further trans involvement, I also want to thank the absolutely gorgeous cover model Kira Conley for her participation and belief in this project.

And, finally, thank you to the following individuals, without whose faith and support I might not have survived 2015: Miranda Stroud, Ailish Holmes, Matt and Heather Durham, Aria Taibi, Sam Hightower, Kay Popper, Brooks and Jackie Benjamin, John Burke, Beth Kasner, Bridget DuPey, Laura and Lee Palmiero, Ruby Bolton-Murray, February Keeney, Rachel Goodman, and Becca Reeves. You are, all of you, angels.

Meredith Russo's books