I Do(n't)

Let’s see if I can make it through this without forgetting anyone. Probably not, considering I forget at least one person in every book. But hey…at least I’m consistent.

My family…I love you all more than you’ll ever know.

Stephie…I thank my lucky stars every single day that you came into my life. We all know how much better of a person you are after having me as a friend, but you’ve made me a better person too. Either that, or we’re delusional, in which case, I’d rather live in a delusional world with you, my woobie, than real life.

Marlo…my lobster. You are always there when I need it, and I can’t imagine not having you in my corner. I love you more than you know. Your friendship and unwavering support means everything to me.

Kristie…Once upon a time, a whore named Kristie met an angel named Leddy. After a little while, Kristie convinced Leddy to be her friend, because Kristie really wanted to be as cool as Leddy. The end.

My TWOTs…you all fill my days with so much entertainment, support, and amazing friendship. I appreciate each and every one of you!

My betas…Shannon, Heidi, and Stefanie: I may have lost my shit a few (hundred) times, but thank you SO much for sticking with it! This book wouldn’t have been half as good as it is now without you guys!!

Emily…you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Thank you from the absolute bottom of my very large heart! You have been there from the very beginning, and you better be there until the bitter end. If not…I’ll hunt you down. The end.

Josie…thank you for everything you do, and for making my words come to life!

Robin…your covers are like art! I’m so thankful to have you on my team, giving me amazing masterpieces every single time! You’re a freaking rock star!

My girls…Sarah, Julie, and Joy: I couldn’t do this without you guys! I love you all, and am so blessed to have you three in my little corner!!!

Robyn…you talked me off a ledge a few times, and pushed me when I needed it when it came to this book. I’m so unbelievably grateful to have you in my life! Thank you for being you. Soup, salad, and breadsticks means a lifelong friendship!

Bloggers…I am indebted to you for the time you’ve given me. Even for just a share, a like, a post, you’ll never know how much I appreciate it all. So thank you, every single one of you!

My readers…I honestly can’t thank each and every one of you enough for all the support you’ve given me! I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for you. I’d just be a small-town girl, living in a lonely world, who took the midnight train going anywhere…but here. I love you all! Thank you!!

Leddy Harper's books